My Daily "Weighing in"

Share your daily McDougall menus and/or keep a journal describing your personal progress.

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Wed Jul 22, 2020 9:04 am

Yes, I know in my heart that I need to follow MWL all the time. If I stray for just a bit then I stray more and more. Bread has been my challenge right now ....and then there is peanut butter and then there is..... one thing leads to another.

Yes, I need to challenge myself and cut out that bread and then the other things that trail along with it. Once I get that straight then it seems easy, at least for a while.

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby vegyluvver » Wed Jul 22, 2020 9:50 pm

I'm in exactly that place. I talk myself into allowing just a bit of junk and than before I know it I've been eating CRAP for two days solid. I need to get my head back in the game. We can do this.
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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Thu Jul 23, 2020 6:54 am

I woke up just a while ago and got dressed to take a walk. My left foot and ankle are SO stiff ! It has been getting worse lately. I moved that ankle around a bit and flexed my foot to warm it up. I think it is arthritis which was so much better the last year but now I am limping around in the morning and then again in the evening when I am less active. Like Dr McDougall says: "It's the FOOD !" I have to get back to eating the way I was before. The extra weight certainly doesn't help either. I am 15 pounds higher than I was last year.

I will be careful on vacation and then when I get home I will be ready to concentrate on getting my eating back to where it was.

That walk still is going to happen in a few minutes. Walking has become such a routine that it will bother me if I don't get out and do it. My foot/ankle usually feel better after almost a mile so I look forward to that. I may listen to a Dr Lisle talk as I walk. He makes me smile and he motivates me.

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby bunsofaluminum » Thu Jul 23, 2020 10:28 am

Yes! Get your walking in for sure! And you're right about the aches in your joints...once you cut the inflammatory fats and refined carbs it gets so much better. Sitting a lot, too. Oof. That'll slow you right down.

Good idea, having a Dr Lisle lecture in your ears :) keep up the motivation

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Thu Jul 23, 2020 2:52 pm

Thank you Buns ! Yes, I did get out and walk and my foot/ankle feels so much better now. Hope it continues !
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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Thu Aug 06, 2020 3:46 pm

Tomorrow is my first weigh-in for the MWL August group. Will be interesting to see what my weight is. I have tried daily weighing in and weekly and now I just figure weekly is just fine. I am trying to keep my weight as a secondary data point and concentrating on the 10 MWL goals and also any other positive things I have noticed along the way.

After following MWL this week I have noticed more energy the last two days. The days before that I had times when I was tired and needed to sit down and doze a bit in my chair. (Good to know that my husband and I just spent a week on vacations so there was a lot of catching up to do !) There was even one day when I thought I was getting sick but after eating a potato mid-afternoon I felt immediately better and have been good ever since !

This week after vacation I have been stocking up on things I can eat. I cooked potatoes, made rice and beans, lentil soup, sweet potato spinach soup, steel cut oats......anyway, lots of things I enjoy eating. It all helps me to keep on t his path I have chosen for life.

I probably will not journal every day even though the title of my journal is "My Daily Weighing in". I want to concentrate on things in my day I enjoy doing and making time for my art etc. I will post here a couple times a week. What I eat is pretty uninteresting. If I make something really delicious I will let you know otherwise it will be the same old thing.

Right now peaches and corn on the cob are in season here in Michigan so that is what is exciting on my menu this month !

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Fri Aug 07, 2020 10:16 am

I lost 1 pound this week ! Working on behavior change is my goal and this week cutting down on salt is what I am concentrating on. I will try to not give that shaker those couple more shakes each time I use it.

The other thing is eating out...... a big problem for me as I love to try new things. Not sure I will be perfect here but I am sure I can cut out some troublesome things . I already can eat veg pizza without cheese and bean burrito without chips and cheese and I didn't die ! :lol: So we will see how that goes !

Have a good week !
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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Sun Aug 09, 2020 3:01 pm

Ahhhhhh !!! :x I have done so well for almost a week and today when the house was empty I started my old routine of searching. Good thing we have very little snack food in the house but those saltines, bread and peanut butter called me. I was able to feel satisfied after a short time (but who knows how many calories). I stopped and started drinking water.

I tried to analyze this all a bit. Was I hungry? no. Did I feel bored? maybe a little. Did I feel unsatisfied with what I ate for breakfast? maybe a little What could I have done instead? Had a potato? Usually that helps but didn't do it this time. Don't know why. :roll:

So I guess I should have eaten but had a potato or soup or something until satisfied. I have read that we should do that even though it wasn't true hunger.....just to stop the urges. Eating those "other things" only keeps the memory alive of the things I should not eat. :nod:

Anyway, I listened to a couple of podcasts etc on Utube , drank water and now had a salad with many veggies and balsamic vinegar. Listened to a talk by Chef AJ with an owner of Holland Bowls. I am thinking of driving to Holland Michigan to check the place out and maybe purchase one since I DO eat a large salad every day. Chopping up a salad smaller may decrease the amount of vinegar I put on my salad and save me some $$ since I really like gourmet vinegars. Do any of you have a Holland Bowl ? Do you use it?

Since I am working on changing my behavior, I guess I am done eating until I get hungry again and then I will have soup, veggies, potatoes ! :nod: I will try to forget the little incident earlier today and carry on !

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Mon Aug 10, 2020 9:21 am

The rest of the day yesterday went well. This morning I weighed myself (could have been a mistake....or not ) and I lost weight ! I don't know why I stepped on the scale. Maybe to cheer myself up after yesterday. I had felt like I lost weight so it was so nice to see a lower number. That gave me strength to forge ahead. I will not weigh myself until Friday . Like I said, sometimes it messes with my brain. After all, it is behavior change I am looking for. I keep telling myself that and I find I keep my antennae up looking for small changes to make.

I took a 3 mile walk today despite the hot humid weather. It wasn't too bad at 9AM. Watered the flowers, fertilized the roses and saw aphids ! Made up a soap spray and sprayed them. Will keep it up since my roses look terrible right now. One of the changes is to do something in the garden almost every day. It seems to calm me and bring peace and makes me feel accomplished. Another is to do my zentangle drawings almost every day after lunch. I can get engrossed in it but that is good !

Have a good day !

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby bunsofaluminum » Mon Aug 10, 2020 10:56 am

Hi squealcat,

Too bad about that peanut butter and cracker incident :lol: I feel ya. Don't let it become a trigger. I know from experience that peanut butter will slow down your weight loss. But yeah, just leave it behind you.

As for salads, they are easier to eat when chopped. Somehow doing that sort of makes the lettuce less like eating a tree ;-) But if you already enjoy salads with balsamic, you'll probably like them chopped. I am not a huge fan of salads, but chopped I can eat. Sometimes I put my entree on the salad instead of salad dressing. I've never used a Holland bowl, but a chopping board and chef's knife does the job.

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Tue Aug 11, 2020 5:45 pm

Thank you for your input Buns !

Today went really well. Grocery shopping followed by a 2 mile walk, laundry, and a little cooking. Made a delicious soup, mashed potatoes and brussel sprouts ! I have to keep up the cooking to make sure I have things to eat. When I finish the soup, I have to make another , etc.....

No temptations today. I guess I was too busy ! I also did some reading and drawing today. When grocery shopping I declined to buy another peanut butter and no more granola either. I have to have them in the house for my husband but I know myself and if I have plenty, I will eat some knowing that there will be enough for my husband. If there is just enough I won't touch it because I don't want to deplete what we have. I only go shopping once a week ( unless I am REALLY in need).

Not much else for today. Tomorrow I pick up my granddaughter and we will spent some time together. Always fun !

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Fri Aug 14, 2020 7:27 am

I am pleased with my 2.5 pound weight loss this week ! I concentrated on soup, salad or fruit before meals. This morning I had cucumbers and a peach before breakfast and broccoli sprouts chopped up in my oatmeal. Getting used to veggies before or during breakfast but only certain ones.

I have noticed that my feet are not so sore and crampy now that I am back following this way of eating. I think slipping meat, cheese and fats into my day once in a while were messing with me and creating inflammation. Glad I am off all of that. My mood is so much better too ! It is worth it !

Have a nice day !
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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Sun Aug 16, 2020 4:46 pm

I am working on the MWL 10 points this week and thought I would touch on how today went.

Started my day with hash brown breakfast but before that I had some tomatoes, cucumber and a peach. At lunch I started with a very large salad with balsamic vinegar for the dressing. Had whole wheat pasta with a tomato sauce containing butter beans and kale. I got the munchies a little later and tried to stop it with a banana and broke down (just a little) and had a slice of bread with peanut butter and a few crumbles of granola. I talked with myself and stopped. Drank some water. I was really just fine and not hungry.

Dinner will be soup followed by brussel sprouts and a sweet potato or two. I have had two fruits today so hope to stop there.

No exercise today as it is my rest day. Probably 3 miles tomorrow. I walk 5/7 days a week and if you average it out I get more than 30 minutes a day so I call it good.

I try to do the 50/50 plate method and usually have done well with that. I will work on the salt later and really don't add sugar to foods very often, if at all. No animal foods, no oil, yes I did have a slice of bread and peanut butter and a bit of granola, didn't drink my calories, and except for that one spell today I ate when hungry and didn't stuff myself.

There is room for improvement but when I think about the past I realize that I am doing pretty well. I usually have herbal tea when tempted to munch on something. Sundays are a tough day for me as our house is way to quiet . I got some drawing in and reading as well. Not going out to eat tonight.

How are all of you doing? What do you do when you get the urge to eat but are not hungry? I am glad I was able to stop myself when I did. I plan to stop next time BEFORE I eat anything off plan.

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Mon Aug 17, 2020 6:45 am

Well, last night didn't go as planned. I think I was not satisfied with dinner. That happens sometimes. Usually potatoes really help when I feel that way but for some reason I didn't turn to potatoes. I had oatmeal with blueberries and a touch of maple syrup. Before that I had saltine crackers. I used the oatmeal to feel satisfied and it worked but not as well as potatoes usually do. I drank sparkling water after that (that flavored non-sweetened kind).

For today.....I had my steel cut oats and blueberries (preloaded with brussel sprouts) and now I will be out the door in a few minutes for my walk. I hope to get 3 miles in this morning! My walks are my quiet time . I pray, think, and sometimes just zone out and not think about anything. Sometimes I chat with a neighbor along the way but mostly I just walk. There is a turkey that I see along the way. I wonder if he will be there. He looks lonely walking around. I am always happy to see him but sad for him too.

Have a good day ! I plan on it ! :)

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Wed Aug 19, 2020 6:50 am

Sometimes I feel like I won't be able to do this MWL thing. I guess it is because my weight has stayed in this range for so long that I start to lose hope in myself. I try to remember that my goal is just to eat this way day after day and nothing more. Weight loss is a side experience that I will have from following this way of eating. I DO try to remember that but some days it is hard. I want to lose this weight but I have to change my thoughts. I just need to eat my starches, greens and fruit today and then over and over again. Nothing more (except exercise, of course ) .

This morning it is sunny and cool. A perfect day for a walk ! I just had a banana to keep away the hunger until I return from my walk. While I walk I will turn my brain around from feeling helpless to being successful. After all, all I have to do it eat starches, greens and other veggies, and fruit ! That is all. I can find success today.

Do you have days like this?

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