Back on Track and Staying there

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Re: Back on Track and Staying there

Postby healthtrekker » Tue Jul 26, 2011 10:33 am

I'd like to join you! This is my second week on MWL. I need to lose about 60 pounds.

I teach 5th grade and my big challenge will be staying on track when I go back to work in 3 weeks. I'm working now to get routines in place. Tomorrow I have appt with my MD. He McDougalls so he will be helping me, too.

1/2 banana
splash of Silk

snack: nectarine

boiled potatoes
corn and green squash

brown rice
boiled potatoes
pinto beans
squirt of lime juice
large glass of water with sugar free ice tea packet

snack: oatmeal with 1/2 banana and Silk

Are those tea packets that you add to bottled water okay? I'll have maybe one a week as a "treat".

Is it true or a diet myth that the first 5 lbs you lose are all water?
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Re: Back on Track and Staying there

Postby luvdachiess » Tue Jul 26, 2011 10:50 am

Welcome healthtrekker glad to have you. No the first 5 is not all water but it is part water. I don't know about the tea someone else will need to answer that on, Jan Debbie do you know? Your menu looks good and what a great advantage to have your Dr. as a McD as well. =)
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Re: Back on Track and Staying there

Postby luvdachiess » Tue Jul 26, 2011 3:24 pm

Hey Deb ~
Thanks for being here for me. This is where I get really frustrated to say the least. Let's see the stir fry was a frozen package of fire roasted onions and peppers fro TJ, zucchini, mushrooms, crushed garlic, chopped basil, 16 oz can of fire roasted tomatoes no salt added.

When I have the broccoli and beans with rice it is just broccoli, beans and rice nothing else.

I don't think I am eating more beans, it is usually 1/2 cup for lunch and sometimes a 1/2 cup for dinner. Yes I do cook them with no salt added. It might have just been a bug and remember I told you I was not weighing till Friday! :roll: Well, I failed in that. I would have been better off if I would have waited, but I got up and peed last night about 5 times so I thought I would be down and just wanted to see.

I am better now, so we will see what the rest of the week brings. :unibrow: :unibrow:
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Re: Back on Track and Staying there

Postby luvdachiess » Tue Jul 26, 2011 7:07 pm

Yeah I think it was just a bug too. I eat the beans, rice an broccoli all the time in fact almost every day for lunch it is my favorite lunch!! Although today I put a little soy sauce, I know processed, on it, but usually I don't I just eat it plain.

I will probably weigh tomorrow just because today I was up and it frustrated me. =)
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Re: Back on Track and Staying there

Postby janluvs2heel » Wed Jul 27, 2011 12:29 pm

luvdachiess wrote:Ok all, I have had a very upset or I should say gassy stomach since Saturday. =( Yesterday it hurt so bad and I had a headache with it. But I am up 2 pounds today!! :eek: What is up with that, which goes without saying I am now somewhat depressed about it. =( So I want you two to look at what I am eating and tell me why oh, why would I be up. It just seems like I can't get to 150 or below, I get close 151.8 or so and then up I go again. I have been walking 3.2 miles 2 times a week started a few weeks ago, but it does not seem to be helping. Ok, I am on track and staying that way. Funny when I saw Jan lost 7 pounds in a week by cutting out the oil, I thought sweet I am doing that, and not that I ate that much oil any way, but all I have done is gain since I cut out the oil, what is up with that. :crybaby:

I also have more to lose than you, you are way closer to your goal so I am sure that has something to do with it. I know I have certain weights that I have trouble with, getting below them. I think it is in my head but I know others who have that as well. I dont know what the secret is but maybe just try to record your weight, good, bad or inbetween. Don't just focus on that. I do know that sometimes when you aren't feeling good, that can cause weight fluctuation. Hang in there, you will get there. Hope you feel better soon.
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Re: Back on Track and Staying there

Postby janluvs2heel » Wed Jul 27, 2011 2:34 pm

One more thought, Teresa, it looks like you are eating enough food, but I do know I have had times when I did not eat that much during the day for whatever reason & I always assume those should be the weigh ins when my weight would drop the most but that isnt' the case, at least for me. Those are the times when my weight stays the same or I might even show a small gain. I think the largest loss's I have had were when I was eating like 2 potatoes at lunch with veggies, so like double the food, other than breakfast of course. Dont ask me why cuz I dont understand that. There are times when I am just not hungry or I might be out & get off schedule from my eating, sort of like yesterday, I only ate a peach for dinner. My weigh in day is Tuesday though, so I dont know if it affected my weight or not. Just some food for thought.
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Re: Back on Track and Staying there

Postby luvdachiess » Wed Jul 27, 2011 5:25 pm

Thank you Jan for your insight! Funny thing is I was down 3 pounds today, so it was totally a sick weight gain and I felt pretty good all day yesterday and great today. So whatever caused it is gone.

I do understand about not eating enough and I think I am a victim of this often. I was raised by a Mother that would go on 500 calorie diets my whole life so when I became an adult I learned to eat very little. I have not had a huge weight problem, my largest was 20 pounds more then I weigh now, but I would like to weigh less. When I started Weight Watchers years ago, I was one of those people who would say, I just can't eat all my points and mind you a point was about 50 calories so I was to have only about 1200 calories a day and I could not eat that. I have found when I eat more I do better, but today I have failed at that. I met my parents and a couple of their high school friends at The BBQ Pit, anything without meat there, of course not. =) Well actually they do have a small salad, so i had an ice tea and a small salad for lunch. I woke up late and could only have a potato that I found in the frig. for breakfast. So that is it oh and when I got home I had some strawberries and cherries, small handful. So I do need to eat more. I am trying right now to figure out what to have for dinner.

Thank you for listening and give me quite a bit of inside to what I need to do. =)
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Re: Back on Track and Staying there

Postby janluvs2heel » Wed Jul 27, 2011 7:37 pm

Cool, 3 lbs. I wonder why being sick makes us gain. I know when I have had the flu, man, I always feel so light & so emptied. I have to say though, weighing myself has not been on my mind when I have the flu so I can't say if I have gained when I have had the flu. But whatever, at least you are over what you had.

I did Weight Watchers back in the days when it was really hard. I was always starving. No wonder I could never stay on it for very long.

So I am going to write my food down, I have been trying to really drink a lot of water, but when I do that, I find I am not as hungry, but I am getting ready to make a nice big salad. That sounds really good, maybe use a few beans on it.
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Re: Back on Track and Staying there

Postby janluvs2heel » Thu Jul 28, 2011 10:52 am

my hands, fingers & wrists are really sore today, my fingers look like little chubbettes, I have really small hands & short fingers, so when they get swollen, they look really strange. Not sure if I did something yesterday to make them that way, if I did I dont remember. Any suggestions?

Swimming sure sounds like fun, Debbie. I am trying to keep my a/c off as much as possible. I turned it on yesterday around 4 I think. But I open up the windows in my bedroom before I go to bed & it cools off okay outside, so I sleep comfortably. I have a couple fans in the bedroom so that helps, too. Supposed to be 100 or above for the next 4 days, then drop down to 95ish. I am not complaining though. I dont mind the heat that much. 95 is about my limit though, especially when we lose the Delta breezes. Not much of a breeze this am.

Check in with you guys later.
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Re: Back on Track and Staying there

Postby luvdachiess » Thu Jul 28, 2011 3:59 pm

So last night my tummy ache came back! =( And this morning it was still a little bent out of shape! But doing good now. I know processed for lunch. I was driving home and though I would really love a boca and then thought do I want to write it down and decided I did. So there you have it. =)
You both seem to be doing well. I walked this am for 3.2 miles. I walk every Monday or Tuesday and then again on Thursday, each time for 3.2 miles. I need to make it a 6 day a week habit.

I will be back later.
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Re: Back on Track and Staying there

Postby janluvs2heel » Thu Jul 28, 2011 4:05 pm

Sorry to hear that, Teresa. Everyone else in a while, I wont feel good & I dont know why but I want something that isn't necessarily good for me. Sometimes it might be sweet thing, usually not chocolate though. Well, you wrote it down & you were honest. No judging here!!

I have to go put my lunch in, I had a nice big salad. But tonight I am going to have hash browns with onions & mustard. That sounds so good to me.

Hope that it stays gone now!!
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Re: Back on Track and Staying there

Postby luvdachiess » Thu Jul 28, 2011 5:02 pm

Thanks Jan! It seems when I eat something that has a bit more oil in it since I have been trying to follow your lead that I get sick with the bit more oil. Last night it was 5 Almonds!! And thanks I do need to track that, I will go do that as soon as I am finished here. =) So I am trying to stay completely added oil free today and no high oil foods. We will see if that does the trick! If so it certainly will help me to stay away from oil foods. I never fall into eating meat, I have not had any in 6 years. I used to fall for the milk, cheese and egg things, you know only if they are in cakes, cookies and the like. =) But have not done that in quite a while. But things that are vegan ie vegan chocolate, almonds and the like fall into my diet once in a while. =( So even though I am vegan, I am not always McDougalling.
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Re: Back on Track and Staying there

Postby luvdachiess » Thu Jul 28, 2011 11:54 pm

Yesterday I for sure did not eat enough. I was running late for work and I only had 1 potato cooked. So I took it and ate it. I think that completely messed me up and then I did not have lunch till 3:00 pm. So the rest of yesterday and today have been bad. I will go post when I get done here. So I am starting over tomorrow. Well, not really starting over, just getting back on track!! It makes me so made at my self, but from here I just need to move on and move forward.
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Re: Back on Track and Staying there

Postby luvdachiess » Fri Jul 29, 2011 12:06 am

Jan ~ Just my thoughts, but I would not count canned beans as processed. I think they are just cooked, but you can do it however you want. That is just my imput. =)
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Re: Back on Track and Staying there

Postby janluvs2heel » Fri Jul 29, 2011 6:52 am

luvdachiess wrote:Jan ~ Just my thoughts, but I would not count canned beans as processed. I think they are just cooked, but you can do it however you want. That is just my imput. =)

I thought I remembered from the last "processed foods fiasco" that beans were counted as processed for some reason. I dont know, but okay, I wont count them as processed!! :nod:
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