Caroveggie's Journal

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Re: Caroveggie's Journal

Postby Caroveggie » Tue Dec 17, 2013 10:57 am

Thank you Jenna. I will try to get more walking in and be careful what I eat. The first time I began McDougalling, years ago, I lost weight without even trying, very easily. Back then I worked in an office also. But I did generally get more exercise than I've been getting lately. For instance, I've been busing to work instead of walking, sometimes busing home too, and then, not walking at all on my lunch hour and staying home and pretty sedentary after work (I blame the cold..)

I don't belong to a health club right now and don't have plans to join one. Want to save money and I feel I could get walking/jogging in anywhere and also do more than that if I really put my mind to it.

I took today off work because I woke up with a sore neck. I was in a car accident in 2008 and my neck vertebrae is not where it should be. Every so often if I sleep wrong or have bad posture over the computer, my neck hurts pretty bad. So I will take it easy today.

Not sure what I'll eat today but it will all be on plan. :) I will keep you informed.
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Re: Caroveggie's Journal

Postby lemonella » Tue Dec 17, 2013 11:51 pm

You are doing great with your eating and I hope you're not too discouraged by the scale. Think about all the other benefits you're experiencing on this WOE (for me this means better sleep, better skin, a clearer conscience...) - this is what I do when I'm disappointed.

Hope you are able to get more exercise in this week (I will be trying to do the same)!
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Re: Caroveggie's Journal

Postby JT of PA » Wed Dec 18, 2013 2:24 am

Caroveggie wrote:Not sure what I'll eat today but it will all be on plan. :)



Hope your neck heals up quickly and fully. Also, great job with eating well ... your doing it!!!

I like your above statement ... understated strength. :-D

All the best,

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Re: Caroveggie's Journal

Postby Caroveggie » Wed Dec 18, 2013 11:37 am

Thank you for your visits and encouragement. I am happy eating this way because I know it's healthiest and I know I'll soon lose this excess weight. Hopefully sooner than later! Also I notice that when I am very strict about no dairy and low-fat, my "time of month" is much, much easier to deal with. No need to go into detail with that, but it's been proven by one of Dr. Barnard's studies also! :lol:

I am still going strong although I did have fruit roll ups again yesterday. I got some walking in also. I will try to get more walking in again, more than yesterday. I am taking today off again because my neck still hurts.

Yesterday I made aloo gobi again with half a cauliflower. The cauliflower was pretty big. It was a pot-full but I ate it throughout the day and now it's all gone. This morning I had most of a can of chickpeas. I hear it's good to eat protein in the morning because it makes your brain wake up more.. can't remember where I read that though..

Today I'm going to take it easy again although hopefully get more walking in..and I'm in the middle of a couple books. Maybe I'll see a movie.

I'm thinking of going over to Nature's Express restaurant in Berkeley (not today, but some other time soon) least there it's McDougall-safe

Enjoy your day :)
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Re: Caroveggie's Journal

Postby Caroveggie » Mon Dec 23, 2013 3:57 pm

Hi. I am checking in.

This past week has not been the best. Traveling and a bit of laziness started it, and then I found myself eating some restaurant food which I knew wasn't McDougall legit and also a 5+ hour Dicken's fair didn't help. Meat, meat, meat at the fair. I had a falafel at a Greek stand (which had yogurt in it and fried chickpeas) and some buttered popcorn. Should have prepared but my schedule was tight with traveling and staying at my parent's.

Anyway, I am getting back on track but I don't want to weigh myself tonight! I don't want to get depressed.

Also, I'm coming down with a sore, painful throat and a general feeling of illness. :-(

I will check in again once there's some good progress to report. I did find an article about a man who ate nothing but potatoes for 60 days and his health improved. Need to fill my mind more with this kind of stuff and just stay on track.

Also, I am hoping I will get a gift card to a running shoe store for Christmas. That would be awesome! Proper running shoes for me are absolutely necessary but they are also pretty high. So hopefully I'll be doing some running shoe shopping soon. I'm really looking forward to starting running again. I know with me running = healthy mode and healthy mode = strict McDougalling. Well, we'll see. I asked for that and a few other items on my list, but I'm not expecting on getting everything I asked for. Anyway, I will invest in proper running shoes in the new year even if I don't get the gift card. It would just help. :)

Oh, here is another bit of motivation I went through. It made me think of something:

This works for me. Here is the story:

I recently purchased a nice pair of slacks that look well. Well, they look OK on my larger rump and wider hips, but not the best unless I'm wearing a certain style of shirt which covers my wide hips and too large behind, while at the same time providing some cover for my now flabby arms.. ( :cry: ) So I have just a few of these kinds of shirts (which are all a similar style and all happen to be in "blah" colors) and I had a store credit at Kohl's, so I went there to find a nice, dressy-type shirt that would look good with my new pants. I was planning on wearing the ensemble to a New Year's Eve party I'm going to. I must have shopped for at least 2 or 3 hours and I couldn't find anything! Every cute top either highlighted my flabby arms, my rotund middle, or my wide hips and larger behind ~ and many times, more than one feature was emphasized! :( It's not that the shirts were not cute. It was me wearing them that looked bad! Some were laughably bad. So that was my most recent motivation to get back on track with McDougalling.

So the Motivation Tip is this: Take yourself shopping for nicer clothes that are supposed to look good without "hiding" you or your curves/fat. How do you really look? When I was looking at myself in the mirror, I was pretty mad at myself. "Look at me!" I thought. "I used to be hot! What the heck happened!? I need to change this!"

But I know for me that exercising is a big part of it. I know that with exercising and McDougalling together, I will make better progress and that is really what I need to see. And do.

Anyway, like I said, I will check back in later..
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Re: Caroveggie's Journal

Postby jsl » Tue Dec 24, 2013 7:42 am

I'm glad shopping for clothes is a motivator for you!! It isn't for me, I get so frustrated and depressed :(

Maybe that explains why I only have one pair of jeans that fit and 3 bras...I hate shopping!!!

But if it works for you, then definitely...use it!

And congratulations on starting over during the hardest season of the year :)

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Re: Caroveggie's Journal

Postby raven » Tue Dec 24, 2013 9:48 am

Good running shoes really do make a big difference, even starting out. I found a slow approach worked best for me, starting at 3 minutes a day running and increasing it by three more minutes a week unless i felt i should stay at the same minutes another week... I walked a great deal before i started running, have you done much of that? No need to get impatient, you only have yourself to compete with. Here's hoping you'll soon be moving more, and feeling better for it!
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Re: Caroveggie's Journal

Postby Caroveggie » Tue Dec 24, 2013 12:44 pm

Thanks for stopping by jsl and Raven. I appreciate your support!

Last time I was at my parents house I noticed a gift for me which was thin and small and I think it must be a gift card! Here's hoping.

I'm officially sick. My throat is dry and painful and has an annoying tickle. It was pretty hard to get to sleep last night because my nose was getting stuffed, but still better than when I used to have dairy.

I had a cough drop earlier and just had some chickpeas with a little garlic salt. Don't have too much appetite right now.

I'm at work but am being sent home. I wouldn't have gone at all but I know they are pretty short-staffed today. Oh well.. Better not to infect anyone. This makes the second Christmas I've been at this job where I've been sent home sick for Christmas! Last time was very bad. I had a full on cold with a lot of sniffles and hacking. This time it appears to be contained to my throat.

I have more brussel sprouts and vegan gravy at home and I think that's what I'll have for dinner later. If I get my appetite back.

Will probably walk today a little bit. I am looking into learning some exercises to get more fit. I will update later once I learn more and keep you informed. It is something I came across online. I don't plan to follow their meal plan but the exercises will probably help me get fit.

Hope everyone has a happy and healthy Christmas!
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Re: Caroveggie's Journal

Postby Caroveggie » Fri Dec 27, 2013 7:51 pm

I am so over being sick. Lost my voice on Christmas and was up all last night coughing and sniffling. :-(

I had a great Christmas other than being sick. I got all that I asked for! (Almost!)

I got: gift card for Amazon (already know which book I want to get ~ it's about barbells), gift card for Fleet Feet (to buy running shoes!), tennis racket and tennis balls (yes!), tennis socks, running socks, and a Walmart gift card which I just used to buy a bar bell set.

The only thing I asked for that I didn't get (and didn't really expect to get) were a new phone (well, I said I wanted to pick it out) and an ipad (too pricey). I'm fine without them though!

Eating-wise I had veggie sides and some bread. It was pretty good. There were potatoes with rosemary, sweet potatoes with cinnamon, asparagus and onions, corn, and green beans. So I was pretty happy. My sister also eats very healthy now so she was happy also.

I bought my sister's family a yonanas machine and they seemed happy with it.

Anyway, I don't have much appetite but am eating OK. I'm just so tired of being sick! Thank goodness I'll get better soon and get over this! I hate my itchy nose (it really itches) and my sore throat..and my nostrils are sore now from too many kleenexes..and still hurts to talk..whine, whine, whine.. :crybaby:

I'm going to do some research on how to best use the barbell.
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Re: Caroveggie's Journal

Postby jsl » Sat Dec 28, 2013 11:11 am

Feel better soon!! It sucks being sick...and it makes it hard to stay on plan (at least in my experience...)

Sounds like some great Christmas presents :)

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Re: Caroveggie's Journal

Postby raven » Sat Dec 28, 2013 11:45 am

I hope you feel better really quickly, as we sometimes can when we have been eating really healthy! Here's hoping all your gifts are put to good use as soon as you feel up to it. Being sick on Christmas is really awful, i know.
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Re: Caroveggie's Journal

Postby Caroveggie » Sat Dec 28, 2013 11:46 pm

Thank you for stopping by to cheer me up jsl and Raven! I appreciate it!

Well if there is only one good thing about getting sick, it is this: losing weight.

I lost my appetite the past few days and thought my favorite pair of jeans felt a little (just a twee bit) looser, so tonight I got on the scale and guess who has lost 5 lbs and now weights 155.5 lbs? :-D Yay for the stupid cough!

I am still not all better, although I did eat a bit more today, but overall still feel pretty crappy. My throat is still sore and itches and the nose still runs, not to mention another kind of runs going on (!) so yeah, not at 100% just yet. However, I do feel I must be getting better and my annoying coughing attacks have been getting more spaced out and not as continuous as they were a day ago.

I noticed that I just did not want to eat much at all. Even if I was hungry I could only eat a little bit, not finish anything.

Tomorrow is a party I'm going to so I'll be careful not to infect anyone. No hugs and lots of washing of my hands. I'll keep my distance. I'm bringing homemade aloo gobi (no oil) along with store bought chappatti (roti) and naan. It should be a fun party. We have it every year.

I really really really really really really REALLY tired of having a sore throat!!!

I bought the bar bell set at Walmart. :) I will be doing squats, dead lift, and bench presses with it. These are good for building overall body strength. I have to learn proper form and I'm reading a book on that right now. There are also youtube videos on the exercises so I can watch them too. My plan is to do bar bell exercises 3 times a week for about an hour. That is apparently all that is needed because if you do the exercises right, they really do build muscle throughout your body.

Since I can't really run much thanks to my tendons, I thought I'd try strength training. The more I learn about it that happier I am with my choice.

I'll have to be very careful to learn proper form. That's the one thing I'm a little worried about. It'd be easier if I had a gym and a spotter/trainer, but at the same time, I've read that a lot of gym trainers don't even know proper form for bar bells because they train people on the other machines... anyway, I can't afford a gym but certainly could afford the simple bar bell set. It was only $40 and I had a $25 gift card too.

So now I'm back home in SF and have my gifts put away and my bar bell set in its place.. Hopefully by Monday I'll have finished the book, practiced with some youtube videos, and I can start with the bar bell and then do it ever Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

As for food, I plan to keep eating MWL. I'm happy eating that way.. I mean, of course, once my appetite returns!
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Re: Caroveggie's Journal

Postby jsl » Sun Dec 29, 2013 1:18 pm

I hope you're feeling better!!!

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Re: Caroveggie's Journal

Postby Caroveggie » Thu Jan 02, 2014 12:02 pm

Happy New Year!! :-D

It's going to be a great year! I'm excited! I'm super pumped about eating healthy and making McDougalling work. I'm hungry right now actually :lol:

I still have the tail end of the cough. :( Eck. When will it end? I'm sick and tired of being called "sickie" and friends pulling up their collars trying to avoid getting infected. I'm still coughing every few hours. I'm so DONE with being sick! Hopefully it'll go away soon. My mom said when I first moved to the city I was sick with a cough for 6 months!!! WHAT?! I don't even remember that but I definitely want to get over this stupid cough! I have girls to kiss! :lol:

I still haven't broken in the bar bell. I'm planning to though. I want to make sure I learn the proper form though before and know how many of whatevers I'll be doing. I'm thinking of hiring a personal trainer for a week just to get the form down but I don't have the money. I'll have to rely on youtube and my bar bell book.

I'm also thinking of heading over to the Fleet Feet store to get new running shoes tonight. I'll have to stop at home and get my running socks but it'll be good to have the shoes and have them home, ready to do some jogging. I'm excited about that too. My tendons have been feeling much better.

So I don't have much to report except I'm still eating fairly well.

Want to work on my resolutions too. :)
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Re: Caroveggie's Journal

Postby Caroveggie » Sun Jan 05, 2014 12:00 am

I just got my running shoes tonight! Yay! They are awesome! They were on sale :-D and I had extra money on the gift card to buy two pairs of running socks too. Yippee!

I'm really excited about these shoes because I haven't had really good running shoes for sooooo long. My feet are also much, much better than they were. (I had some tendon problems last year that caused me to walk with a limp..)

So I'm excited because very soon I'll be able to get some jogs in and also the bar bell exercises. Since I'm starting from scratch again for running I won't do too much too soon. I'll have to build up..but I want to get to about 2-3 miles every day or every other day and then strength train too 3 times a week.. all that plus McDougalling should really get me in shape. My sister also bought me a fitbit or fitbot or something which is like a glorified pedometer that connects to your computer and then you can buddy up with other fitbit that is something I will do too. Although I don't think I'll get in tons of walking, but it's something else I can do.

I've been eating really well with one exception. Well, make that two.. at restaurants, I've had a little oil in my food.. twice I've had pasta that had some oil in it. Also, tonight I had a little desert (few bites of frozen yogurt and a few bites of a brownie "lava" cake from Sweet Tomatoes). So I have to get strict again, especially if I'm going to be exercising and weighing myself weekly and being structured about getting healthy.

It was really nice to see some good, old friends of mine and it was nice of them to take me out to Fleet Feet so I could get my shoes. I have good friends. :)
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