Nothing Good Will Come of Me...

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Re: Nothing Good Will Come of Me...

Postby rickfm » Tue Jul 12, 2022 11:49 am

kirstykay wrote:Hi Rick!! I think I remember you from the "old days" on the forum.

Hi Kirsty, your name does seem familiar. I can't believe it's been so long since I first joined here. If only I'd stuck with it back then.

Ah, well... I guess the important thing is we're still here, willing and able to give it another go.

Thanks for the encouraging words.

Mmmm.... cabbage!
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Re: Nothing Good Will Come of Me...

Postby Ruff » Tue Jul 12, 2022 11:54 am

we have a road analogy here. And you are in the ditch. It happens, but its not an ideal place to be. We have found there are choices here, stay in the ditch and wallow in the mud of self recrimination, or get up, regain the highway and carry on.

It looks like you are getting right out of the ditch, well done you. And once out its time to examine why you went in there. Its hard at first, the longer you are away from old habits the easier it is to stay away, but for the first few weeks or months you need something to help keep you on the road. This is where we come in! To give a hand and pull you out of the ditch, and tell you that one digression from the road does not a disaster make. But spend a lot of time in that ditch, and quite frankly, you are going nowhere.

So? Was it worth it? How did you feel 5 minutes after finishing that breakfast? Proud of yourself? Or not???? I bet just a few minutes after you finished you were saying....what did I do THAT for? It is very rarely worth it, and we very rarely feel better after eating off plan.

So grab my hand and get back on the road. And next time you want to digress, go, all right, I will eat off plan. But the rule is I have to read 5 posts on the McDougall forums first AND post my intention to eat off plan on my journal. Then I can do it. Of course by then you will have broken the habit cycle and won't want to!

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Re: Nothing Good Will Come of Me...

Postby Lizzy_F » Tue Jul 12, 2022 5:04 pm

Hi Rick. Thank you so much for the "post images" link and instructions. It's so funny that my dear husband is a computer guy with his own business doing IT support, mostly for small and medium sized business customers - so VERY techie! And I am the complete opposite. If I call him to say "my printer isn't working" his first question to me is "did you make sure it is turned on." :lol: :lol: :lol: might take me a few tries to figure it out but I want to try some pictures of favorite foods and such.

Your rice + cabbage + other veg dish looks AMAZING. As a cabbage lover, I need to try that combo.

I'm sorry to hear about your adventures into Pleasure Trap Land. Posting about it rather than disappearing (as I have done literally hundreds of times) is such a positive action. It also sounds like you have some good ideas for avoiding that situation in the future, aka taking a different walking route, and not going out while hungry. Do you also leave your wallet at home? (I suppose that is harder to do these days with phone apps and such).

I have struggled to get with this program since....2014? As you probably recall from my journal I have FINALLY gotten some traction. I did that by investing in myself and attending the 12-Day Program. I can't even say for sure WHAT exactly made all the difference, but the difference I feel about my committment to my health and the McDougall way is nothing short of a miracle. The McDougall team is absolutely phenomenal. Dr. Lim is amazing. I still can't believe we get certain types of support for a FULL YEAR and then other support that continues indefinitely. So I don't know what your situation is from a $$ perspective (and that is certainly none of my business). All I can say is that after going through that program and also beginning to experience the post-program support, in my opinion this is the best bargain going on for health and wellness. If I seem like I am shouting that from the mountain tops, that is because... I AM! So if your struggles continue, it might be something to look into. I am most definitely part of something way bigger than myself now.

Potatoes are magic, which you already know! So I hope you are enjoying some right this second! :D

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Re: Nothing Good Will Come of Me...

Postby rickfm » Tue Jul 12, 2022 5:31 pm

Ruff wrote:How did you feel 5 minutes after finishing that breakfast?

My old familiar friends, the little black clouds of guilt, shame, remorse and regret, followed me on my walk home.

That and I'm PO'd at myself for the waste of money. I'm trying to focus on paying down some credit card debt, and I just spent money for what amounts to self-abuse. Might as well have flushed a twenty dollar bill down the toilet and spared my innards the stress of dealing with that crap. :mad:

But yeah, in keeping with your analogy, I have picked myself up, brushed off, and humbly shuffled back to the middle of the road.

Lizzy_F wrote:Posting about it rather than disappearing (as I have done literally hundreds of times) is such a positive action.

Trust me, I struggled with doing it. I've done the disappearing act many times myself throughout my life.

Lizzy_F wrote:Potatoes are magic, which you already know! So I hope you are enjoying some right this second! :D

As a matter of fact, there's one in the microwave as I type. :D

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Re: Nothing Good Will Come of Me...

Postby VegSeekingFit » Tue Jul 12, 2022 6:23 pm

Hi Rick! :-D

Going to +2 the thought of "YAY"... you went off-plan but you stuck around. I have also "disappeared" before. Since I re-started last May, I have stuck around --- even when I have struggled. Will say, this has helped me a ton. Hoping that this helps you as well!! :)

I have some "food for thought" for you --- that you can ignore if you don't find it helpful --- just a thought / question to consider...

Are you eating enough of the minimally processed starch / veg / fruit??? This helps to keep away thoughts of other food... (or making you use willpower to steer clear of it)...

Was talking with a McD'er the other day (nobody on the DB's) --- who was having trouble with avoiding "off-plan" foods (believe me, I have as well!!)... Well, anyway --- she was getting hungry about 2 hours after lunch. For lunch, she was eating about a cup of rice and a cup of non-starchy veggies... I was like .... DUDE... I will tell you what I had for lunch yesterday... a nice sized bowl of fruit, a medium salad, 4 (YES, 4 medium-sized) potatoes... This was met with some shock (and maybe awe...)... :lol: So, I have been losing weight on this program... down to a bit south of 115 (just sharing to keep context on the portion size)... The minimally processed foods recommended will help you to lose weight... Nice to eat when you are hungry and stop when you are full...

The person I mentioned doubled her rice and is feeling much better about things...

Like I said, if this doesn't resonate with you, just ignore.

I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

Thankful for amazing people - McDs, JeffN, Mark, Tiffany, Goose! ... ight-loss/
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Re: Nothing Good Will Come of Me...

Postby Trinity » Tue Jul 12, 2022 8:18 pm

Rick, keep fighting the good fight!!!
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Re: Nothing Good Will Come of Me...

Postby rickfm » Tue Jul 12, 2022 9:39 pm

VegSeekingFit wrote:I have some "food for thought" for you --- that you can ignore if you don't find it helpful --- just a thought / question to consider...

Are you eating enough of the minimally processed starch / veg / fruit??? This helps to keep away thoughts of other food... (or making you use willpower to steer clear of it)...

I welcome "food for thought" anytime. :nod:

That is perfectly good advice, and something I am aware of.

But, I'm pretty sure my hitting-the-ditch episode this morning was simply a mental/emotional/comfort-seeking thing. I honestly can't even say I felt hungry before going there. Probably an element of just being bored and wanting something to go do, as well.

Anyhoo... the day is nearly done. Sun is going down. I'm feeling grateful for having this place to air my dirty laundry. Many thanks to those who offered the kind, encouraging replies.

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Re: Nothing Good Will Come of Me...

Postby Lizzy_F » Wed Jul 13, 2022 6:21 am

Hi Rick! I hope you are feeling better today and back firmly planted in the center of McDougall Highway. :nod:

I want to apologize for writing a 12-Day Program commercial in your journal. I think I was OTT. Please disregard my over-enthusiasm!

Wishing you a terrific potato strong day!

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Re: Nothing Good Will Come of Me...

Postby rickfm » Wed Jul 13, 2022 10:16 pm

Lizzy_F wrote:Hi Rick! I hope you are feeling better today and back firmly planted in the center of McDougall Highway. :nod:

I want to apologize for writing a 12-Day Program commercial in your journal. I think I was OTT. Please disregard my over-enthusiasm!

Wishing you a terrific potato strong day!

No need to apologize, I enjoy your enthusiasm.

And today was a pleasantly uneventful day with many potatoes consumed. :D

I only ate two small additional meals yesterday after that gluttonous breakfast. And I went for an extra two mile walk. Really felt the need to try and burn some extra calories. Must have worked, weigh-in this morning was the same as yesterday. So, I avoided the frustration of seeing a weight gain.

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Re: Nothing Good Will Come of Me...

Postby rickfm » Thu Jul 14, 2022 10:15 pm

Another day, come and gone. Woohoo!

I think I should clarify something... I mentioned in an earlier post that I was "doing MWL", but what I meant was that I was just using the list of foods from that program. I'm not doing the 10 point checklist... at least not right now.

Not much point in starting a meal with soup or salad, or balancing a 50/50 plate distribution when your main meals consist of a single microwaved potato.

I like to think that I know "how it's done" but I'm actually kind of fumbling my way back into this. I need to revisit some old notions and read up on some more current materials.

For now, I just know that if I eat potatoes all day and add a serving of broccoli or brussels sprouts here and there, I lose weight.

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Re: Nothing Good Will Come of Me...

Postby Ruff » Fri Jul 15, 2022 1:18 am

gotta love those potatoes. If eating potatoes with a little veg on the side does it for you, then great. Later, if you want to mix things up, do, but honestly, simple is the way to go.

Starting the meals with salad or soup was actually too much for me when I tried MWL. It works so well for so many people, I dont like to knock it, but that...and I love a bit of plant milk in my tea.....meant it wasn't for me. Also Starch Solution works so well for me, maybe not as fast as MWL, but easy to build a life around.

Go with what works for YOU. You are doing so well :D

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Re: Nothing Good Will Come of Me...

Postby kirstykay » Sat Jul 16, 2022 10:51 am

You are doing GREAT getting back into this at your own pace, on your own terms! So happy for you! You didn't let an indiscretion get the best of you or send you into hiding! I'm glad you're here, doing your thing! It's going to work! :)
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Re: Nothing Good Will Come of Me...

Postby rickfm » Tue Jul 19, 2022 1:11 pm

Thank you for the encouraging words. That means a lot to me.

I had another bad day last Friday, and not just a random restaurant meal. It was a full-on reckless junk food binge.

Life is not fun when you constantly struggle with being your own worst enemy. :angry:

I was seriously tempted to do the disappearing thing, having failed so miserably in the first week since starting this thread. But, I opted instead to just not post until I had some progress to report.

So, for today...


I said earlier that my first real goal was to get under 245 pounds because I hadn't been able to do that in over two and a half years. I went and looked through my weigh-in logbook and found that in those two and a half years I had gotten under 250 pounds five times. And every time I did, I swore to myself, "That's it. I'm never going to weigh 250 EVER AGAIN!"


Such is the way of riding the weight loss roller coaster. Image

I'll post again when I bust that 245 barrier.

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Re: Nothing Good Will Come of Me...

Postby Lizzy_F » Tue Jul 19, 2022 3:31 pm

Hi Rick! I just wanted to say the I can totally relate to the experience you are describing right now. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!!! I have been off and on this horse so many times I can't even count that high. I hope you decide to keep posting and know that we are all kindred spirits here. Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you and understand how frustrating it is.

Hope to *see* you soon!

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Re: Nothing Good Will Come of Me...

Postby rickfm » Thu Jul 21, 2022 11:53 am

Thanks, Beth. :)

Sorry if my posts sound gloomy or self-deprecating. I've been dealing with depression for many years, on top of alcoholism... long, sad story, blah, blah, blah, and that's all I have to say about that.

My Higher Power keeps me sober and gives me hope for better things to come, but I do have my moods.

I am craving a can of beans today. I mean like, open a can of beans and just eat the whole thing while leaning against the kitchen counter and staring at the clock on the wall. :D

I need to go nuke a potato. 8)

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