I've lost count of how many times I have restarted....

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Re: I've lost count of how many times I have restarted....

Postby amandamechele » Sun Oct 29, 2017 11:24 pm

Sue - I was a bit tired last night so I didn't really acknowledge your comment well. The aloo gobi matar was really good. I adapted a recipe from Vegan Richa 's Dad's Favorite Aloo Gobi Mutter. I omitted the oil and also didn't have any cumin seeds or hing so replaced those with nigella and amchur powder.

Nancy - Thanks! My youngest son is always trying to insert himself or his toys into photos. Last week at Home Depot we saw a funny little lego man and my son really wanted a photograph of it. I don't know if that's an employee's photo on there...or maybe an actor that I'm unfamiliar with...lol...maybe that's the employee of the week for the paint department. :lol:

Day 29 Amy's October MWL Challenge:


Breakfast: Oatmeal, Apple, green tea
Lunch: Celery, cabbage stir fry and blue potatoes
Dinner: Sweet potato stew, romaine lettuce, papaya, twice baked potato with corn, onion and edamame
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Re: I've lost count of how many times I have restarted....

Postby Suey51 » Mon Oct 30, 2017 3:45 am

Thanks so much for the recipe Amy, I'll definitely be making that. I've made some of Vegan Richa's recipes before, all delicious!
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Re: I've lost count of how many times I have restarted....

Postby amandamechele » Mon Oct 30, 2017 10:33 pm

Sue - I love her recipes too!

Day 30 Amy's October MWL Challenge:


Breakfast: Oatmeal, banana, green tea
Lunch: Romaine lettuce, sweet potato stew, basmati brown rice, red grapes
Dinner: Twice baked potatoes, bell peppers, Moroccan red lentil soup (no orzo or chickpeas - I just realized now that I forgot to add the chickpeas - it was still good and nice and light)
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Re: I've lost count of how many times I have restarted....

Postby amandamechele » Tue Oct 31, 2017 10:30 pm

Day 31 Amy's October MWL Challenge: Final Day!


Happy Halloween!

Breakfast: oatmeal, banana, green tea
Lunch: red lentil soup, romaine lettuce
Snack: Tea at the orthodontist's office
Dinner: Twice baked potato, carrot, apple, more red lentil soup

I weighed myself this morning and am happy to report a 4.5 lb loss for the month. I had begun to dread the thought of possibly not losing anything. No good way to spin that. This is quite a good loss for me for a 1 month period and I am wondering if I can repeat it...in a much less showy fashion. :) Thank you for following along on my MWL pictorial.

Best wishes avoiding any treats your kids and grandkids bring home tonight!


PS. Here is a repeat of the summary of my thoughts that I posted in the October MWL thread:
amandamechele wrote:Hi All!

Wonderful work this week all. :) I loved the sharing of recipes, of strategies, of what we struggle with and where we have found success. You all are doing great and are very supportive of each other!

Even though I still have a few more days left until the official end of my October MWL Challenge (and I will continue to post the pictures and possibly my ending weight loss if the scale arrives in time), I thought I'd summarize some of my thoughts about how this month went. With the objective data (my photographs) I was able to more accurately review how I actually did this month. Memory can be so selective, that's why journaling can be a great tool periodically to figure out why you may be stalled in your efforts.

I entered this challenge with the full intention of following every protocol and refinement listed. Isn't that how everyone's weight loss plans start? Hehe...but you all saw how it actually went. It becomes a mish mash of best intentions gone slightly astray and reversions to the mean. Never mind where that road paved with good intentions is going...lol...
This is a long reflection, going over certain little details. The Cliff's notes version is by following the guidelines quite closely I was able to stay on-plan without too much difficulty and lose weight even in situations atypical to my regular schedule.

Here is a list of the things that went well:

1)I didn't measure or limit my food consumption and ate until full at every meal. Conversely, I also didn't snack in the evenings. These two statements may seem at odds with each other but they are both truly (truly) key in my success this month. By filling up at my meals I didn't need to eat in the evenings. Breaking that habit (and its more than just a habit and is covered by Dr. Lisle in his presentation on The Cram Circuit) is very important to me, its my next-level goal.

2)I was able to avoid all refined flour products. I make peanut butter sandwiches for the kids and baked pita chips and find having these things laying about the house difficult sometimes because they call to me a bit. Really poor food choices used to call to me too, but not so much anymore. It appears to be true that by not reinforcing those desires they fade. It just takes time and consistent adherence. I have no doubt that if I continued to avoid eating the refined breads and pastas, my desire for them would fade as well. (See the Cram Circuit) I will admit to being a bit nervous about November, one month without them may not be long enough and I hope to not have to rely upon will power alone, because that never turns out well. I will need to consider strategies for continued success for this issue and the no evening snacking issue. I won't have the external pressure of this challenge nudging me any longer. I will also eventually be settled in my own home and not feel so restricted in action by being on display in that way as well.

3)I was able to find (or bring) no added oil choices to all of my social activities. This month included a wedding, a couple of birthdays and good-bye celebrations, Canadian Thanksgiving, a driving trek across the country and living in someone else's home. All of these occurrences offered the invitation to ease up a bit and let my most common slip up occur: letting a little bit of oil in here and there. I am happy to say I did quite well (the taster's bite of the bride's special dinner selection notwithstanding). Avoiding the oil while out of your home may be the biggest hurdle everyone must face due to its ubiquity in meal preparation and processed products. Success in this small domain takes a bit of fortitude. But you can do it!

4)Though by no means perfect, I included A LOT more veggies with each meal than I usually would. I also consistently followed Jeff Novick's advice to eat my meal in the order of lowest to highest calorie density. I started with my raw and cooked veggies or fruit, then ate soup if I was having it and saved my starch until the end. I did notice that this past week I have been just naturally choosing less oatmeal in my morning bowl and there have been a few times that I couldn't finish the potatoes or stew that I had put on my plate. That was a neat occurrence that took a number of weeks to manifest.

5)I was successful at avoiding nuts, nut butters and other high fat healthy plant foods in order to keep my percentage of fat as a daily total lower than my historic average. I did eat boiled edamame one evening out - I think that was the highest fat item of the month (but I'd have to go back through the pictures to confirm that). I was also successful at removing refined sugar. Oatmeal truly isn't the same without it, and that may be why I'm slowly eating less of it. I was concerned that I may fall back into the periodic use of coffee as a stimulant to get through some of the challenges of the month, but (again) without any added sugar there was no appeal to do so.

6)Alcohol: I had 6 occasions this month where I was offered alcohol. I don't tend to seek it out but have used it socially as a tool in the past. This month I faced some of those fears and braved a wedding full of strangers and even sang in front of a crowd (twice) without its aid. I got through those situations and can see a future place where I will no longer need it. For those of you who do still have the odd drink and want to change that, maybe try to get past the thought I enjoy a drink every now and then and think through why that it so. Are you using it as a social facilitator? Is it a habit? (Alcoholism is a different story and I'm not commenting on that is here. It can be tragic and insidiously difficult to manage. Please seek professional help if you struggle in this way).

Here are the things that I didn't get quite right, but continued to work on and consider throughout the challenge:

1) I actively chose not to graze, as recommended in one of the refinements. This was mostly a presentation issue with regards to photographing everything that I ate. Since I was not currently in any of Dr. Lisle's traps it did not lead me to get off track even when I did get over hungry. If your environment has too many tempting items or you are still missing and thinking about foods that are not recommended then grazing would definitely be the way to go.

2) I consistently ate more fruit than recommended. This seems to be one of those sticky issues for me. Once I have gotten everything else right, then I'll consider this as a final change if I still haven't gotten to where I want to be weight-wise. Fruits are nutrient-packed low-fat high-fibre foods that could be overeaten because of their sweetness. Fruit is a better choice than the more refined sweeteners like sugar or maple syrup and definitely better than the chemically-concocted fake sweeteners. If you are still using artificial sweeteners please consider strategies to give them up (it can be in a step-wise fashion - artificial to refined to fruit). :)

3) Exercise oh exercise, why do I keep putting you off? I still haven't instituted a personal walking program for myself here in my new home. That is currently my only regular intentional exercise goal. It's reminding me of the difficulties of transitioning to a plant based diet. When there are enough little road-blocks the thought of attempting a behaviour change is daunting and can sometimes be shelved for an indefinite future date. My personal road-blocks to walking here are actually road related. Safety issues such as being unfamiliar with the area and people, lack of lighted streets and sidewalks...cougars and wolves and bears, OH MY! LOL. Yep, I may have a small tendency to overestimate low probability events. I've still got to figure this one out. I believe that setting a timeline for this process in an attempt to circumvent the desire to not deal with it is a potentially good strategy. For example: Over the next week, I will make a list of possible ways to add in a daily walk. Then I will allow an additional week to explore those ideas and choose those that will fit best with my current situation. (Did you all see what I just did there? Still not dealing with it...lol)

So I have come out of the month grateful to Dr. McDougall, once again, for all of the resources that he has provided online and his dedicated insistence on getting this information to everyone whether they can come out to a program or not. By re-reading his newsletters I've been able to remind myself of the protocols and refine my choices back towards evidence-based healthy eating and successful long term weight loss and maintenance.
Keep your meals simple, eat them slowly and until full, stick to whole unrefined foods and find the joy in that process and other areas of your life!

I hope to see you all in the November Weigh-In thread! Best wishes this week.


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Re: I've lost count of how many times I have restarted....

Postby Suey51 » Wed Nov 01, 2017 10:57 am

Congrats on your October weight loss, fantastic result! xxx
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Re: I've lost count of how many times I have restarted....

Postby SonjaK » Wed Nov 01, 2017 8:26 pm

I've been lurking for a very long time but I had to create an account so I could post a thank you for this journal and all the pictures and your story. I just found it so inspiring and the pics were so fun. I'm so grateful that you stuck with it the whole month and (hopefully this doesn't come across as condescending) I'm so proud of you for doing it so faithfully especially when you had so many challenges that would have easily justified "cheats" or not taking pics.

I will miss the pics every day now that you're done!

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Re: I've lost count of how many times I have restarted....

Postby amandamechele » Sat Nov 04, 2017 12:32 am

Sue - Thanks Sue...I'm quite happy with it and hoping to continue. :)

SonjaK - Thank you, I appreciate your commenting. :) I had fun with it too and am so happy to hear that it was inspiring. I actually take photos of my food quite often and post them to Flickr. I've shared the link in the past, but I'll put it up again because I upload often (mostly same food, different day kind of thing).

Amy's Flickr account
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Re: I've lost count of how many times I have restarted....

Postby Bougainvillea » Mon Nov 06, 2017 2:22 am

Amy - yes, the potato slices turned out great dry-fried on my cast iron griddle. Really good, thanks!

I just have to say - the last pic that has that carrot - I don't think I've ever seen a carrot that looked like that LOL! You could have used it as a walking stick!

Well done on the weight loss! I've been lazy about taking pics of my food. Your pics are really inspiring. That twice-baked potato looks really good. Will have to give that one a try, too.
Off meds/animal products 8/13/17, oil-free since 8/29/17
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Re: I've lost count of how many times I have restarted....

Postby SonjaK » Mon Nov 06, 2017 9:10 pm

amandamechele wrote:SonjaK - Thank you, I appreciate your commenting. :) I had fun with it too and am so happy to hear that it was inspiring. I actually take photos of my food quite often and post them to Flickr. I've shared the link in the past, but I'll put it up again because I upload often (mostly same food, different day kind of thing).

Amy's Flickr account

Thank you so much! I have bookmarked it so I can continue to be inspired. :)

I'm starting a Mary's Mini with brown rice tomorrow. Planning on "checking in" with myself at 10 day mark but to shoot for 2 weeks (ending just in time for Thanksgiving). Hope to address the crave circuit with this focus.

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Re: I've lost count of how many times I have restarted....

Postby CamiJb » Sat Nov 18, 2017 3:08 am

Thank you for your welcome on the weight loss thread...
I have been reading your journal and I love all of the pictures..
But I cannot figure out how to add them to a post? Any pointers? {I figured it out!!!}
Thank you again for the welcome and looking forward to getting to know you....
I refuse to not complete this journey!
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Re: I've lost count of how many times I have restarted....

Postby amandamechele » Tue Nov 13, 2018 11:18 pm

Dear Me,

Oil-free, whole-food plant-exclusive humble pie is being served to you for the indefinite future. :oops:

It's time to really take the expert advice offered on this site and pull out all of the stops for the rest of the month... you've made some serious mistakes this week, but you can still make this a good month for compliance. Come on! You can do this!

Yourself XO.

Last week I let tragedy and stress pull me back into most of my previous unhealthy-patterns; among other things, I ate all the foods in the house! I was reminded of my life before successfully and consistently applying Dr. McDougall's regular program to lose the bulk of my weight. This hasn't happened in years and it has given me pause.

The anxiety that I was trying to push down during a situation out-of-my control, reminded me of many similar situations that I have had to deal with in the past (through my work). Unfortunately my post-crisis response was also like something out of my past. No matter what I decide to call it - emotional eating or re-igniting a habituated response (analogous to Dr. Lisle's cram circuit) - I ate poorly, I ate a lot and I did it for 6 days straight... and now I have to face the uncomfortable consequence of battling the pull of the overstimulating indulgences until those cravings fade back down again. Sadly, the healthy foods just aren't tasting as yummy as they did last week.


Unpacking what I think happened:
- I was involved in a horrible, tragic situation - the kind we all face from time to time.
- I was already a little bit in the Pleasure Trap from the week before.
- I made a couple of bad choices, that led to even more.
- Hmmm...that may be it... nothing else to unpack.

I have, yet again, reminded myself of the importance of sticking to the program as closely as possible. If I hadn't been a teeny-tiny bit primed, maybe... maybe... maybe...

I'm going to go back to picture-journalling my food for a bit until I'm feeling a little more confident that I'm out of the woods.
When will I know that I really can't go to the well one more time to decide on... :-( RHC

Here is what I ate today:



I'm trying to keep this lighter than I'm actually feeling about all of this. Kind of a fake it until you make it type situation.

PS. Non-food related things I did that I think I am going to regret....dying my hair blue (not all of it, just the tips). LOL, possibly not my best look. Thankfully it's an easy fix.
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Re: I've lost count of how many times I have restarted....

Postby Yomom » Wed Nov 14, 2018 8:34 am

Hang in there, Amy.
Sending hugs,K
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Re: I've lost count of how many times I have restarted....

Postby Lyndzie » Wed Nov 14, 2018 9:46 am

My heart goes out to you.
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Re: I've lost count of how many times I have restarted....

Postby Qwerty988 » Wed Nov 14, 2018 10:48 am

Big hugs to you, Amy!
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Re: I've lost count of how many times I have restarted....

Postby Idgie » Wed Nov 14, 2018 10:55 am

Amy, I was just posting about how it can be discouraging to keep having to start over, but really, every day is a new start anyway, so it's good that we just keep dusting ourselves off. We can do this!
Idgie, Southern CA
My recipes (mostly MWL) are at https://www.drmcdougall.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=58361&p=586527#p586527
My new MWL-only recipe site is at http://mwlrecipes.weebly.com
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