Back on Track and Staying there

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Re: Back on Track and Staying there

Postby janluvs2heel » Fri Jul 29, 2011 6:59 am

luvdachiess wrote:Debbie~
Yesterday I for sure did not eat enough. I was running late for work and I only had 1 potato cooked. So I took it and ate it. I think that completely messed me up and then I did not have lunch till 3:00 pm. So the rest of yesterday and today have been bad. I will go post when I get done here. So I am starting over tomorrow. Well, not really starting over, just getting back on track!! It makes me so made at my self, but from here I just need to move on and move forward.

I think we have all been there, Teresa! Although I have been doing really well the last few months, there have been times in the past when I have done the same thing, thinking I can handle being hungry & put off lunch until I get home, but end up with pretty much the same outcome. I get really mad at myself & frustrated as well, but just let it go. Not worth beating yourself up over it. All you can do is just pick yourself up, dust off & move on.
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Re: Back on Track and Staying there

Postby luvdachiess » Sat Jul 30, 2011 12:42 am

Oh, no!! I hope you feel better. Go to bed girl!! I don't know what happen to healthtrekker.

I am struggling and can't seem to be on track at all. Today i had pasta!! Granted it was whole wheat, which bothers my thumbs, and homemade pasta sauce with no oil or meat and a salad. So maybe not that bad, but a lot more processed. =(
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Re: Back on Track and Staying there

Postby janluvs2heel » Sat Jul 30, 2011 4:54 pm

Hey Teresa,

Hope you are okay!!

I have only eaten breakfast today, not hungry for some reason but I have to stop doing that. Going to make a nice salad for tonight, I bought a beautiful red & yellow pepper at TJ's yesterday. And also maybe have some corn which I bought there, too. I also got some of the brown Jasmin rice, I am going to make it in the am & have it for the next couple days.
Warning, to those who shop at Petco, I dont very often but I like to buy the Charlie Bear treats, they are small & I can put them in my pocket to use when I am training & I dont have to worry about cheese melting or hot dogs getting warm, etc., also like them when I am teaching the girls useless tricks. I used to buy them at TJs, but the last few times I went they didn't have them so I have been getting them at Petco, 16 oz for 5.49. Well, you have to search for that package, but up by the cash register they have a much smaller bag for $3.99. That is an outrageous markup. Then I have found them again at TJ's, 16 oz for get this, 2.99. I could not believe it. That is crazy.

Anyway, getting sidetracked here. Teresa, do you want Debbie & I to yell at you? You can do this, I know you can. Every time you eat something that isn't on plan, use it as a learning tool. Write down how you felt, were you really hungry or just felt like eating it? Why do you feel you are not worthy? Those are some questions I have asked myself in the past, especially the why do I feel I am not worthy question. Not sure I know the answer but then I am an ongoing work in progress. Go back & watch Mike's lecture again. I have done that several times & I think I might do it tomorrow as well or maybe later tonight. It keeps me motivated.
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Re: Back on Track and Staying there

Postby janluvs2heel » Sat Jul 30, 2011 8:05 pm

healthtrekker wrote:I'd like to join you! This is my second week on MWL. I need to lose about 60 pounds.

I teach 5th grade and my big challenge will be staying on track when I go back to work in 3 weeks. I'm working now to get routines in place. Tomorrow I have appt with my MD. He McDougalls so he will be helping me, too.

1/2 banana
splash of Silk

snack: nectarine

boiled potatoes
corn and green squash

brown rice
boiled potatoes
pinto beans
squirt of lime juice
large glass of water with sugar free ice tea packet

snack: oatmeal with 1/2 banana and Silk

Are those tea packets that you add to bottled water okay? I'll have maybe one a week as a "treat".

Is it true or a diet myth that the first 5 lbs you lose are all water?

Personally I dont care as long as the scale shows a loss. It all balances out in the end.

So where are you, Healthtrekker? I haven't seen a post except for this one.

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Re: Back on Track and Staying there

Postby luvdachiess » Sat Jul 30, 2011 9:11 pm

Hey Girls~
I am not giving up, just doing horrible. So tomorrow is a new day and I am getting my act together. It seems I fell down and now can't seem to get up. So I am going to take each meal as a victory and move to the next one. So tomorrow morning I am on!! I will write this in the journal later, but Breakfast tomorrow will be Oatmeal and fruit. Although breakfast is never my problem it is later in the day where I get messed up. I am here and going unprocessed and no added salt again. I will make it. Also going to up my exercise again.

Thanks for being there for me and holding me up!! Jan you can yell at me all you want!! Maybe it will make me get back on track. =)
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Re: Back on Track and Staying there

Postby janluvs2heel » Sun Jul 31, 2011 7:53 am

Oh, good Teresa. I am glad that you are back. We were getting worried about you. Okay, consider yourself yelled at!! :lol:

Funny, when I am off track, I always do breakfast fine, too. It is the rest of the day that falls apart. But you can be ready today. Just prepare!!

Just as a side note, this is one of the reasons that I dont tend to Journal, (although I have in the past), or do challenges. I will be doing fine, then start feeling this pressure. Maybe it is just me, I dont know, but no matter how well I am doing, I start messing up. This is good for me though, just writing down my food, so far no problems.
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Re: Back on Track and Staying there

Postby janluvs2heel » Sun Jul 31, 2011 6:01 pm

Debbie, you are doing great. I am proud of you.

I made the jasmine rice, it is good. I still think I like the stronger taste of the basmatti, but they are both good. Like the texture of the jasmine though better.

I dont think that anyone needs to be yelled at. And you should not feel guilty if you do make a mistake. That is the purpose, just list your food, you note your mistakes & go on. Be aware of what you are eating. Last year it didn't seem like handfuls of things like potato chips, nuts, etc, were an issue. But gosh, those are things that would kill me, I never stop at 1 handful of anything. :eek: Those always lead me down the wrong path & I am trying really hard to stay on the path that may be less followed but is the right path for me.

Hey Teresa, hope your day is going good & you are feeling better.
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Re: Back on Track and Staying there

Postby luvdachiess » Mon Aug 01, 2011 5:17 pm

Ok it is Monday and August 1! :eek: Wow how did it get to August so fast!! I was going to be at my goal by August when I started back in January!! My friend that was here this weekend is down 35 pounds and I am so proud of her. But it did give me a wake up call. I need to be honest with what I am doing, get busy staying on track and getting my b**t out there and exercise. So new day!! =)

I walked 3.2 miles this morning, I have plans already to walk it again tomorrow and Thursday with a friend. So I just need to do it on Friday and Saturday as well. I have a early morning appointment on Wednesday so unless I can find the time in the evening to do it I wont be exercising on Wednesday.

So no more processed food for me or oil. I did go back and watch Mike again. And it always helps.

I made awesome vegan food this weekend, but it did have some processed stuff in it, ie the cornbread on top of the chili. When I am down in my weigh I may need to make this every once in a while it was so good.

So I am back, and on the road. My August is really busy!! I will be here and put my food in and interact some, but not as much as I want. Just thought I better put that out there!

Oh, and one more piece of interesting new. I have a girl from UCSD that I mentored and she is getting married in September. She is from India. So for her wedding she wants me to wear a sari. :eek: She said they make everyone look thin!! I will post a pic if I can of me in it. =) Have a great afternoon!!
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Re: Back on Track and Staying there

Postby janluvs2heel » Mon Aug 01, 2011 7:58 pm

Hey Teresa,

Glad to see you back & on track. I only posted my breakfast today. I had Jasmine rice & a fresh corn on cob. I knew it wasn't sitting right, when I got home this afternoon, I felt like I was coming down with the flu. I have this giant blob in my stomach that is just sitting there, so going to feed my girls, (3 beautiful Golden Retrievers) & then I may make some soup, I will see how I feel. Or I may just eat nothing, hopefully whether I eat or not, everything will stay down. Or I will get nice & cleaned out.

Is your friend doing McDougall as well? That's nice that you are proud of her. Those wake up calls are good for us once in a while.

I need to make time to watch Mike again. I just have been busy doing little things around the house. I have some older dog training videos that I want to watch again & then hopefully they are still in good condition, then I want to sell them so need to take the time to watch them as well.

Okay, so if we don't hear from you we wont get worried.

If you dont hear from me for a couple days, you will know that I have the flu. :crybaby: :crybaby:
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Re: Back on Track and Staying there

Postby luvdachiess » Tue Aug 02, 2011 11:19 am

Excellent job Debbie!! I need to get totally MWL going. But at least I am here and staying McD I have upped my exercise this week I am working towards doing it 5 days. I will be adding weight lifting as well. I think you 2 are way more active then I am. My job does not require me to move much, so I need to get it before or after. Jan has her dogs that she trains and of course Debbie is a young Mom which makes you always on the move. =)

See you two later and thanks for being here. =)
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Re: Back on Track and Staying there

Postby luvdachiess » Wed Aug 03, 2011 8:15 am

Awesome How was dinner? I am sure great!! I am getting back on track and loving it. Wow, I am not sure what messed me up, but I was on the processed road for a bit. Thank you all for bring there!
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Re: Back on Track and Staying there

Postby janluvs2heel » Thu Aug 04, 2011 7:46 am

You must have written this right before I called you. I am feeling better but my stomach is just still a little queasy. Anything I eat seems to go right thru me & quickly. I had an early am lesson so dragged myself out of bed. Spent most of the rest of the day just taking it easy. No energy. I feel a little better today & after this morning's lesson, I have no more until Monday & I should be back to normal by then.

I think I am going to stop posting my food in here. I am not eating enough anyway to post, at least not a regular breakfast, lunch, dinner type meal & you guys are doing fine.

I will still check in with you here & there though.
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Re: Back on Track and Staying there

Postby luvdachiess » Fri Aug 05, 2011 12:02 am

Jan glad you are doing better. I hate being sick. Take it easy over the weekend so that you are 100 % by Monday.

Debbie~How totally weird. Now I am totally curious and need to go to your fb and see what went on. I heard that somebody fell off 1/2 dome, but what does that have to do with turkey???? People just don't get it.

I am done with work for the week, but I am giving a wedding shower on Saturday so tomorrow will be spend getting ready for that. I plan to go full to the shower so I am not tempted by the food. The gal is moving to Alabama so the theme is Southern Tea, so sweet tea and little sandwiches, fruit and the like are the fare of the day. =)

Have a good Friday! Oh, I am down 2.6 today, lets see if it stays for tomorrow weigh in. But it still won't count I need to lose .6 more before it will count as a loss>
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Re: Back on Track and Staying there

Postby luvdachiess » Sat Aug 06, 2011 9:43 pm

I was not up early and then had to hurry around because I was giving a wedding shower for a gal at our church today. It turned out really cute. She is moving to Alabama, so we did a Southern Belle theme. We had sweet tea, and of course regular tea and water with lemon in it out of Mason jars, with sprigs of mint and a yellow straw, to cute. Then a lite lunch. I actually ate a big breakfast and waited till I got home to eat. So everything turned out great.

My craft room has been a wreck for a while so spent most of the afternoon working on it. It is not done, but way better then it was!! Going to post my food for the day. Have a great Sunday!!
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Re: Back on Track and Staying there

Postby luvdachiess » Sun Aug 07, 2011 11:58 pm

Trust me girly I am reading your posts and keeping up with you. I am trying to post my own as well. I am better when I preplan and have not had the time to do that lately. Got to get back to it. August is a busy month for me. September will be way better, so don't give up and I will be here for you. Know that I am reading and trying to post. Maybe I should go on fb and tell you what I think, as I have it on my phone. =) I have actually changed to the regular program for right now, as I was having a really hard time sticking up the MWL and I figured it was better to at least do the regular program rather then nothing. So I do have a tad of soy milk in my cereal in the morning and a little nuts, but that is about it.

So when did you talk with the Dr? ?? When I was struggling I thought about writing to him, but never did. I would love to talk to him in person some day and go to the 10 days, but that is not going to happen anytime soon.

Keep the Faith and keep on doing what you know is right!! And I am watching you!! :unibrow: :unibrow: :D
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