Kitty Adventures Journey of a lifetime

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Re: Kitty Adventures Journey of a lifetime

Postby kittyadventures » Wed Apr 14, 2010 8:18 pm

Hi Everybody... The Kitties are awesome all four of them.

Gardening is excellent exercise.
Okay here is what has been going on. I am trying to eat the soups now for lunch because I was overstuffing myself and I couldn't seem to turn it off... The eating I mean
any way so yesterday and today for lunch I had 2 big bowls of vegetable soup (home made of course)
and I used some canned tomatoes, a mistake they are okay but have an off flavor, next time I will just use fresh ones.
I have also been having a potato for breakfast and a snack of 1/4 c of beans mid morning.
Then the soup for lunch
Dinner last night was potatoes I sliced them thin and cooked them in the oven like potatoe chips they were yummy and I had some of my spinach soup.

Then tonight for dinner I had
a big salad of lettuce tomato cuccumber and mushrooms,
1 regular sized red potato
1 corn on the cob
and some fresh asparagus from my garden

very yummy

I have found giving up chocolate and cheese is hard but I am determined to do better each day.

THank you all for all of your support it makes this a lot easier and I learn so much from everyone on here.

and best of all each day I feel better and better.

Vegetable garden update.

Nothing has sprouted yet we are I think still getting a bit too cold so I covered my first planted bed with platic to hold in the warmth. I am crossing my fingers
and I went ahead today and planted the second bed and went ahead and covered it with plastic too in the hopes it will sporut soon.

The first bed has lettuces and radishes and peas and spinach and kale in it.
and the new bed I planted today has more peas, scallions , beets, Turnups and more radishes. three varieties.
Hoefully everything will sprout soon.
Last edited by kittyadventures on Thu Apr 15, 2010 9:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Kitty Adventures Journey of a lifetime

Postby raven » Thu Apr 15, 2010 2:58 pm

Hi Kitty, I'd love a picture of your young plants, if you would be so kind.

Two things come to mind. One, i was ravenous all the time until i started exercising by fast walking a half hour most days. Then i was only hungry an hour or two before a meal. I don't remember exactly, but exercise and hunger have something to do with what's called the hypothalamus. All i know is, if i miss more than two days of walking, i get ravenous again.

I follow MWL most of the time, and even eat veggies for breakfast most days. I eat a lot less starches when i eat a lot of veggies. I worked up to it, but i now eat about 3 c. cooked veggies for breakfast and lunch and 3 c. cooked for supper, plus about 2 c. raw veggies for lunch and supper.

Anyway, it looks like you're making progress in garden and eating. Keep up the good work!
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Re: Kitty Adventures Journey of a lifetime

Postby kittyadventures » Thu Apr 15, 2010 9:24 pm

Hi Raven I will post pictures as soon as I have sprouts.

I did pretty good today
I had Oatmeal with cinnamon and an apple for breakfast
two raw carrots and 2 bowls of vegetable soup for lunch
THen I got really hungry in hte afternoon and had a sweet potatoe a red potato and a russet potato. I know A lot of potatoes LOL

then for dinner I had non fat refried beans with non fat green enchilada sauce... I did not add cheese.. a first for me. LOL

I will be up late tonight do if I get hungry I will probably eat some lettuce and tomatoes.

In the garden a radish sprouted, he was astanding at attention. I expect lots more to be up tomorrow.

I am also making an egplant caserol for lunch tomorrow I will let you know if it is any good
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Re: Kitty Adventures Journey of a lifetime

Postby kittyadventures » Sat Apr 17, 2010 10:06 am

Ahoy all McDougallers.
I am ecstatic today I have lost one more pound... I fell off the only weighing your self once a week wagon on Friday as I weighed myself five times hoping the numbers would be lower .. finally after 3 PM I decided to just stop it.

Anyway I got up this morning and was down a pound.

I am soooooooooo happy.
I am having a lovely morning so far, and 1 pound lighter. I will not be weighing myself again until next Friday... and am keeping my fingers crossed that I will lose some weight this week.

Well I am off to do a mega amount of English home work and hope to pop in later in the day with the daily menu.

Back on track and tracking on.

As to my Journey I am still on it and moving forward at the speed of turtle! :lol:
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Re: Kitty Adventures Journey of a lifetime

Postby sksamboots » Sat Apr 17, 2010 2:34 pm

Congrats on the weight release!! Keep on keepin on :nod:
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Re: Kitty Adventures Journey of a lifetime

Postby bunsofaluminum » Sat Apr 17, 2010 5:20 pm

hey there. Just popping in for a quick hello. I love your garden! Mine is similar, though the original owner is the one who did all the work four or five years ago, and now I have to keep up with all the perennials! ha!

but where do you live, that you have a full blown rose in April?

take care! :)

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Re: Kitty Adventures Journey of a lifetime

Postby raven » Sat Apr 17, 2010 6:13 pm

Hi Kitty, great going! Your food sounds good. Sounds like you found your balance.
Take care.
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Re: Kitty Adventures Journey of a lifetime

Postby kittyadventures » Tue Apr 20, 2010 8:43 am

JHi Everyone... Todays menue includes
In a dry hot cast Iron Skillet 1 Red potatoe Diced into 1 inch cupes
Cook several minutes until it begins to brown
1/4 of a yellow onion chopped into 1 inch pieces
2 celery stalks chopped

Cook till celery is bright green and onions are translucent
1/2 Cup of frozen spinach
salt and pepper to tast and a finger pinch of tarragon
Cook about three more minutes until spinach is heated through
put on plate and sprinkle 2 diced plum tomatoes on top.

Lunch will be eggplant stew over baked potato
and dinner will be a mixed bean soup

It is rainy today which is good!
I had a long not on McDougall weekend as was out helping daughter look at apartments. And as per my weirdness it took me a day to get back on track Sheesh... SOmeday I will be better at this.

Buns of aluminum I live 30 miles due east of Monterey Bay in California
Our climate is generally 28 to 85 with occasional days reaching into the 90s and even more rarely a day in the 100
I call it paradise on earth!

and Raven well i have discovered where my balance should be I am still falling off the balance beam LOL.

Excitement for the week my youngest is looking for an apartment up in Santa cruz area LOL because she has a kitten now. aparently some one has been keeping it for her for a couple of months she thought they would eventually claim it as their own but no they did not so the little tyke is staying at our house for a few weeks till she moves. She thought it was just a little stray black kitten but it is a Burmese.. I will blog it in the next few days as soon as I can get some apropriate photos.
Her name is Lillith.
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Re: Kitty Adventures Journey of a lifetime

Postby bunsofaluminum » Tue Apr 20, 2010 8:53 am

oh, you live where my Gramma grew up!

She spoke of Monterey with great fondness. It's probably much different now, since she was there before the Great Depression (that is, before the great migration to California! ha!) and had the pleasure of going out her front door, across the street, onto the sandy beach, any time she wanted to. I have a picture of her childhood house: a 20's craftsman cottage on a little street. Her house on one side, and the beach on the other side. Yup. She even golfed at Pebble Beach...for free. LOL

must be so nice.

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Re: Kitty Adventures Journey of a lifetime

Postby raven » Tue Apr 20, 2010 8:11 pm

Hi Kitty, We look across at you from our deck, clear down the mountain to the Monterey Bay.

Hi :nod:
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Re: Kitty Adventures Journey of a lifetime

Postby kittyadventures » Sat Apr 24, 2010 11:47 am

HI everyone thanks for stopping by...

okay obviously I have not been in here for a few days.

I had a bit of a stressful week and ate some chocolate Eeee gad... it made me not lose weight this week which was completely stupid on my part... Some times my will power is not very strong.

But I am working on it.

anyway thought I would share the recipe for soup I had yesterday
IT was what I ate all day it was yummy.

I named it southwest potato soup.

any way in a pan begin to boil
four medium russet potatoes peeled and chopped into 1 inch cubes

When it is halfway cooked about 6 minutes add 1/2 of a yellow onion chopped to your preffered size, I like 1 inch pieces myself, but could be smaller or larger

cook for about 4 more minutes
add an entire package of c&w south west veggies(they include red peppers corn black beans and broccoli)
Cook about 4 to 5 minutes until heated through

Salt and pepper to taste

that was it... I did add more water to it when it got thick. That is what I ate all day yesterday and I have to say it was pretty delicious.

today so far I had red potatoes and broccoli

okay and it is pretty yummy and so easy to make I mean really easy.
You take two red potatos, Medium size, chop into 2 inch cubes add water to cover then chop up one stalk of broccoli chopped into pieces add to pan. put on lid, bring to a boil. turn off burner pour water off and return pan to the same burner with lid on let it sit for 6 minutes check if potatoes are done then pour onto a plate or into a big bowl and salt and pepper to taste

it is really yummy.

I had an awesome work out today... 1 hour of racket ball and 1/2 hour of swimming.. sadly I didn't make it to 1/2 mile like I usually do in that half hour but next time will be better.

We are off to the costco today Hubby and I ..
this should be interesting.

LOL I was surprised he wanted to go but what ever... I will be getting cat food and shampoo and lunch meat for him. There is not much there for me... except dry goods. Most of it is processed crap and yes I know about the vegetable and fruit aisle but honestly at our costco the stuff spoils really fast.

Happy Saturday!

Hubby likes to eat all the tastes they offer... most of them I can not eat, but they smell yummy.

hopfully I will do a-okay with eating the rest of the day.
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Re: Kitty Adventures Journey of a lifetime

Postby raven » Sat Apr 24, 2010 5:58 pm

Hi Kitty, I hope your day went well for you. Costco can be hard.

Thanks for sharing some yummy looking recipes.
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Re: Kitty Adventures Journey of a lifetime

Postby bunsofaluminum » Sat Apr 24, 2010 8:46 pm

ooh, baby that red potatoes and broccoli sounds SO good. I like the idea of pouring off the water. The texture of the tatties must be SO delectable! I'm going to try it, cuz I have red pots AND broccoli! yay!

keep on going. :)

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Re: Kitty Adventures Journey of a lifetime

Postby kittyadventures » Sun Apr 25, 2010 10:37 am

HI Raven Thank you
Yeah the pouring off the water thing I learned from i think Galloping Gourmet who touted it as making perfect potatoes for mashing. But I use it for any potatoes and vegetabels too it wrks so well and then they are not soggy. IT also saves energy as you are just cooking long enough to heat up the water.

as to eats I had 2 more red potatoes for lunch with a salad of lettuce and tomatoes
and another serving of the broccoli potatoes for dinner.

and I survived the cosco more or less intact I did have some rice chips which were yummy and I bought a bag of them .. THEy are not MWL compliant or probably mc dougall compliant but they are yummy and gluten free so I thought a bag would not kill me as long as I remember they are a condamint to sprinkle on salads. or the like.

I am 200+ dollars poorer though. I don't think I have ever gotten out of there for less than $100
and we only buy staple type stuff. I do not buy the meat but I get TP and Paper Towels and laundry soap and the like there so it does add up.

I have more garden flower pictures.. my garden is in spring time overdrive but will post them later today.

They have to upload to my photobucket which always takes a bit of time.

So far today i have had spinach and tatertots with a drizzle of catsup.. I kept the tots to a minimum approx 1/4 cup as they do have oil but plan to have a sweet potato and a big salad for lunch and possibly a bit of cabbage with dill seeds.
I will probably need a snack sometime before lunch and it will be some canned nectarines (My own home canned with very little sugar The minimum you can use) I would like to try making them in just the juice this year when I process but will have to wait and see.

THe Vegetabel garden is having a struggle so far we apparently are having a very cold spring. anyway I planted a second bed and added plastic to warm things up now the second bed has sprouted and the first bed only has the peas sprouted so I will be replanting the first bed today.

I am also starting some tomato and pepper seeds which I should have started long time ago but will give it a whirl this way anyway.
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Re: Kitty Adventures Journey of a lifetime

Postby bunsofaluminum » Mon Apr 26, 2010 8:53 am

yay gardens! and yay nectarines. I've never had em canned, but LOVE them fresh, and even better, tree ripened, picked, and eaten right there under the tree! yum!

My garden is finally showing some signs of life, especially the spinach patch which I thought was going to produce only weeds. The beets are the only stragglers at this point.

oooh, I love garden season! yah!

keep on going. Your menus look pretty good. :nod:

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