Doing it!

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Re: Doing it!

Postby BeansNRice » Fri Sep 02, 2011 8:57 am

Adrienne wrote:Have you tried salsa? I know a lot of people here (myself included) like it on potatoes. Or you can try sweet potatoes which are so good on their own.

Have not tried salsa yet, I can't imagine having it for breakfast! but I will try it for sure!

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Re: Doing it!

Postby BeansNRice » Fri Sep 02, 2011 8:57 am

Chile wrote:Years ago, my dad told me he liked salsa on his baked potatoes. I thought it sounded disgusting. However, gradually I was willing to try it and found it wasn't bad. The first try was dumping a salad on top of the baked potato and using salsa for dressing. I think I included some cooked pinto beans on top of the spud so it would be sort of like a Mexican dish.

When I did the Mary's mini with potatoes back in May, I started out with ketchup on my hashbrowns but decided to try salsa later. I liked it pretty well, but the best solution was to add a little ketchup to the salsa. Then I got some of the ketchup flavor but mostly used the non-sweetened salsa.

If you don't like salsa, you could try adding ketchup to some plain tomato paste diluted with water. Or ... try making Marla's "Better Ketchup" recipe she posted in the Food & Recipes forum. There are always options!

Thanks Chile! I will try your suggestions :)

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Re: Doing it!

Postby BeansNRice » Fri Sep 02, 2011 8:59 am

luvdachiess wrote:Hi Beans~

Looks like you have lots of help these days. I know you are in the September Challenge so guessing that is way the help.

Menu looks good for the regular program. I have switched back to the regular program as well. I think you can lose on the regular program as well, just slower. In fact I think F1jim lost all his weight on the regular program as he was really just trying to make himself healthier when he started, and the weight loss was a bonus.

I will keep checking on you and wish you luck with the challenge!

Hi Teresa! Yes support is always nice, please continue to drop in every day (if you can!) and post, I look forward to your thoughts! I do love the regular program, and I think having some ww bread & 1 cup of coffee helps me stay on task. I will keep tabs to see if it slows things down....

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Re: Doing it!

Postby BeansNRice » Fri Sep 02, 2011 9:07 am

WI: 162 - okay may stop with the daily WI's, I think I will do Wed & Sun from now on. It's almost automatic, I step on the scale without realizing it!

Up a little late last night and then woke up early today.... sooo tired.... oh well, I have a lot to do, cleaning the house, going to the park, the kidling keeps me busy. My 3 week vacation is almost over already :crybaby: back to work Tuesday! Hopefully I can continue to post here as much, or at least 1-2 times a day, helps to keep me motivated.

B- oats w/mixed berries, coffee w/ 2 tsp sugar, silk
L- beans in tomato sauce w/corn tortillas, a new love!!
S- apple
D- Huge Salad, baked sweet potato

HAVE to get more exercise in. We were supposed to get a friends old treadmill to set up in my livingroom, I had planned on starting to run. It's quite hilly around my house so I have a tough time trying to start running. Guess I could drive to a flatter terrain!

Keep forgetting to bug DH about switching the gym membership into my name. Will be sure to bug him today & tomorrow.

Going to ticker factory and creating a new ticker for my siggy. :)

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Re: Doing it!

Postby Chile » Fri Sep 02, 2011 10:02 am

Mmm, beans and corn tortillas... Gotta add some roasted green chiles in there, though. :lol:

I saw in the other thread you said you didn't care for salads. One way I incorporate more of them (albeit I love salad) is to dump them on top of other food ... like the beans and tortillas. Does that appeal at all to you?

I hear you on the hilly terrain. I have the same problem on my bike so my 30 minute rides are woefully short in actual distance. Not in elevation gain, though! We do drive one weekend day now to ride in a flatter area so we can ride longer and further. The treadmill or gym membership sounds like a good solution.
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Re: Doing it!

Postby BeansNRice » Sat Sep 03, 2011 3:21 pm

Mmmmmm roasted green chiles! Good idea!

Another late night. You'd think I was trying to be a teenager staying up the way I have been!

B- oats & raspberries, 2 coffees :duh: w/silk
S- hunk of ww baguette
L- cold quinoa salad w/ lemon rind, lemon juice, garlic, honey, cherry tomatoes, steamed carrots, red pepper, kale & spinach. Turned out so-so....made a ton so I will be eating this for a while!
D- *edit .. mushrooms baked w/dry garlic rib sauce, rice & steamed broccoli
S- a few handfuls of chips :x few handfuls of cheerios

E- took dog for 25 minute walk

Stupid chips I did so good until they were sitting there in front of me. Oh well.... Move on!
Last edited by BeansNRice on Sun Sep 04, 2011 10:38 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Doing it!

Postby BeansNRice » Sun Sep 04, 2011 10:37 am

WI: 162.4 :\ darn chips!

I need to find a different snackie food to eat when DH brings out the chips!! After my couple handfuls I did eat some cheerios instead, hit the spot. No more chips!!

B- potatoes w/low sodium ketchup, coffee & 3 bites of sons oatmeal
L- leftover quinoa salad, 2 small baked potatoes sliced & foreman grilled w/ seasoning salt
S- pretzel crisps, 0.5 g of fat per serving, no oil, dipped in guacamole
D- veg burger

Will edit food later if required.

Staying on plan today!!

E- plan on going to the park with child & taking dog out later

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Re: Doing it!

Postby BeansNRice » Mon Sep 05, 2011 3:05 pm

Did so much exercise yesterday I am sore today! I went to the park with my 2 yr old (10 min walk each way) and ran around & then a 30 min hilly walk w/ dog plus I did lay down/stand ups & pushups!

No WI today.

E- walk to park, plan on taking dog out later

B- 2 pieces sprouted grain bread w/homeade ff chickpea spread, coffee w/silk
L- refried black beans, brown rice, guacomole, salsa on corn tortillas
D- unsure

Back later to update. :mrgreen:

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Re: Doing it!

Postby Chile » Mon Sep 05, 2011 5:14 pm

What are lay down/stand ups? I mean, it sounds pretty obvious but form is always important. How do you do these?
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Re: Doing it!

Postby luvdachiess » Wed Sep 07, 2011 7:13 pm

Not sure where you are, hope you are still doing well and being a part of the challenge?

You have a choice with every bite!!
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Re: Doing it!

Postby BeansNRice » Sat Nov 05, 2011 11:14 am

well well well look whos back with their head hanging low... I am back to 167 this morning, completely fell off the wagon....remained lacto-ovo vegetarian, but lost track of myself and started eating eggs & cheese again, along with chips, chocolate and wine.... wow.... I have been thinking about the McD program everyday and lurking on and off on the boards over the months. I can't believe I got back up to my highest weight +2 pounds.... :mad: I got down to 157 in July following the regular plan!

I have thought long and hard, am focused, and I am back! I am going to do the regular program, but with no nuts or seeds, but maybe 1/2 avocado once in a while, I just love them!! whatever keeps me on plan I guess!

Edited to add.....going shopping today & starting tomorrow!! I am also going to start a new journal :)

Goals, of course are weight loss. but I also want to FEEL healthy! I'm 33 and feel tired, bloated and just plain ugly these days.....I have to change my life!

All my bloodwork came back "normal" in September. My BP always fluctuated so I dont really know where its at, sometimes I get 110/75, then the next day its 135/89 or something! I am contemplating getting an at-home bp machine. I was back up to 2 cups of coffee a day, now back to one and hope to get to 1/2 cup by next week, and within a few weeks, to 0 and start drinking green tea. I dont LOVE green tea like I do coffee, but I dont mind it either. and whatever gets me through the caffiene withdrawals and craving for a hot bev.

I dug out my rebounder (my 3 year old is thrilled with that choice) and am going to use it 20-30 mins/day + going for walks on breaks at work & taking the dog out every night. I know I need to start using weights too....

Today so far:
B - 2 pieces sprouted grain bread (no oil) w/1/2 avocado & 1 tomato, w/dijon mustard and 3/4 TB of veganaise (love the taste, weaning down from my 2 TBSP/day habit on sandwiches), coffee w/coconut creamer, 1 TB sugar (I normally dont use this much sugar but my hubby got me a large coffee today)

Back later with my updated menu plan for the day.

another note; I love my nightly wine and juice. its a small glass, its very tasty and enjoyable, but my goal is to not have any Sunday-Friday and indulge in 1-2 small glasses on Sat night. If I dont see a change on the scale, I'll cut it out, along with bread, ww pasta & avo's.

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Re: Doing it!

Postby BeansNRice » Sun Nov 06, 2011 10:57 am

I realize in reading yesterdays post that it sounds like I am doing this half-way, but I am really just trying to transition my way......however, I need to try harder right off the bat!

Back later, this iPod is way to slow!

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Re: Doing it!

Postby BeansNRice » Tue Nov 08, 2011 8:10 am

B- Oatmeal w/ blueberries
L- 2 pieces sprouted grain bread w/ 1/2 avo, 1 tomato, thin spread of veganaise
D- brown rice, chili beans, lettuce, tomato & salsa

Off plan - the veganaise, a couple Halloween choc bars (mini) a soy mocha & small glass wine & juice.

Back later w/today's plan

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Re: Doing it!

Postby BeansNRice » Fri Nov 11, 2011 1:32 pm

So far this week, things have been so-so with eating. A ton of beans, fruits and veg, however still dabbling in the junk...I am starting to wake up, and know I need to better my eating. I have decided to start off vegan, then start lowering fat intake. The only fat I have now is the odd 1/2 avo, a touch of earth balance, or some vegenaise. Also this week I have had chocolate, and cream cheese on bagels, and a soy mocha, but now I have no craving for it. I'm going to take that feeling and run with it.

I have been struggling for months trying to adhere, maybe I'm just not ready for 100%, but rather 90%....? I would like to keep posting here but hope my bits of non compliance doesn't affect other people.

Here begins my healthier vegan journey....

B- 1 small coffee w/coconut creamer & 1/2 tbsp sugar, oatmeal w/blueberries
L- ww lf tortilla wrap w/chili beans, brown rice, salsa and a bit of guac
S- 1 cup steamed veg, 1 cup brown rice, with 1 tbsp sesame ginger teriyaki sauce
S- orange, black bean brownie x3 (small)
D- veg soup, hunk of baguette
S- pretzels & small glass wine with juice

I also need to start exercising. My anxiety I have struggled with for 10+ years is returning. I was able to go off anti-anxiety meds about 2 years ago and have been pretty good, but lately its creeping up again :\ not fun. I found exercise very helpful.

As well, my BP has been fluctuating and I have noticed an irregular heartbeat these past few months. I bought a BP monitor last night and my average BP is 128/84. Not terrible... but not great. I am going to strive for 110/70. Both my parents have high BP & cholesteral and are on meds. They say, thats just what happens when you age (there in their early 60's). I refuse to beleive that and know this is the right way. I will get there. I will be 100% McDougall.

I have 40 pounds to lose and starting today, its coming off. 8)
Last edited by BeansNRice on Sat Nov 12, 2011 11:57 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Doing it!

Postby BeansNRice » Fri Nov 11, 2011 3:07 pm

So I already thought about eating leftover Halloween candy.... Instead, I made a 1 cup steamed veg, 1 cup brown rice with 1 tbsp sesame Ginger teriyaki sauce (ff). YAY!

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