10 years of McDougalling

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Re: 10 years of McDougalling

Postby Ruff » Sat Jul 09, 2022 3:39 pm

Quick pop in as I'm talking to Emily (my eldest) on the computer but she just came 5th in the 60km (which was 65km due to floods) in the Brisbane Ultra! One very proud mama here. Particularly as its a much bigger 'pond' in Australia.

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Re: 10 years of McDougalling

Postby VegSeekingFit » Sat Jul 09, 2022 5:18 pm

Awesome, Katie!!! Congrats to Emily!!! :) OMG, must have been hard making it a longer run "with the floods"...
I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

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Re: 10 years of McDougalling

Postby Trinity » Sat Jul 09, 2022 5:58 pm

!!!!! Congratulations, Emily!!! And Mom! :)
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Re: 10 years of McDougalling

Postby Ruff » Mon Jul 11, 2022 12:18 pm

Good morning everyone. I have had a busy few days and have not been reading here much since Saturday (its Tuesday here now). But today its is pouring with rain, and set to be localised flooding by the end of the day. So I am going nowhere, and doing nothing except a bit of cooking and cleaning, and then I am going to curl up in front of the log fire with my crochet and/or knitting. And have a read around everyones journals as well. I might put on waterproof jacket and trousers and go and see what the storm is doing to the beach, that can be fun at high tide. but mostly its an at home, keep warm day.

I am making my husbands granola today. Its oil and sugar free, but has nuts, seeds and dried fruit. It's too high calorie density for me to eat on a daily basis, but I do indulge occasionally.

Food today, kitchen soup for lunch. Kitchen soup is when you wander around the kitchen looking for things that need using up and turn them into soup! Supper will be baked potatoes. I'm not sure what we will have on them, maybe baked beans or I might feel inspired to make a sauce. Or maybe just left over soup from lunch poured over them...can always thicken it with a few lentils if necessary.

I pulled my arm a little last night, it was so much better I forgot about it and swam a few lengths at the pool. then I felt it and thought 'oh no', so went into the warm hydrotherapy pool instead and did some exercises in there. it aches this morning but doesn't hurt so I hope it will settle down soon.

I hope everyone is doing well. I am off to have a read of your journals now, to find out what you have all been up to.

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Re: 10 years of McDougalling

Postby Trinity » Mon Jul 11, 2022 4:43 pm

I hope your arm is feeling better and happy anniversary next Wednesday! 37 years, wow! We are at 14 soon so halfway there.
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Re: 10 years of McDougalling

Postby VegSeekingFit » Tue Jul 12, 2022 7:02 pm

Hi Katie!!! :-D

THANK YOU for stopping by my journal to cheer me on. It means a lot --- seriously!!! So impressed how Trinity and you have inspired a revival in the journal threads... (YAY!!!)

Happy Anniversary to you and your husband!!! I hope that you have an awesome celebration --- and you must share which "pudding" that you pick for the celebration... My hubby and I are coming up on 30 years next month... OMG...

I love the routine that you mention of by the fire -- crochet, check out the journals, etc... sounds wonderful!

Sending good wishes from the US....

I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

Thankful for amazing people - McDs, JeffN, Mark, Tiffany, Goose!

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Re: 10 years of McDougalling

Postby Ruff » Thu Jul 14, 2022 2:29 pm

well yesterday did not go as planned. Our dog, Bonnie, injured her leg. The vet has referred us onto a specialist but at the moment she is quite disabled. She is on a truck load of pain meds. Of course it is Friday today. We saw the vet yesterday afternoon and he said he would refer immediately, but I expect it will be next week now before we see the specialist.

And to make matters worse, we have an estate car that Bonnie travels in. Our other car does not have a suitable boot (trunk) and although she can normally travel on the back seat, she can't with her leg the way it is. And on the way to the vet yesterday the window fell down into the inside of the door. Its not broken but we now have to get that sorted, and we can't drive the dog to the specialist until it is fixed. My neighbour Sophie, has a car she can go in, so going to see her this morning for a heads up that I might need to borrow it. The car actually belongs to Emily, my daughter...who is today flying to Boise, Idaho! Sophie was rear ended and her car was written off so Emily lent her car to Sophie whilst she (Emily) is travelling. Anyway, its also an estate car, so Bonnie can go in the back of that one.

Peter has just got off the phone to the car repair people. The estate car will go to them on Monday. Now we just need to hear back from the vet orthopaedics.

Food, I have pulled some frozen chilli out of the freezer, we will have it with rice. I will make a quick potato and kumera soup for lunch, and it will be fruit for snacks. Good thing about this way of eating is how simple it actually is when everything else is going to custard!

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Re: 10 years of McDougalling

Postby VegSeekingFit » Fri Jul 15, 2022 1:48 pm

Hope that your Bonnie is ok, Katie. Take care.
I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

Thankful for amazing people - McDs, JeffN, Mark, Tiffany, Goose!

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Re: 10 years of McDougalling

Postby Trinity » Fri Jul 15, 2022 9:11 pm

Gah! Cars!!! I also hope Bonnie feels better soon.
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Re: 10 years of McDougalling

Postby Ruff » Fri Jul 15, 2022 11:01 pm

Trinity wrote:Gah! Cars!!! I also hope Bonnie feels better soon.

At least the window did its act for Peter, not me!

Bonnie needs an operation :( This will probably be on Wednesday 27th July, assuming the pre op appointment on the Tuesday goes as planned and neither us or the orthopaedic vet gets covid.....

Im feeling bit down right now....car, Bonnie....winter. Talking of winter, the day of the storm the roof leaked (something else to fix :roll: ) However as leaks go it was a very polite leak...it leaked right into the bathroom sink! :lol: But hopefully thats the 3..car, roof and now Bonnie. I'd quite like a peaceful week next week.

So much has gone wrong we are not going to eat out for our anniversary next Wednesday. Instead we will have a day at home doing our favourite hobbies (its the school holidays here so Peter is not at work) and eating our favourite food. At the moment we are planning pancakes for breakfast, a big treat for me as I dont often have flour products except pasta. These will be wholemeal sourdough pancakes with lots of fruit, and....Maple Syrup!!!! Well, its a special occasion. :D :D Peter requested pasta bake for supper, and for pudding we will have apple crumble, with homemade compliant granola as the crumble topping. The stewed apples are our own from the garden and bottled by me. I might also make some crisps as a snack, these are made in a microwave without oil, just potatoes. But maybe not...this is already sounding like a lot of food!

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Re: 10 years of McDougalling

Postby Trinity » Sat Jul 16, 2022 8:21 am

Katie, your meals for your anniversary sound way better than anything you could get eating out! Of course there’s the kitchen cleanup but you could just leave it for the next day. And you have to cook it but still…yum! Compliant and the price is right!

I could Google this but I’d rather ask you, my go-to for running advice. What really causes cramps? Does anyone know for sure? I tried my first 4-1 today and I was outside so it was hot/humid and there were some hills, but I had drunk plenty (probably about 12 oz., as usual) of water beforehand, didn’t eat breakfast yet, was going really slow, etc. etc. Anyway—would love your $0.02.
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Re: 10 years of McDougalling

Postby kirstykay » Sat Jul 16, 2022 10:53 am

Sorry about your car and your dog. Hope things get sorted out soon and the pup can get on the road to recovery. I love reading your journal...real life...simple food. It's great! Oh, and Happy Anniversary! :-)
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Re: 10 years of McDougalling

Postby Lizzy_F » Sat Jul 16, 2022 11:26 am

Hi Katie! Wow you have lots going on - some of which sounds stressful (at least it would be for me!). I hope Bonnie is able to heal as good as new after surgery. I find it really scary when injuries or illness happen with our dogs, so hope everything turns out positive. Happy upcoming anniversary! My mouth is watering just reading about your food plan - it sounds delicious and way better than restaurant food! Also, from upthread, congratulations to your daughter on her racing success. You must be so proud of her!

Thank you for stopping by my journal and offering your words of wisdom and encouragement! It helps me so much to think through any issues I am contemplating or struggling with - just knowing what the longer timers went through, and how you decided to handle it. And how you handle it in maintenance. So I really appreciate you taking time to do that!

Oh my gosh - sounds like you have to live with the threat of future earthquakes. I hope they pass you by in the future!

I also meant to tell you when I was commenting about your testimonial that you have a super beautiful smile! You look like such a fun person that I would love to meet one day!

I love that you share what you are eating. I find that very helpful too - just understanding how successful people approach the food as a practical day to day matter. So thank you!!

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Re: 10 years of McDougalling

Postby Ruff » Sun Jul 17, 2022 10:29 pm

Running cramps. Stitch I assume you mean? Tummy cramps not leg cramps? Its because you are unfit. Its your diaphragm cramping. Even Emily (she of ultra running prowess ) got stitch..tummy cramps... when she started running as an adult! So did I. One can run through it up to a point, but its best to stop and walk until it eases, and then jog again. It will come back when you do though, so try walking again. Its a pain but as you get fitter it will go away.

Life has been jogging on. Bonnie is limping around on 3 legs and is very depressed that we won't take her running or to the beach for walks. She is also heavily drugged and is just lying on her bed in a huge puddle of gloom. So unusual for our bouncy smiley dog. Pre op 26th July, operation (all being well) 27th July. 8 and 9 days respectively. None of us are enjoying this.

The car is at the garage right now and we are waiting for the phone call. At least they didn't ring after an hour to say they couldn't get the necessary parts in Nz and we would have to wait for them to come from Aus/China/Sweden (its a Volvo), so I have hopes that they are in fact mending it.

On the plus side the sun has been out and it has actually been almost warm. We did some clearing up in the garden and I took the opportunity to unwrap the worms and check on them. they are fine and I gave them some horse poop as a treat!.I am going to the hot pools at the pier this evening, and I am looking forward to that.

So not our best week, but there we go. We are fine, the kids are fine, Bonnie will be fine after her op and recovery. Onwards.

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Re: 10 years of McDougalling

Postby Lizzy_F » Mon Jul 18, 2022 1:50 pm

Sending you big hugs across the miles Katie in hopes that your rough patch is nearing an end! <3

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