Circle of Friends

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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby terrilee317 » Mon Sep 26, 2011 5:19 pm

Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and move on. Remember that the vegan lifestyle is a conscious choice to be healthy and not be a participant in the the torture of innocent animals. Holidays are always full of vegetables and fruit baskets, so I am looking forward to sweet potatoes and corn and squash and green beans and maybe I'll indulge in a little Stove top, who knows, and probably some mashed potatoes made my way without milk and butter. I don't have to eat a pig or a turkey to celebrate the holidays and neither do you. Don't get down on yourself. Just remind yourself that you are the one who is making the right choices here.
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby to_our_health » Mon Sep 26, 2011 5:41 pm

LoriJenny wrote:What was that loud thud??? Oh no, it was me falling off the wagon :( Ouch!! Well, I'm climbing right back on, no looking back, only enough to figure out that what happened happened due a lack of planning.

I"m not going to go into details of the wrong food I ate, because I am always afraid that it might be a trigger for someone else to read about those foods...and it's not important, the important thing is that I continue on, undaunted, and trying much harder to have a plan.

A little of the problem was my daughter in law telling me that it's just not right to try to stick with my vegan diet through the holidays. I want to please people generally...but this is something I reallly want and need to do for me, holiday season or no holiday season!

It is so tough when those you are close to and want to have fun occasions with not only don't understand but decide to be put out by our choices. I've been so lucky to be in family that finds each new WOE by various family members (low-carb, gluten-free, McDougall) as an exciting culinary challenge! And terrilee is right that during the holidays there are so many veggie dishes and salads that we never miss what used to be the "main course."

But if you're dealing with someone who is cooking that main course and wants to share it and be appreciated for it, that will disrupt the dynamics. The thing is, that's their stuff, it doesn't have to be yours. You can commiserate that you do indeed miss being able to share in enjoying dishes with others like you used to, and you appreciate how hard they work to prepare the food, but you are in a different place now and it works for you...and you know how much she can appreciate how much healthier you are now! :D

Also, most people still think in terms of "diet" as something you go and off and aren't thinking that this is a way of eating for the rest of our lives. Just think of all who have been doing this successfully for years now...I can't imagine them going off just because it's a holiday! Oh, maybe some dessert they wouldn't usually have (still on plan) or a little richer sauces but certainly not anything off plan!

Visualize yourself three years from now at the holidays, at your goal weight, healthy and happy with your way of eating. Everyone will be used to it by then and just know that's part of who you are.
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby janluvs2heel » Mon Sep 26, 2011 5:46 pm

LoriJenny wrote:What was that loud thud??? Oh no, it was me falling off the wagon :( Ouch!! Well, I'm climbing right back on, no looking back, only enough to figure out that what happened happened due a lack of planning.

I"m not going to go into details of the wrong food I ate, because I am always afraid that it might be a trigger for someone else to read about those foods...and it's not important, the important thing is that I continue on, undaunted, and trying much harder to have a plan.

A little of the problem was my daughter in law telling me that it's just not right to try to stick with my vegan diet through the holidays. I want to please people generally...but this is something I reallly want and need to do for me, holiday season or no holiday season!

That was the hardest thing for me to get, was that I could fall off & get right back on. There are some here who think it is all or nothing but it isn't. Might slow you down for a few days but that's all. Good for you for getting right back on. And thank you for not listing what you ate. :lol:

I get upset when people make comments to me, too. It is a struggle sometimes not to eat in reaction to them but hey, we only have ourselves to be responsible to. Staying on plan during the holidays can be your Christmas present to yourself. Just think how good you will feel on Jan. 1, 2012.
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby carollynne » Mon Sep 26, 2011 6:16 pm

hi to all who come to this thread!
to LoriJenny, hey I plan on staying on plan, but this will be about the 4th yr in a row that someone has been vegan at my table. so I make up the works, for all of us! I usually do a vegan tofu loaf that the sons loved so much, it called for of course the tofu, and then oatmeal, and ground up nuts, and bread crumbs, and it went fast. Now I am not sure, if I will, as I love the veggies, and brown rice so much more now, and the potatoes, divine!
To Christine, I hope all is well, and that the bullying has calmed down, that is just so awful, for anyone to endure.
I have lost about 60 lbs and never thought I'd be in the 150s ever again. cured my NAFLD!! Feel great!! Wt loss is so good for the knees and back, ankle, that I know I will never start back to the SAD way of eating again.
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby LoriJenny » Tue Sep 27, 2011 8:14 pm

Well, I'm happy to report that I am back on track :) Thanks so much to you all, Carollynne, Terrilee, Jan, and To Our Health... I reallly appreciate the words of wisdom and encouragement :)

I was really hungry today, but I stayed on the course!! I did have an extra bowl of 3 bean chili when I go really really hungry.

I wish I had time to write more tonight, but I don't...but for a good reason, son wants to play monopoly :) Hope you all had a good day too!!
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby to_our_health » Tue Sep 27, 2011 8:22 pm

LoriJenny wrote:
I wish I had time to write more tonight, but I don't...but for a good reason, son wants to play monopoly :) Hope you all had a good day too!!

Yay for playing board games with our kids! One of our favorites used to be Clue..we played that a lot with our daughter through her early teens. DS is now 25 and DD 22 so we don't get to anymore! Enjoy!
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby carollynne » Wed Sep 28, 2011 3:05 am

Hi to all! LoriJenny and To our health, I loved playing board games with my 3 sons and they loved it too. I think it is great family time together. They loved Clue and Monopoly!!
Well my arthritis is giving me a bit of stiffness again. I am really considering doing the elimination diet that Dr Neal Barnard writes in his book, The Foods that Fight Pain, and wonder if I can do it. Then, I remember all the real pain and stiffness I have already gone thru, and wonder how can I not do this too? It has gotten a ton better since going completely vegan. But I must have more triggers, and just hope it is not oatmeal! I honesty think that it is wheat in my case. My diet is so close to that now as it is! I do love brown jasmine rice and kale and some kind of a sauce, but love the red or white potatoes, not the sweet potatoes, but they will have to grow on me, I guess.
I decided that I had to go out and try on some new jeans, as none of mine fit at all, and looked like clown pants. and was I ever happy :-D :D :-) :eek: :eek: :eek: when a regular size 16 fits me so nice and a bit loose just like I would wear, and the waistline too, and that is a big surprise to me. In the past whenever I thought I could pour myself into a size 16 reg. it was a tight fit, and would not be very comfortable at all for long. Now I am just astounded :shock: :shock: :shock: ! So I splurged and bought myself 2 pr. I tried on some dress pants, and then were size 14 to fit ok. wow! And that is my good news too.
We have had a lot of rain and thunder and my poor little dog barks at the noise! of course she also barks the vacuum cleaner too.
You all have a good day!!
I have lost about 60 lbs and never thought I'd be in the 150s ever again. cured my NAFLD!! Feel great!! Wt loss is so good for the knees and back, ankle, that I know I will never start back to the SAD way of eating again.
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby Christine in Cali » Wed Sep 28, 2011 6:09 am

Oh, Carollynne How exciting to buy smaller pants! Your hard work is paying off. I am so happy for you.

All you Ladies are doing so well. LoriJenny good for you getting right back on track too! I have been eating really well the last two days, and I hope to make this day 3.

Have a lovely day everyone
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby Rosey » Wed Sep 28, 2011 9:21 am

Way to go carollynne!!! always feels great to get into sizes you couldn't before I'm down quite a few sizes since I started will be great when I get where I can wear the regular sizes will be a bit yet but I will get there.
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby carollynne » Wed Sep 28, 2011 2:27 pm

Rosey, oh, you can bet the farm on it!! I am amazed myself. but this has been a long time a'coming too.
It turned into a nice sunny day, after the rain, and cloudiness too in the early afternoon, and later morning.
Still planning on getting see and hear Dr Essy tomorrow at the lecture at Mercersburg Academy. If it is raining, then I plan on usinhg a umbrella, that is how determined I am to get there no matter what. Last year his son, RIp, was there to speak at there kick-off of this kind of lifestyle and WOE so there will be an audience of ones who are well versed too. My only problem is parking,is is a high school campus that looks like a small college campus, and we are planning on going early to find parking and also to perhaps see the art in this art center, or just get there early and perhaps the doc will be making small talk, can you tell I am excited by all of this?? Woo-Hoo!
I have lost about 60 lbs and never thought I'd be in the 150s ever again. cured my NAFLD!! Feel great!! Wt loss is so good for the knees and back, ankle, that I know I will never start back to the SAD way of eating again.
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby LoriJenny » Wed Sep 28, 2011 9:52 pm

Rosey and Carollynne...Congrats on the smaller sizes!! :)

Carollynne...I hope your day tomorrow is wonderful, and I look forward to hearing all about it :) I would be so excited too!!!

I had a good day today, it was blazing hot here, and I was out in it alot and moving alot and moving equipment around, I went to the gym after work and then walked the dog...whew...I am just exhausted, but I feel good :) I just finished a dinner of baked potato and pea soup...yum!! I'm thinking that going to the gym, where I can get my heart rate up for 20-30 minutes a day or so might be a good way to help my body get rid of some cholesterol, and I'm also thinking about maybe having a bowl of oatmeal as my after work snack as well as in the morning...who knows, maybe that might help too??

Carollynne, I hope you find some relief for the arthritis...I wondered about the oatmeal too, but that didn't turn out to be it for me.

Yep, To Our Health, my kids are similar ages to yours...actually, 25, 22, and 19 and so game time does not happen often anymore! But it's fun when it does! We also love the game Upwords!! and the play-doh game "Splat"!

Hope everyone has a good Thursday!!!
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby Rosey » Wed Sep 28, 2011 11:46 pm

Thanks Lorijenny. Laugh speaking of smaller I have to give up my exercise pants. I was wearing them and the 3 year old I babysit barely tugged on them and they went all the way down to my feet. laugh.
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby carollynne » Thu Sep 29, 2011 4:35 am

LoriJenni, you are doing great!! I am truly impressed and so happy for you too. and Rosey, that is too funny about your pants being tugged right down to the ground! Jeesh, that is the living end of them. You have done exceedingly well and might be one of the stars I am thinking!
You all have a great McDougall kind of day!! I am making up another 2 cups of brown jasmine rice in the cooker. The first batch this week went so fast!! Son and I are gobbling it up, he takes some to work, and cooked kale with a dressing usually the chick pea flax, lemon juice etc., one, and has told me that he is eating all his healthy kind of food, like rice and the others are chowing down on all this high meat and greasy looking stuff plus a ton of Mt Dew. Of course he is the only odd ball there, but he does not seem to care, and has lost 20 lbs since he started to work there too. I can see that eating right has really brought about a ton of good changes in him, and he has grown in posture, confidence, and self esteem, by doing the right thing too. Cool Beans that!
I have lost about 60 lbs and never thought I'd be in the 150s ever again. cured my NAFLD!! Feel great!! Wt loss is so good for the knees and back, ankle, that I know I will never start back to the SAD way of eating again.
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby carollynne » Thu Sep 29, 2011 7:49 pm

Dear Everyone here! Ok, the evening events were a huge success for me and oldest son. He came home hopped right into the shower, and off we went, he had a PBJ on Ezekial bread before we left, and I made Dh a nice big salad for his dinner, which is what he wanted...
the weather cooperated adn it was a superb lecture. Dr Essy looks sof it and trim, thin, but not emaciated looking.... and stood so straight and tall too. He has a marvelous sense of humor and sarcasm, that comes out here and there in his presentations with no notes. Theer was a laptop on the floor for his slides, and once there was a tech glitch and he right away told a story til til the tech support man arrived, in like 30 seconds, then said, did I step on it? and don't go to far away, Dave! He speaks so very intelligently on his slides and quickly, just like Dr McD that it is cool. It is a no brainer, here, plants will heal your body, and I will be sticking to this to the utmost.
I did get in line to talk to him, and asked him to sign my book, but was really too nervous to ask him for a picture, and there was my son all ready to take it too! oh well, he was a very personable and approachable man, and he is so wonderful to be spreading the word out to us in Podunk, Pennsylvania too. He did say that his son RIp did graduate from Mercersburg Academy. We did get to eat the meal after all, and altho we were on a waiting list and the lady said she would call us on my cell, there had some extra tickets and I think all who wanted to were able to eat. It was a short walk over to a dining hall and the weather was beautiful. It was buffet style and the menu was all from the Engine 2 book of recipes.: a mushroom with thin wheat spaghetti, lentil and braised cabbage, sweet potato lasagne, and 2 soups, and a nice romaine lettuce salad too. The soups were: a cauliflower with a bit of spice and peanut butter, and a mixed bean sort of chili with tomatoey broth base. Both were great. I am so glad we got in to the meal. I was too star stuck sort of I think but at any rate, I know now that I am on the right path. I plan on asking for the coaching anyway, and that includes the 2 sets of lab reports cheap. There will some group sessions and pot lucks that will be fun to attend. so..... that is the plan, but we will see, I guess. Nice people there, and my cardiologist was there with his wife too. that surprised me and we sat with them for the meal, He is a sweetie too.
Mrs. Essy was giving a talk on the cooking and shopping essentials and we had to leave as son was just too tired.
a beautiful night with other veagns, well worth the drive we both thought!
OH, I did buy the DVd of Fork over Knives, even tho I have seen it 4 x on netflix, this way I can show it to others maybe.
night to all!
I have lost about 60 lbs and never thought I'd be in the 150s ever again. cured my NAFLD!! Feel great!! Wt loss is so good for the knees and back, ankle, that I know I will never start back to the SAD way of eating again.
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby LoriJenny » Thu Sep 29, 2011 8:58 pm

Carollynne, thanks so much for sharing about your adventure!! I think I would be very star struck too, how fun that you got to personally meet Dr. Essy though and get his autograph! :) It sounds like a really inspiring meeting, and I think the coaching and potlucks sound like so much fun!!!

Rosey, I laughed out loud when I read about what happened with the exercise pants....time for a little!!! That is wonderful!

Christine, are you busy with moving?? I'm glad to hear that things are going well for you! :) I hope you get all moved and settled in quickly!!

My day was busy, and's pretty much been the same all week. Such a busy time, my job has become just so so active, it's very good for me, but it's exhausting too!! I've done really well with the eating, and I'm pretty happy about that. Someone here, I think it was Terrilee, said to remember that this is not a "diet" but a lifestyle, and I've been thinking about that alot, it's really a helpful thought to me. I also pretty much realized too that if and when I occasionally slip's really only "worth it" if it is chocolate :) But in general just sticking to the plan daily...eating lots of fruits and vegies, I decided to limit my rice cake intake to work, so I keep them at work, cause I just won't overeat them there.

Plugging along, happy tomorrow is Friday...and...I've lost 7 pounds recently...need to change my ticker!!
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