Journal of my journey

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Mon May 21, 2018 8:44 am

May 21, 2018

Race day results = 34:14; both my garmin and google maps had the route at 3.36 miles I beat my last year's time, but not the 34 minutes I had in mind as the best time. Now I begin training for the next race, a 6.55 mile trail run with lots of hills. Have I ever stated that I am a wimp on the hills? Yet, I do this race each year.

One of my daughters mentioned that she needs to start eating better and her friends are recommending the keto diet. I searched youtube and ended up watching Dr. Eric Berg. As I am listening to one of his videos, I realized that he when he refers to eating "sugar", he is referring to simple sugars, as in that white stuff they sell by the pound in the baking aisle. He was saying to eat less than 20 grams of carbs, but you needed to make sure you ate 7-10 cups of vegetables each day and were to subtract the carbs from the vegetables and not include them in the count of less than 20 g. In the video I watched he did not distinguish between the starchy and non starchy vegetables to eat. At least he said to make sure you eat your vegetables.

All I told my daughter was that was the diet we were on when her father had kidney stone after kidney stone. So, according to our experience, it cannot be good for the kidneys.

I need to stop posting about my successes in my eating because I seem to go into a self-sabotaging mode the next day. After the race, I grabbed the processed snacks and that lead to a 2 day binge on junk food. If I don't report that I am doing well, I can stick with it for a longer period of time. What gives with that?! But that is something I need to get over. I think it is that secret eating. I make the appearance of doing well, but secretly sneak food. Growing up, I always hid my candy from one of my sisters because she would always eat mine; or else I'd eat it all at once just so she couldn't get any. I find myself doing this with my husband, if he asks for a bite of something I am eating I get overly possessive with it. Old habits are hard to break.

Yesterday, I made dish with: onion, celery. carrot, sweet potato, quinoa, black beans, corn, and peas. Then a served it on a huge bed of spring mix. No seasonings, just the ingredients and it did not need any seasoning at all. Yum!
Nancy (aka Morris)

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Wed May 23, 2018 6:25 am

May 23, 2018

Monday was not a good day for me. I got hit with a virus and stayed in bed all day. Yesterday, my energy was slowly coming back. I still have a cough but at least my skin isn't screaming at me when it gets touched. I don't get sick very often and maybe I was a wimp because in reality, it did not really seem that bad, it just zapped my energy.

I felt better yesterday and went to town to do some errands and then stopped at the state park and enjoyed nature for abit. That seemed to give me some of my energy back. I walked on a river trail, then to the campground. I want to go camping this summer, hubby does not want to go, so it will be a good alone time for me. One of the reasons I run and walk so often is because no one wants to accompany me, it is my time for me. But sometimes I do not get enough.

Man, I just looked at the calendar and I have 2-1/2 weeks until my next race, a trail run. I am so not ready for it. It is 6.55 miles with hilly terrain. I have a love hate relationship with hills. But the scenery is beautiful, that is if I chose to pay attention to it.

I made a vegetable curry yesterday, but used coconut milk, it was definitely not compliant. I put it on a big bowl of spring mix and added some rice to it.

Oh, my weight is the lowest so far this year, but I am not really counting it as such because it'll take some time to get back to my normal eating.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby moonlight » Thu May 24, 2018 10:18 am

Hi Morris, I hope you are feeling better today :)
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Fri May 25, 2018 4:54 am

May 25, 2018

Well, this little virus butt and it seems to have zapped my energy, But, then the weather is hot and humid; so that may have something to do with the lack of energy. I don't have much of an appetite yet, and what I have been eating has been what others who portion control would call normal.

We went out to eat with my daughter and her family, they chose a burger place where there was not one healthy thing on the menu. That was painful to sit there and watch them eat, And, of course, hubby was right there with them. I ended up speaking my mind at one point when they told my grandson to stop drinking his milk shake and to eat his cheese burger and fries. I blurted out, "Pick your poison," and was promptly told that we are all going to die so it does not matter what we eat. So, somehow they have the idea that I think if I chose to eat food, real food, that I'll live forever. Huh?

Then my daughter starts complaining about how the arthritis in her hands is flaring up. I just said, "well, you need to eat an anti-inflammatory diet and what you just ate is going to aggravate it." But, they are going to die anyway, so what does it matter. I am saddened and frustrated over the whole situation. This is the daughter that has been asking for my help with making meals so that she can eat better. maybe she was torn between her loyalties (mom or SO) and got defensive because she knew better.

Not much to report on my eating because my appetite is not quite back to normal and I have not been eating much. I did make a big pot of beans. Best tasting batch ever.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby keithswife » Fri May 25, 2018 8:38 am

Morris wrote:
We went out to eat with my daughter and her family, they chose a burger place where there was not one healthy thing on the menu. That was painful to sit there and watch them eat, And, of course, hubby was right there with them. I ended up speaking my mind at one point when they told my grandson to stop drinking his milk shake and to eat his cheese burger and fries. I blurted out, "Pick your poison," and was promptly told that we are all going to die so it does not matter what we eat. So, somehow they have the idea that I think if I chose to eat food, real food, that I'll live forever. Huh?

Oh, Morris, I have so been there. I remember reading Dr. Neal Barnard's "Breaking the Food Seduction" and nodding my head in agreement in so many places. I have problems with my mother in law. She used to make fun of my voracious appetite before I changed my eating habits, and now makes fun of me because I did change my eating habits. I guess before I made her feel better about herself, because I was eating loads of crap compared to her. Now, I guess I'm making her look bad because I don't any more. I seriously don't get it. I haven't said one word to her about her food. After refusing to go get ice cream the last time she was here, I finally sat her down and explained to her that this was the new me. I used to be very sick, and this wonderful plant based diet has cured me. I don't think it helped. But what can you do?
"One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well." - Virginia Woolf
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Sun May 27, 2018 6:21 am

May 27, 2018

It is going to be long emotional summer. I cannot wait for it to be over. But I'll need to focus on the positive and look at it as this is out time to create more memories with 2 of our grandchildren. They will be moving at the end of the summer.

My mom wants me to come help my bother plant their garden, but I am still coughing. My mom has COPD and there is no way I am going to go and take a chance of passing this crud to her.

I have not been giving much attention to what I am eating. It is like I am having to force feed myself. Maybe it is because it is so hot. I know I should be eating more than what I have been. I am at least starting to get my appetite back.

This morning I am going for my first run in a week, but I am still coughing os I am curious to see how that is going to go. But my race is in 2 weeks, so I need to at least get a short run in. Maybe if I exert myself a bit, I can expel this crud. (wishful thinking)

Short post today,
Nancy (aka Morris)

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Tue May 29, 2018 5:48 am

May 29, 2018

I cannot wait until this cough goes away. I am slowly getting back to running again. I had to cut it short yesterday. I run a non maintenance road through the woods and there was a truck parked off to the side. (The two legged creatures scare me more than the wild life). I ended up calling my husband to let him know there was a truck there, so he had me stay on the phone. Since I has to go passed it and then turn around and pass it again, it took a while to complete the call. By then I was out of my pace and just couldn't get back to it. It was getting hot and I was going to work in the garden, so I just said, enough for today. Got 3 slow miles in.

We went to town to get some groceries. I load up the cart with: apples, oranges, bananas, grapes. Hubby loads up the cart with: cookies and chips. It is so frustrating because it's in the house and I have to be extra diligent and I give in to that stuff too often. And I did yesterday - UGH! I was doing so well too. It really frustrates me that he won't even attempt to go whole food plant based with his choices. If I mention it to him he replies with, "Grains make me fat." Whatever.

Today is a new day with new opportunities to be plant strong!
Nancy (aka Morris)

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby keithswife » Tue May 29, 2018 7:05 am

People scare me, too. I was out hiking with my family in our local park one day when we came upon a drug deal going down in a remote section of the trail. Honestly, I think I would have preferred running into a bear at that point. We pretended not to see anything and hustled our butts out of there as quickly as we could. I can't bring myself to go back, even though it's the prettiest trail we have around here.
"One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well." - Virginia Woolf
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby moonlight » Wed May 30, 2018 10:50 am

I feel the same way about hiking alone. And, I don't think most men quite get how women are vulnerable in this situation. It's something most men have never felt. I would hike a lot more if I could feel good about hiking alone. It's not injury or wild animals that hold me back...

Morris, I love your journal postings. I hope you feel better soon and are back to running. Also, I have the same problem with my husband bringing non-compliant food into the house. He will try to keep it out-of-site but I just keep expanding what seems to be a trigger food for me. He stopped buying my favorite bread but now I'm considering snacking on his rye bread. I hate rye bread! We will overcome! :nod:
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Fri Jun 01, 2018 7:01 am

June 1, 2018

Seems like I have not posted for a while. It has been hot and I I have been wanting to get my runs in before it got too hot. Plus, I am trying to get my garden planted. I still have the cough and it is wiping me out.

Plus it made my coffee taste horrible, so much that I am on day 2 of no coffee. I am sitting here typing and realizing how much of a pick me up coffee actually gives me.I'll see how long I last without drinking it.

I made a big batch of rice and beans and that is what I have been eating for most of my meals. And fruit (apple, banana, orange, grapes, blueberries).

Hopefully, I'll get back on track soon.
Nancy (aka Morris)

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Sat Jun 02, 2018 6:43 am

June 2, 2018

Day 3 of no coffee. I was tempted to make a pot this morning, but I thought, why? I am afraid that it will taste nasty and then I'd be so disappointed. It seems to take me a bit to wake up, but that was the case even when I was having my coffee. I think deep down, I am afraid of losing the "me" time. No one talk to me til I am finished with my coffee.I will just have to switch it it tea time.

Some of the seeds are starting to sprout now in the garden. It is always such a marvel watching the plant push through the ground. This year we planted squashes, corn, carrots and a variety of greens.

For breakfast: tea
shredded wheat with dried fruit and nuts

Lunch: rice and beans
Salad: romaine, clementine, grapes, apple

I had the grandsons for supper last night, so I made them some ABC shaped pasta with an alfredo sauce (vegan8's recipe) served it with beets, corn, carrots, and peas.

For a snack, I made some flourless peanut butter cookies.

I ran a flat route yesterday and discovered that I am running about 1-2 minutes slower since I got this cough. Race day in 1 week, I'll have to set my goal time according to how slow I am running now. I am still coughing. My daughter said she caught this bug in the winter and it took about 6 weeks. If that's the case, 2 down 4 to go. UGH! I hope I get rid of this sooner than that.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Tue Jun 05, 2018 9:23 am

June 5, 2018

Well, I went to our cabin to mow the grass. Hubby actually helped using the rider. He is not as helpless as he pretends to be and that makes me so angry. It adds such an extra burden on me to have to do everything. He once told me the reason he does not help me is because I don't say thank you when he actually does do something to help me. I do not thank him for washing his dishes he uses, vacuum the floor in the house he lives in, wash and dry the clothes he wears. Where do men come up with this nonsense? To add the icing on the cake, he does not thank me when I do theses things for him. Oh, wow! all that complaining because hubby actually helped me do something that needed to be done. I should be thankful, but it makes me angry.

I must have been frustrated because I pigged out on potato chips. Now, where did I come up with the nonsense that eating junk food is going to make me feel better? Our thinking is so messed up. Like the article someone posted that a baked potato has 90 grams of sugar and that is causing the obesity epidemic. Blame it on a whole food. That's as bad as "grains make me fat". Never mind said person is eating eggs, sausage, burgers and fries, cookies, cake, chips, donuts. But heaven forbid if I serve a whole grain with a meal.

On the positive, I ate more fruit than I usually do, limited the s'mores I ate, made a batch of bean soup. Today is a new day and new opportunities to look for the good in things. Please send positive vibes my way. I really dislike being grumpy all the time.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Wed Jun 06, 2018 7:51 am

June 6, 2018

Weighed myself this morning, I had to step off and do it again. Lowest so far since I wondered it I could get to the "ideal" weight number from the online calculator. By the way, since it gives 4 results, I have been hovering around the average. This morning I am just .4 pounds away from that number I chose to see If I could get down to eating a whole food plant based. I think it's doable, since I eat noncompliant food all the time.

I wish hubby would get on board. He is now worse than I was when it comes to junk food and hoarding. I do find when I eat junk, I crave junk. Man, that is a hard cycle to break. Hubby is trying the eat only during this time frame. I am being a bit more lenient on the no oil and adding small amounts in some dishes. I am hoping to keep him from always wanting to go out is eat. I think he craves the heavier fattier foods. I did notice that if I say I am not going to order, then he does not want to eat out. I might have a solution to my dilemma.

Yesterday I made a big pot of beans, I am hoping to make Grandpa's Eatloaf from the Engine 2 Rescue.

What I ate yesterday:
Coffee ( I couldn't give it up, I enjoy my coffee time in the morning too much)

Ran 6.55 miles

Mashed potatoes with gravy
pinto beans

Icebox chocolate chip cookies (total of 4 throughout the day)

Mowed yard with push mower for an hour

potato chips

Man, no wonder my weight was so low this morning. I only ate 1 meal and snacked the rest of the day. Thing is I wasn't that hungry. I am thinking it could be because of my activity, I made it a point to drink more water throughout the day.

Here's hoping to get back to eating unprocessed food. I started my day with:
Chia Seed Breakfast Pudding (cashew/hemp milk, chia seed, rolled oats, blueberries, apple)

Today is National Running Day, I am off to the park for a trial run of a 5k I'll be doing on the 16th.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Thu Jun 07, 2018 8:23 am

June 7, 2018

I updated my little ticker and noticed my beginning weight, I have lost 23.6 pounds since I started this journal. But what I recorded then was not my heaviest weight. If I consider what I weighed at my heaviest, then I am down 49.8 pounds. WOW! I am impressing myself this morning. :-o

I did well with my eating yesterday, up to the end, then stress! Man, these grandkids of ours. And my son-in-law puts the blame on the wrong kid. It is a situation where one influences and the other follows. The younger, weaker one gets the blame. The older one is devious enough to know how to make sure the blame is placed on the other. The result: me stress eating because of all the frustration of it all. I hit my hubby's stash of cookies. Like that is going to change the situation any. Fortunately I stopped at 6.

Lesson I am learning from this is that it is too easy to blame other people for my bad choices. Some people will not make wise choices, but just because they do, does not mean I have to follow. (Speaking of hubby bring in junk food, if he chooses to eat it that does not mean I have to follow his lead.) Now, this can work in the positive and I can be the one setting the example. Be a positive influence. But, no matter, because in the end we are all responsible for the consequences our own choices, whether good or bad.

Change of topic: I never did make Grandpa's eatloaf. I did not have the extra ingredients, carrots, mushrooms, etc. So I ended up making bean burgers.

Lunch yesterday:
bean burger on Dave's Killer 21 Multigrain bread (1 slice)
butternut squash
brussel sprouts
1/2 orange

Supper was a fundraiser benefit. I opted for the gluten free dish:
Salad: romaine, spinach, tomatoes
Tomato Basil Soup (vegan, but oily)
Multigrain crackers
Veggies: snap peas, brocolli, carrots

And, drumroll here, I avoided the dessert which was a chocolate mousse layered cake with lots of frosting. Hubby asked me to take the cake so he could eat mine. Ugh! I wish he'd get on board with eating healthier. There is a quote that says, "The best thing you can give your family is a healthier you." ~ That is so true. I do not want to be a burden on any of my family. But then, I do not think I'll ever be a burden on them because they are all too selfish and wrapped up in themselves that if I had problems, they'd all ignore me. I really think there is some truth to Joel Fuhrman's Book: Fast Food Genocide and the behavior caused by eating that junk the food industry calls food.

Here is to a positive day...Happy Starchin'

ps. and no, I did not give him my cake.
Nancy (aka Morris)

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby moonlight » Fri Jun 08, 2018 10:18 pm

Morris wrote: If I consider what I weighed at my heaviest, then I am down 49.8 pounds. WOW! I am impressing myself this morning. :-o

So very cool! Congratulations on reaching your goal!

Morris wrote: Change of topic: I never did make Grandpa's eatloaf.

Thanks for mentioning this recipe. I googled it and found the recipe and made it tonight. Very good! My husband, who usually turns down everything I cook, loved it.
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