Kitty Adventures Journey of a lifetime

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Re: Kitty Adventures Journey of a lifetime

Postby bunsofaluminum » Sat Apr 24, 2010 8:46 pm

ooh, baby that red potatoes and broccoli sounds SO good. I like the idea of pouring off the water. The texture of the tatties must be SO delectable! I'm going to try it, cuz I have red pots AND broccoli! yay!

keep on going. :)

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Re: Kitty Adventures Journey of a lifetime

Postby kittyadventures » Sun Apr 25, 2010 10:37 am

HI Raven Thank you
Yeah the pouring off the water thing I learned from i think Galloping Gourmet who touted it as making perfect potatoes for mashing. But I use it for any potatoes and vegetabels too it wrks so well and then they are not soggy. IT also saves energy as you are just cooking long enough to heat up the water.

as to eats I had 2 more red potatoes for lunch with a salad of lettuce and tomatoes
and another serving of the broccoli potatoes for dinner.

and I survived the cosco more or less intact I did have some rice chips which were yummy and I bought a bag of them .. THEy are not MWL compliant or probably mc dougall compliant but they are yummy and gluten free so I thought a bag would not kill me as long as I remember they are a condamint to sprinkle on salads. or the like.

I am 200+ dollars poorer though. I don't think I have ever gotten out of there for less than $100
and we only buy staple type stuff. I do not buy the meat but I get TP and Paper Towels and laundry soap and the like there so it does add up.

I have more garden flower pictures.. my garden is in spring time overdrive but will post them later today.

They have to upload to my photobucket which always takes a bit of time.

So far today i have had spinach and tatertots with a drizzle of catsup.. I kept the tots to a minimum approx 1/4 cup as they do have oil but plan to have a sweet potato and a big salad for lunch and possibly a bit of cabbage with dill seeds.
I will probably need a snack sometime before lunch and it will be some canned nectarines (My own home canned with very little sugar The minimum you can use) I would like to try making them in just the juice this year when I process but will have to wait and see.

THe Vegetabel garden is having a struggle so far we apparently are having a very cold spring. anyway I planted a second bed and added plastic to warm things up now the second bed has sprouted and the first bed only has the peas sprouted so I will be replanting the first bed today.

I am also starting some tomato and pepper seeds which I should have started long time ago but will give it a whirl this way anyway.
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Re: Kitty Adventures Journey of a lifetime

Postby bunsofaluminum » Mon Apr 26, 2010 8:53 am

yay gardens! and yay nectarines. I've never had em canned, but LOVE them fresh, and even better, tree ripened, picked, and eaten right there under the tree! yum!

My garden is finally showing some signs of life, especially the spinach patch which I thought was going to produce only weeds. The beets are the only stragglers at this point.

oooh, I love garden season! yah!

keep on going. Your menus look pretty good. :nod:

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Re: Kitty Adventures Journey of a lifetime

Postby kittyadventures » Sun May 02, 2010 11:27 am

Well so I am back... it was a long stressful week between school and work and omg I slide into the ditch with my car.. I can say I have not been following the diet well at all... my starch content went up... and not good starches.... I am talking grains and breads

so needless to say today is a new begginig again not that I stopped but a reining in so to speak.

I am giving up the oatmeal for a while not that it is bad but until I can get my weight to start trending down..
I have a couple of issues physically that means I need to watch my starch intake.

for instance I am pre diabetic and I am menopausal the two togethre make the weight sort of hang on.

anyway I am going to begin each meal with a large salad and then eat some cooked greens with other vegetables then if I am still Hungry I will add either a potato or grain or beans as a starch

Hopefully this will get things moving again as well as up my raw vegetable consumption which is lacking as I have been eating lots of cooked vegetables

I am also starting to do a meditation exercise it is a simple concentrate on your breath as you breath through your nose, first one breath then two and so on up to ten and then back down to one... I am working up to the ten as it is hard to sit still for that long with out getting impatient. I made it to five and back down this morning I will add as i feel I can do it.

I am also going to post in my journal at least once a day.

so LOL I expect I will be in here twice today.

So today I had a huge fruit salad for breakfast. I did not add starch yet as the fruit should cover that I expect I will be eating a potato in a few hours.
So Salad consisted of 1 medium sized apple
1 cup of seedless red grapes
and about 1/2 to 3/4 of a curley leaf lettuce. I already ate some of it so not sure how much was left but a good 3 to 4 cups of lettuce.

Lunch will be another salad but it will include a combination of
romain and iceburg lettuce
1/2 cup of beans
and 1 whole broccoli stalk steamed

Dinner will be
corn on the cob
a stalk of steamed broccoli
a salad with lettuce(Maybe baby leafs as I am going to the store today I have eaten almost all my vegetables i got last week YAY!)
and a sweet potato chopped up into my salad.

The garden is finally sprouting... I will try to get pictures of the baby sprouts later today and post them.

I am now more than ever looking to get my vegetable garden going well as I am hopping to get lots of organic vegetables out of it.
I read a recent article about the number of chemicals on the vegetables I eat in the store so EEEEEKKKKKKK!
Grow little Veggies Grow!!!

I am also going to post a couple of my own low fat recipes. I make an excellent apricot salsa and would love to share the recipe with you all.
And well then there is the Chili!

Hugs to you all for your support and advice and encouragment.
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Re: Kitty Adventures Journey of a lifetime

Postby sksamboots » Sun May 02, 2010 12:15 pm


Remember starches are want keep you satisfied and give you the full feeling. Don't knock them out completely. I have a starch for every meal. For breakfast I have fruit like you plus a potato, and then dinner/lunch I have veggies and a potato. Make sure you stay satisfied. Keep on keepin on :nod:
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Re: Kitty Adventures Journey of a lifetime

Postby kittyadventures » Sun May 02, 2010 2:17 pm

sksamboots wrote:Hey,

Remember starches are want keep you satisfied and give you the full feeling. Don't knock them out completely. I have a starch for every meal. For breakfast I have fruit like you plus a potato, and then dinner/lunch I have veggies and a potato. Make sure you stay satisfied. Keep on keepin on :nod:

YEs MA'am... that is why I had the beans with lunch and will be having the sweet potato with dinner.

also I will be carrying potatoes with me during the day for if i get tempted.

So far breakfast and lunch done and I feel pretty good.
but before I hit the grocery store I will be having a potato.. because OMG I am the kind of person who buys tons of unnecessary stuff if I am not full to the brim when I shop. LOL
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Re: Kitty Adventures Journey of a lifetime

Postby raven » Sun May 02, 2010 7:19 pm

Hi Kitty, You are doing the right thing... when you fall over, get back up and go on!

All of us were little children who couldn't walk. But we kept on trying, and falling, over and over, until one day we didn't fall anymore. That was hard, and this is hard - but we can do it, because like walking, it is the natural and healthy thing to do.

All my best wishes that it will be easy for you now.
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Re: Kitty Adventures Journey of a lifetime

Postby kittyadventures » Sat Jul 10, 2010 3:28 pm

Okay I am back at this journaling thing

here is the latest update to my weight loss journey
I am using the Cronometer thing and entering everything I eat in there with a remnewwed dedication to finding my way to complete compliance.

I spent a rough week completely off my Mcdougalling ways and I am just now back on track my weight went up and I am trying to get back to my low of 175 I know I can do it.

My thought for the day is
Saying no to Grease, Sugar, Cookies, Cake, pudding, candy, and chips,
is saying NO to diabetus, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol.

Sometimes I guess you just have to really look at things logically to help yourself to health.

So far my exercise for the day is gardening...I may take a 30 minute walk this evening.


B:Potato (med)
S: Apple (Large)
L: Winter Squash !.5 Cups Yummy, Tomato (med)
S: 2 slices of rice bread with a shmear of my home made blackberry jam it has half the sugar of reguar jam.
and it is yummy for an occasional treat.
D: 2 Corn on the cobs, MEdium size yellow potato and 2/3 of a bag of spinach
Last edited by kittyadventures on Sat Jul 10, 2010 8:09 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Kitty Adventures Journey of a lifetime

Postby sksamboots » Sat Jul 10, 2010 4:39 pm

great motto. keep on keepin on :-D
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Re: Kitty Adventures Journey of a lifetime

Postby kittyadventures » Sat Jul 10, 2010 8:11 pm

So i just came from SKSAMBOOTS journal and I am completely inspired to start a 30 day challenge.
If anyone wants to join me feel free to do so. Tomorrow, Sunday will be my first day and I am really looking forward to it.
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Re: Kitty Adventures Journey of a lifetime

Postby kittyadventures » Sun Jul 11, 2010 9:33 am

Day 1 of my 30 day challenge

Purpose : To help me be more focused on eating properly and give me the focus to stay on plan, eating whole healthy food.

SO I am on day one and I am very excited to start this journey. I believe it will help me to embrace my new way of eating. And give me purpose to stick with the plan.

Todays menu::

B: Fruit salad of blackberries and peaches and a potato
L: snap soup/stew (Todays batch will have turnips, greens, carrots onions, peas, fava beans, chopped tomatoes and potatoes in it)
D: savoy cabbage and potatoes
S: potato, apple.

My goal today is to get all my veggies from the store chopped up and ready to go, a batch of snap cooked and ready to eat and in cans so I can easily eat it cold or heat it up quickly and a salad all prepared except for the tomatoes so I can grab it at a moments notice.
I will also be exploring some new menues and once a week try a new vegetable or fruit I have never tried before.
This will be easy as California is full of so many options at the supermarket.

Today it is Savoy Cabbage I will let you know how it tastes.

edited to add...I forgot to say I will post twice a day what the plan is in the morning, and how I did at the end of the day.
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Re: Kitty Adventures Journey of a lifetime

Postby sksamboots » Sun Jul 11, 2010 12:42 pm

Sounds like a good plan. keep on keepin on :nod:
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Re: Kitty Adventures Journey of a lifetime

Postby kittyadventures » Sun Jul 11, 2010 9:41 pm

End of Day one and so far I have stayed on plan I did change dinner to a potato and another bowl of Snap soup. We ended up working in the kitchen all afternoon trying to fix a leaky fauceet... two trips to the hardware store later, and we now know what is broken on the sink but it requires a visit to the professional Plumbing store tomorrow, so rather than try to cook any more stuff, I just had a microwaved potato and some of the SNAP I made at noon for my lunches with it...

and gave hubby some frozen dinner I just had to Microwave for him.

I have to say I am so glad I got the SNAP made before we began trying to sort out the singk because I know I will be able to make it through tomorrow with no problems at all because my snap is all made and some fresh veggies all cut up to use if I need to.

Which brings me to my thought for the day

Success comes from planning and perserverance.
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Re: Kitty Adventures Journey of a lifetime

Postby Mrs. Doodlepunk » Mon Jul 12, 2010 5:22 am

Hey Kitty. What I like to do is bake up 5 to 10 pounds of potatoes and when they are cool stick them in a bag or container in the fridge. They can be heated up for a quick meal or cut up and hash browned with some onions for breakfast or any other meal. Or used with any of the soups I have stashed away.

Like Mr. D says, it's like money in the bank.
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Re: Kitty Adventures Journey of a lifetime

Postby kittyadventures » Mon Jul 12, 2010 7:56 am

Day 2 of my 30 day Challenge

Hi Mrs. Doddlepunk thanks for the tip.

I will have to do that also, I usually microwave my potatoes as I go or steam them but that sounds like an excellent Idea as you could just grab one to munch on if you were really hungry.

Plans for todays meals

B: Fruit and a potato (Peach and strawberries)
D: Potato and the savoy Cabbage I didn't have last nite.
S: probably more fruit and potatoes

Today I need to finish putting together my bowl of Salad greens
With all the sink problems yesterday I didn't get it put together. IT involves getting some greens from my garden so I will do that this morning.
I do have the cabbage for it all cut in the salad bowl which is a big covered plaztic bowl I have. IT makes it easy to grab a salad to tide me over when I am hungry and things are cooking.

I also want to say how awesome potatoes are. one little potato goes a very long way toward filling my tummy and stopping any hunger pangs.

Currently I am eating red and white skinned potatoes I have forgone my russets for a while until my weight and thus my sugar levels are down a bit more.

I will be back this evening with an update and my thought for the day.
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