Annette's Journal

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Re: Annette's Journal

Postby squealcat » Sat Aug 17, 2019 6:02 pm

Annette: I enjoyed reading your journal ! I am also a fan of Dr Doug Lisle ! When I am feeling down about myself or how I am doing, listening to him cheers me on and energizes me. The last talk I listened to was about the CRAM circuit. Cramming after meals is one of my problems and he explains it SO well ! I think that was what happened to me yesterday. I just have to NOT cram for a few days and my resolve will be much better. If you haven't listened to that talk, it is well worth it ! I listen to the talks while walking at the gym or sometimes when I walk outside (when I don't feel like going out.....the time passes quicker !)

Anyway, hope your week goes well ! Maybe that eczema will get better as time goes by. I have that too but it is much better in the summer and gets worse when I am not in the sunshine anymore. That is one of the things I hope will clear up some with this type of eating. I know my roseaca is MUCH better.....redness has been gone for more than a year .

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Re: Annette's Journal

Postby AnnetteW » Mon Aug 19, 2019 7:23 am

I definitely need to watch/listen to the CRAM circuit videos. I definitely don't have the issue to an extreme, but I do to a mild extent, after lunch. I will eat a fine lunch, definitely large enough to hold me...but feel like I need more of something. So far I'm doing fine by adding fruit at that time, though I do prefer a large quantity of watermelon. I was avoiding buying watermelon but I did buy two yesterday, then I cut them all up and freeze them in quart-sized ziplock bags...then gobble it all up.

My weight was up a bit over a pound this morning, no complaints to be honest, I ate out twice. And though I was relatively "good" in my eating (minus some chips in oil) it's primarily the sodium levels that get me.

I also bought a new scale, but the scales measured the same, so can't blame it on that, alas.

I still hope to see a number under 150 come my official Thursday weigh-in.

Plan for today:
Breakfast - oatmeal with a bit of leftover millet, banana
Lunch - salad with canned beans
Dinner -polenta, veggies in a tomato sauce
Snack - trying to avoid it
Exercise - cardio and yoga
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Re: Annette's Journal

Postby AnnetteW » Mon Aug 19, 2019 3:59 pm

Whoa whoa whoa...I just watched two of the cram circuit videos, the one here on this site and one with Chef AJ interviewing Doug Lisle about it. It feels quite refreshing to know that this is exactly an issue I have. My only difference is that I have it with eating after lunch, and luckily not dinner. I've always been a bit "proud" of my lack of evening munchies, but the moment I'm done with my lunch, I'm looking for more.

Thankfully I'm not "cramming" on crap, but I'm still eating way too much afterwards, lots of fruit. And even though I can totally rationalize it as healthy and I'm still losing weight, it wouldn't matter which diet plan I was following, I've done this for ages now.

I recently gave up coffee...that wasn't too terribly difficult (being sick helped the first few days.) Then I was out of town for the week, drank coffee daily, and was ready to start right back up. I resisted that urge. I'm still not 100% caffeine free yet though. Perhaps I just need to throw the last of the caffeinated tea in the trash.

I always called alcohol a bad habit, I could easily drink up to a full bottle in the evening. It did feel like such a pleasant habit, pour a drink in the late afternoon, and just keep on going. And if I was out for lunch with friends I'd have a glass (probably 2) at that time. I've given it up a few times in the past. For some reason this time, when I started WFPB was so much easier. I only allow myself to have some out of the house, and just recently now I try to pay even more attention, that it's only 1 glass, and not multiple times in a week, especially close together. I don't sit around and crave it. I think it is that I broke the cram circuit of drinking the alcohol. Like I said, I've stopped drinking multiple times before. I don't feel the addiction is as strong as the habit (not saying at all that it's not addictive, it truly is.)

Last night we went out for a birthday dinner. Very nice Mexican, not heavy and greasy at all. I even had veggies with the salsas, but a few chips. The food was highly seasoned, so a mouth taste treat. The margarita I had was divine. Driving home I had a little conversation going in my head about how nice it would be to relax the diet a bit. I had to stop those thoughts right in their tracks.

There is still a thought in my head that when my weight is gone I can relax the diet. Maybe with a little soy, nuts and seeds. This is where I'll have to watch out.

But back to the CRAM circuit. I need to work on breaking that after lunch eating habit. If I eat out, then don't go home (spend the afternoon out shopping or errands) I don't have a desire to eat, or hunger. So I do know I'm fully satisfied nutritionally.

This will be something to work on. I wonder if others want to work on this too. A group challenge perhaps.

I guess I can start a post.
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Re: Annette's Journal

Postby moonlight » Mon Aug 19, 2019 4:17 pm

I like your new photo! :)

Sounds like you are on top of your game! Yay you! I think a big key to losing weight when you get closer to your goal weight is to watch those extra little calories. I'm trying to stay in control and resist the urges to snack or nibble... Congrats on cutting back on the alcohol. Definitely extra calories!
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Re: Annette's Journal

Postby sirdle » Mon Aug 19, 2019 4:54 pm

AnnetteW wrote:This will be something to work on. I wonder if others want to work on this too. A group challenge perhaps.

I would work on this with you.

I cram on blueberries... even when I'm full. It is my 'go to' after dinner snack. For me, I would do something like 'no blueberries/fruit for at least 30 min after a meal'.

Cheers, :-P
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Re: Annette's Journal

Postby AnnetteW » Tue Aug 20, 2019 6:50 am

sirdle wrote:
AnnetteW wrote:This will be something to work on. I wonder if others want to work on this too. A group challenge perhaps.

I would work on this with you.

I cram on blueberries... even when I'm full. It is my 'go to' after dinner snack. For me, I would do something like 'no blueberries/fruit for at least 30 min after a meal'.

Cheers, :-P

Yea! I posted a challenge thread on the MWL board so maybe you will post and a few others will join. I am starting today.


Today I am babysitting for a few hours right over my lunchtime which will disrupt my normal eating patterns, which is good. I can't just sit in front on the computer and munch fruit after lunch. I have to watch and play with my grandson. When he leaves I have to remind myself that I'm not actually hungry, and do some other things to keep busy.

I'm staying home today, will work on housework. For some reason I've been incredibly lazy about that lately, and it shows. I have some fun sewing projects to work on this afternoon also. Also rotten chores like paying some bills and calling a repairman. I hate that kind of stuff...makes me want to eat, lol. Nope, not this girl!

No clue yet what I plan on eating. I guess I need to go figure that out and start my day.
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Re: Annette's Journal

Postby AnnetteW » Tue Aug 20, 2019 6:54 am

moonlight wrote:I like your new photo! :)

Sounds like you are on top of your game! Yay you! I think a big key to losing weight when you get closer to your goal weight is to watch those extra little calories. I'm trying to stay in control and resist the urges to snack or nibble... Congrats on cutting back on the alcohol. Definitely extra calories!

The old photo was probably a good 7 years ago, and always one of my favorites. This was taken just a few days ago. I prefer to keep an up to date photo.

I 100% agree that those "extra little calories" can pull us down. Not only do they add up calorie wise, they often are just unhealthy. Snagging a couple chips from my husband's, not compliant at all. It might just be 2-3 chips, but they are cooked in fat. Same with popping a cracker in my mouth. Now if I could only avoid the chips when out at a Mexican restaurant. Ain't happening yet.
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Re: Annette's Journal

Postby AnnetteW » Wed Aug 21, 2019 6:43 am

A new low for me and I am officially down to 149.6. Now if it would only stay down there, but I know it will pop around...alas.

Plan for today

Breakfast - millet with chopped apple and shredded carrots (trying that to add some veggies)

Lunch - rice pasta (or perhaps millet again) and tomato sauce with veggies, small salad

Snack - supposedly attempting not to eat anything, doing the cram circuit plan (but I know I have frozen watermelon in the house) so I hope to hold off till late afternoon if I'm hungry, and only if hungry)

Dinner - will make my first vegan sushi...wish me luck

Exercise - yoga, short cardio session, physical therapy, evening walk with dogs
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Re: Annette's Journal

Postby stillcrazy » Wed Aug 21, 2019 6:51 am

How exciting to make it to the 40’s! It probably will pop around awhile, but it’s a great accomplishment anyway! Keep it up, your success encourages me as well. Vee
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Re: Annette's Journal

Postby AnnetteW » Thu Aug 22, 2019 6:29 am

Made my first sushi for dinner last night and it was awesome. I enjoyed making it so much that I will continue to learn how to do it better and actually come up with some nice filling ideas.

In a local restaurant they have an avocado and peanut filling. So I tried that myself, but the only peanuts were in a jar of salted mixed nuts. Instead of picking out the peanuts (next time I'll just buy some unsalted ones) I just chopped up the mixed nuts. The combo was super yummy. I also had pieces of cucumber, carrots, green onion. So a lot of them were just different mixes, and also some had different spicy sauce, the green sauce from Trader Joes and a red Mexican (probably like siracha, not sure.) Of course then I had the dipping sauce which is all sodium.

Weight up less than a pound today. I plan on eating another roll for lunch, so who knows what will happen, but at least I know it's water weight.

I'm 9 days into gluten free and I do appear to have some relief in my eczema. I actually have a dermatologist appointment too today.

Plan for the day:

Breakfast - millet and fruit

Lunch - watermelon and sushi

Snack - none, working on breaking that habit (cram circuit)

Dinner - corn on the cob, salad, probably some beans

Exercise - class at the gym
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Re: Annette's Journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Thu Aug 22, 2019 8:48 am

Oh that cruddy scale. :angry: I showed up two lbs the other day, and I've just been staying off of it since then. I've always wanted to make sushi, but content myself with sushi rice bowl. :nod: Green onion, eh? :unibrow:

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Re: Annette's Journal

Postby Lyndzie » Thu Aug 22, 2019 6:58 pm

Sushi night is one of my family’s favorites!* We usually do carrot, cucumber and avocado. I like it with sweet potato, no one else does. Steamed spinach is also a nice addition, or marinated, sautéed tempeh. We usually have it with miso soup, and if I am really going all out, salad with sesame dressing.

I’ve really enjoyed following along your journey. Wishing you continued success!

*Funny side story: my daughter would request I make extra sushi to take to school for lunch the next day, and it was so popular that kids would swarm around her begging for a piece. I eventually had to get her teacher involved because my daughter is such a sweet heart she would give to to anyone who would ask, and have none for herself.
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Re: Annette's Journal

Postby AnnetteW » Thu Aug 22, 2019 7:23 pm

bunsofaluminum wrote:Oh that cruddy scale. :angry: I showed up two lbs the other day, and I've just been staying off of it since then. I've always wanted to make sushi, but content myself with sushi rice bowl. :nod: Green onion, eh? :unibrow:

I though I made enough rice to make a sushi bowl for today, but I didn't. Okay, truth be told, I did snack on a good portion of the rice after I first made it, that was so yummy. I don't know much about sushi bowls yet, but I can guess what it is. :D
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Re: Annette's Journal

Postby AnnetteW » Thu Aug 22, 2019 7:27 pm

@ Lyndzie, your sushi ideas sound wonderful. I really needed to do a bit of research prior, but I didn't. I can't wait to try a bunch of new ideas. My sushi today was even tastier than yesterday, go figure.

I'm really pleased with how well I'm doing, I actually finally feel a bit of a weight off of my shoulders, just having seen the under 150 number already. And though I know I'll pop around for a week or so, it's still just going down. And in a couple months, I'll be feeling the same way as I get into the 130's. This is such an easy meal plan, and I'm totally pleased and satisfied. I will admit that every once and awhile a little negative voice creeps in, but I can squash it fairly easily. I want to be doing this.

And what I also like, is that if I choose not to for a specific dish or meal once and awhile, I can. No one is going to beat me up over it, and I won't either. At least I won't concern myself about perfection unless my health says I absolutely have to.
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Re: Annette's Journal

Postby AnnetteW » Tue Aug 27, 2019 7:56 am

I mentioned in my last post that I felt a bit of a "weight off of my shoulders" and I truly do feel lighter because of that. I also can tell it makes me a bit less compliant, which isn't good at all. My off plan has included alcohol (we had beer in the house and I drank it.) But now it's gone and that's much easier for me to deal with. We ate out last night and though I kept my meal vegetarian, it was high in oils and had some cheese in it. But that isn't a binge or a pigout or anything. I know that's going to happen on occasion.

I've been avoiding my large salads for some reason. I love my salads and they love me...but I've been skipping them. I guess I need to go buy more lettuce and just eat it.

Potatoes are now becoming my new favorite food, and with a lovely compliant gravy on top, that is heaven. And I made a super yummy batch of tomato based beans the other day, and still have those to eat up.

I'm feeling the comfort food urges, warm and cozy in my belly. I think I'm contemplating fall eating.

Right now I have barley cooking in my instant pot, and will add chopped pears, ground flax and soymilk.

I decided I want to keep the ground flax in my diet, and I prefer my hot cereal with the soymilk. And I also think if I have a salad I will gladly add a sprinkling of sunflower seeds, or pumpkin seeds, or hemp seeds. I'm not talking much, just 2T, and only if I have a salad as a meal, just to help round it out. I'm still not 100% comfortable with the lowest fat diet and I'm not sure if it's necessary for me.

I'll just see if I have a weight loss, it might be slower, but I'm not feeling so stressed at this time. Plus I know myself, pushing to lose weight always backfires on me.

I'm waiting on some allergy testing results for wheat and also celiac. I'm pretty sure I'll be negative for celiac (it's blood testing, I've been negative before) but I do think I might be reacting to wheat. I've also been having hives regularly, and have them right now on my leg and arm. It might be a few days before results come back.

Other than that, things are all going fine. I still eat too much fruit, but I'm basically doing quite well, minus the occasional meal out (but a few times a week does add up.) I'll just keep doing my sort of No eating out opportunity until Friday right now, and at home, it's not even an issue (minus possibly overeating).
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