Laura Goes Veggie

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Re: Laura Goes Veggie

Postby f1jim » Wed Mar 09, 2011 2:14 pm

What is to explain? If that works for you, and you are happy with it then go for it. We could argue and go back and forth on what you could do(I think we have already done that)and what might be causing the issues but I think it's probably easier on you if you just went with what is working for you. Makes me think of that old saw...A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still.
Sorry it didn't work out but them's the brakes.
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Re: Laura Goes Veggie

Postby LauraVeg » Wed Mar 09, 2011 3:34 pm

God bless you, Jim. You've never been anything but supportive.

I'm not ready to say that "it didn't work". A human being is a human being, and there can't be more than one best diet for humans. I have a lot of issues and I need to sort them out. I'm in the process of doing that. I will do one starch at a time and see what causes problems and what doesn't.

I don't want to do that today because today is my birthday. :lol: Yes, it really is. I am going to go out tonight and eat fajitas. And as soon as I feel strong enough to start experimenting, I will add one starch at a time.

Should I start with something I know is safe, or something I know will cause a problem? I guess it doesn't really matter, as long as it's one at a time.

Re: Laura Goes Veggie

Postby carollynne » Thu Mar 10, 2011 4:56 am

Hi, Laura, I thought I'd chime in with my 2 cents too. It sounds like it is one of the starches, and why don't you start the elimination diet to know for sure, and limit the meat portion. I never felt better in my life as now as a strict Mc D. But we are all different and what works for one, may be spell disaster to another too. All we can say is what appears to work well for us right now. If you do not have any HBP/heart or obesity issues, then hey!! what is the worry??
Relax and pray about it.
I have lost about 60 lbs and never thought I'd be in the 150s ever again. cured my NAFLD!! Feel great!! Wt loss is so good for the knees and back, ankle, that I know I will never start back to the SAD way of eating again.
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Re: Laura Goes Veggie

Postby LauraVeg » Fri Mar 11, 2011 1:54 pm

HI, Carollynne. Actually, I do have high blood pressure and that's one reason I want to succeed with McDougall.

I started again today and I chose white potatoes as my starch. I'm pretty sure those are a problem food so I thought it was a good idea to get that out of the way ASAP, lol.

So far, so good. ;-) By tomorrow morning or the next day I should know what the effect is on my joints.

(OMG, I forgot how much I love potatoes!)

Re: Laura Goes Veggie

Postby LauraVeg » Sun Mar 13, 2011 1:44 pm

Oy. I've been avoiding my own journal, because it makes me feel like a failure. Well, just kidding...partially. I'm trying, so that's not failure, I guess.

I abandoned the white potatoes already. I had some joint pain yesterday which I told myself was all in my mind. This morning I could barely walk upright, so breakfast was a baked sweet potato and banana. Lunch was another baked sweet potato with mustard (weird, but I love it) and a big green salad. The idea of more sweet potatoes for dinner is kind of depressing. Apparently, I can eat white potatoes at every meal and not get bored, but not so much with sweet. Let's hope I feel better tomorrow and can add another starch in a day or two.

What I really want is brown rice. I don't feel like I'm getting a substantial meal with it.

Unfortunately, the gas and bloating are back. On the other hand, it's been warm enough to keep the windows open, so nobody has noticed or complained, lol.

Re: Laura Goes Veggie

Postby f1jim » Sun Mar 13, 2011 1:51 pm

Maybe the mustard is causing the gas and bloating. If not ist's one of the elements you mentioned you are eating. That is not normal. Something is causing it and you should be able to identify what it is through process of elimination.
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Re: Laura Goes Veggie

Postby LauraVeg » Sun Mar 13, 2011 2:38 pm

f1jim wrote:Maybe the mustard is causing the gas and bloating.

Okay...I'll stop eating it and see what happens. :( (There's gonna be nothing left soon...)

Re: Laura Goes Veggie

Postby LauraVeg » Sun Mar 13, 2011 6:11 pm

I've come to a decision.

I feel terrible on McDougall. Better than SAD, but much worse than lowcarb. If the only reason I'm doing this is to get my BP and cholesterol under control, then I owe it to myself to try lowcarb for a while and then get my blood tested to see what the outcome is.

I think what put me over the tipping point was Jim's comment about mustard. How ridiculous is this, that I'm cutting out everything but green veg and whatever starch (probably sweet potato, based on past experience) doesn't give me joint pain? And even if I get the joint pain under control, I still have the digestive issues to deal with.

I have to rule out lowcarb, via testing, before I will commit myself to a life of a VERY limited diet. It's only common sense.

I may or may not see you guys again in about three months. In any case, thanks for everything. :)

Re: Laura Goes Veggie

Postby f1jim » Sun Mar 13, 2011 9:33 pm

I too think it would be good for you to move on. I think your state of mind would be better low carbing even though I think your health will not be. It's all about what a person is willing to do to find the problem and you clearly would rather move on so that is the correct thing for you at this point.
Good luck and good health in the future.
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Re: Laura Goes Veggie

Postby LauraVeg » Fri May 27, 2011 1:48 pm


A friend told me about something called FODMAPS. Extensive research and a consultation with my doctor confirmed it. I am now eating a diet very different from McDougall and feeling worlds better. It definitely is not what I would have chosen for myself in a perfect world, but I have to do what works for me. Constant pain and discomfort is no way to live.

I just wanted to let anyone who's suffering like I did know that there may be a REAL reason and there is hope.

Thanks to all here who were understanding and helpful to me. To those few who called me a "troll" or said I was "looking for an excuse to quit"...well, may you find the love, understanding and peace you deny others.

Re: Laura Goes Veggie

Postby f1jim » Fri May 27, 2011 3:01 pm

A quick scan of FODMAPS looks like the concept is a bit sketchy. Mostly an interesting theory but little practical data to substantiate it.
But if you think this is the answer for you, godspeed!
I can't find any data a doctor would use to confirm the diagnosis. But then, that makes for the perfect condition for some. Especially for those that need to have something to worry about!
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Re: Laura Goes Veggie

Postby LauraVeg » Fri May 27, 2011 3:17 pm

f1jim wrote:A quick scan of FODMAPS looks like the concept is a bit sketchy. Mostly an interesting theory but little practical data to substantiate it.
But if you think this is the answer for you, godspeed!
I can't find any data a doctor would use to confirm the diagnosis. But then, that makes for the perfect condition for some. Especially for those that need to have something to worry about!

Jim, if you'd suffered with the gastro-intestinal pain I've had, you might not judge so easily. You were always helpful to me in the past and for that I will always be grateful, but if you have nothing to offer me now other than condescending psychoanalysis, I would prefer you keep your amateur diagnoses to yourself.

Finding out about FODMAPS was a revelation for me. I've had gas, pain, and diarrhea forever, which got much worse on McDougall, and reading about the list of FODMAP danger foods was like a lightbulb going on over my head.

And BTW, I have more than enough to worry about IRL.

Re: Laura Goes Veggie

Postby f1jim » Fri May 27, 2011 3:31 pm

I am glad you have found a physician that has been able to diagnose your condition. He must be a very leading edge kind of person. After seeing your struggles trying to adopt this diet with no success I agreed it's probably best you searched elsewhere for help as no one here seemed to be able to provide answers. I still think that is the case. I think trying get help from other members is only going to frustrate more people. I would work with this doctor that made your diagnosis and procede from there. It will spare you from further unwelcome comments.
Sorry McDougalling didn't help you and good luck finding your health elsewhere.
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Re: Laura Goes Veggie

Postby LauraVeg » Fri May 27, 2011 3:37 pm

Jim, you seem to be a pretty nice guy. This heavy sarcasm is not like you. I don't know what's bothering you right now, but I'm just going to ignore these last posts and get on with the business of finding my health and right diet. If you (as a seeming moderator here) would prefer I not post, then so be it. I will work out my health and diet issues on my own. I'm very grateful to bunsofaluminum for her suggestions and will do my best to find a solution.

Thanks for everything and God bless.

Re: Laura Goes Veggie

Postby LauraVeg » Fri Nov 18, 2011 2:20 pm

On August 15 of this year, my gyno told me I had uterine cancer.

The months since have been a roller-coaster, diet-wise (and every other way, frankly).

I initially went vegan. Not surprisingly, my digestive system had something to say about that after about a week and an half.

Then I read that a ketogenic diet would stop tumor growth. (My tumor had been surgically removed, but I was still VERY concerned about what might or might not encourage tumor growth.) I went back to a lowcarb, keto diet.

Right now I just want myself and others to be healthy. I admit I'm confused about the best diet. Please be kind. (To anyone who chooses to respond to any of my posts.)


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