Shmookitty's Journal

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Re: Shmookitty's Journal

Postby Shmookitty » Tue Dec 03, 2019 7:25 pm

I think I am going to take a small break from sweet potatoes. I have been eating at least two cups of cubed steamed sweet potatoes (usually more) since November 26, and I feel weighed down by the bulk of it. Not giving them up but I have been eating them in significant quantity every day and I feel like that's too much for me. I feel like the two pound weight gain may have been due to eating too much bread, but my tummy is feeling too bulky, where it had become much more flat. It's really swollen. Adding sweet potatoes was the only big change I made to my diet. I had about six cups of cubed sweet potatoes for dinner today. That was overdoing it, I think. My belly has been swollen for the last several days, and I am not constipated. Right now I feel like I weigh about 220. I probably do with all that bulk in my gut.

I checked my Sparkpeople weight chart and my food logs here - I hit 214 (on my way down as usual) on November 20. I started pigging out on sweet potatoes November 26 and weighed in at 212 on November 27. I hadn't weighed until December 1, when I saw I was back at 214.

I just want to get back to the effortless weight loss I had been experiencing when I first started McDougall! As I WAS doing, I would have been down three or four more pounds by now. I want that back.

What was I doing? I was eating grains bowls and oatmeal, and more greens. So that is what I am going to go back to doing. Now it's not just red potatoes bulking me up but sweet potatoes too.

Earlier today, I used the Sparkpeople nutrition tracker to compute Monday - Friday's meals, and as I suspected, the calories are just fine - and I am ROCKING the low-fat, I was under 10g for the day twice! So it must be that I need to go back to the way I was eating at first. More whole grains and less bulky potatoes. I think that cutting my grains portion in half for my bowl meals while adding corn and peas to complete the starch portion was the right move. I made the bowl less calorie dense and less heavy. I think that instead of having my snacks be at least two cups of sweet potatoes, I will have a half cup of grain (buckwheat at the moment, but usually barley) with some sriracha and 1/4 cup of corn. The calories for that are fine, and actually less than the sweet potatoes.

Barley really agrees with me. The potatoes don't seem to for some odd reason. But then, I have never eaten so many potatoes so frequently.

It can't hurt to try going back to what worked. I have been shaky with my weight since November 26 or so, and I am NOT ready to give up my progress. I need to keep moving down. I am SO uncomfortable in my body again and it hasn't been that way for the last few months. I feel like I weigh even more than 214. I miss feeling so light like I did in October! Maybe I am just overdoing the portions. :?:
Last edited by Shmookitty on Wed Dec 04, 2019 7:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Shmookitty's Journal

Postby Shmookitty » Wed Dec 04, 2019 7:50 am

Well, I still feel completely and utterly swollen and bloated, but my weight dropped to 211.4 today from 214 yesterday and the day before. My clothes feel really tight though, so I am still going to lay off the bulky sweet potatoes for a few days and then introduce a way smaller one-cup portion as a snack instead of the huge amount I have been eating every day. I can't figure out why potatoes make me bloat this bad. :?:

I think sticking with the same meals over and over is best for me. I am a former bulimic, so when I get too much variety with my food, I start overeating. It's much safer for me to maintain food control by relying on the same "safe" foods again and again. I associate my oats, grains, and beans with the beginning of my McDougalling (two months ago), which doesn't have the same negative connotation as previous "diets" where I went through periods of restriction following by bingeing again. This is a real lifestyle change complete with new good-for-me foods - I've been a junk food vegan in the past - and I have positive associations with the foods I now eat.

I know McDougall doesn't measure, but I have to in order to avoid food insecurity. If left to my own devices, I would undereat to make sure I wasn't going over my goals. I was doing that the first couple of days after I stopped using the Sparkpeople nutrition tracker. Measuring helps me be able to eat enough and not starve myself. That tendency from my eating disorder stage hasn't gone away and probably never will. It's not so bad to measure. Bulimia seems to be a lifelong problem that influences decision making many years after the last purge. I just turned 49 and hadn't purged since age 23 except for a brief relapse back in 2011. It sucks that I still have to worry about food so much, but this is where I am. I think I will look for Star McDougallers who beat eating disorders. Surely someone has.

Today's nutrition -
B - 1 can hominy, 1 cup frozen peaches, strawberries, and mangos
L - Grain bowl - Buckwheat/corn/peas/onions/peppers/kale/pink beans/sriracha/ 1/2 tbsp pepitas
S - 1 cup frozen cherries + one more cup of frozen cherries a little later
D - Grain bowl - Buckwheat/corn/peas/onions/peppers/kale/black beans/sriracha

edited to add: I was disappointed with the hominy after craving it for several days. There was added salt, and I am not a big salt eater. I ate it, but I probably won't eat the other can I bought. I buy no-salt-added beans, Rotel, and oil-free tomato sauce. The salt in the hominy was too much, unfortunately. And a weird story - I warmed it in the microwave instead of the stovetop like I usually would - I only had it in there for 50 seconds, but the corn kernels started to pop like popcorn after 25 seconds! I had to take it out!

I checked for formerly bulimic Star McDougallers and found only one. I might check Forks Over Knives too, they have a lot of success stories. I think I mentioned here above that I e-mailed my former vegan mentor from when I still lived in Canada. We stopped talking six years ago after I went from being vegan to eating lacto-ovo vegetarian and then back to SAD. I was hoping we could rekindle our friendship. It's been two days and I haven't heard back yet. Joanne taught me a lot of good things about eating a vegan diet, when I was really bad eating vegan junk. I need a good mentor, I think. I want to heal my relationship with food now that I finally found the right program for me.
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Re: Shmookitty's Journal

Postby Shmookitty » Thu Dec 05, 2019 9:25 am

Well I didn't eat sweet potatoes yesterday and my belly and bloating are WAY down. It's like wearing new clothes again. I honestly don't know why I react that way to potatoes! It's highly frustrating, because I do enjoy them. But I love fitting in my clothes more!

I did some googling yesterday about eating disorders combined with WFPB, and came across a site called The Emily Program. They treat EDs in five different states. Since I am no longer in an acute ED phase (not purging), I am not going to seek treatment or anything, but they do have a very informative blog. I am in the process of reading archives. I did do a lot of therapy when stopping purging, so I do have a history of it. I am just left with certain "side effects" like still needing to control my food. McDougall partly appealed to me because he says you don't have count calories or portions - I thought, how absolutely freeing! But I have found I just can't handle that level of freedom if I don't want to undereat, which I don't.

I read on a few sites yesterday and discovered there is a documented link between ED patients eating a vegan diet as a way of limiting their food in an acceptable way. I am eating this way because I think it's the ideal plan for my health, the priority isn't to slash my food intake. I read of some treatment centers who refuse to serve patients a vegan diet, and others who believe you can recover while vegan. I think that as I am successful with McDougall over time, I will start to lose some of my ED tendencies about food control. At least I hope so. I will probably always measure my portions though.

I am going to do some more googling today. I think I mentioned on here earlier that I had a third interview for an accounting assistant position at an assisted living center. I got an e-mail yesterday saying I didn't get it. I really want to get off disability and start working again. It would mean I spend a lot less time googling things and I don't overthink stuff! :roll: Right now I have so much free time, it's easy to get obsessive.

Today's nutrition - EDIT: something came up and we have to postpone my birthday dinner. Next week then!
B - 2 packets instant oatmeal with cinnamon
L - Buckwheat/corn/peas/black beans/greens/onions/peppers/greens, 1/4 cup oats in Silk vanilla yogurt
S - Steamed Brussels sprouts
D - Buckwheat/corn/peas/black beans/greens/onions/peppers/greens, 1/4 cup oats in Silk vanilla yogurt
Last edited by Shmookitty on Thu Dec 05, 2019 1:31 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Shmookitty's Journal

Postby Lyndzie » Thu Dec 05, 2019 10:46 am

I don’t have a history of eating disorders, so this may not be helpful, but what you could do is find a reasonably sized bowl (I like to use a 4 cup Pyrex), and use that for your meals. Follow the guideline of filling it up at least halfway with your chosen starch, fill in the rest with tasty veggies and after you eat that, have a fruit if you are still hungry. There are posts that Jeff has done about the numbers behind his menthol, and they check out. That way you are kinda measuring, but not really. It’s about finding a bowl that works for you, filling it up appropriately, and repeating that’s next time you get hungry.
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Re: Shmookitty's Journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Thu Dec 05, 2019 11:08 am

Oh too bad about the sweet potatoes. Regular potatoes constipate me, so I can't do a Mini using them, but sweet potatoes haven't ever done it to me. Funny how our bodies respond to things. I'm glad the bloat went away.

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Re: Shmookitty's Journal

Postby Shmookitty » Thu Dec 05, 2019 12:27 pm

Serene, I'm sorry you share an ED history too. I definitely have an easier time on McDougall than before, simply because I don't have whole classes of food like meats, cheeses, and other dairy, but it is going to take some time for me to continue to heal my messed up relationship with food. I simply LOVE eating this way, never felt better, but I need to develop trust in how much I eat. Since I eat the same foods over and over, hopefully I get more confident that I am doing okay, just by simple repetition.

Lyndzie, that is a good idea. I batch cook about 5-6 grain bowl meals at a time, but I can always start with the Pyrex and dump it in the Ziploc containers as I go. Something to consider.

Buns, yeah, I don't get it. I was kind of hoping I would still be bloated so I didn't have to avoid sweet potatoes! :nod: But there's no denying that potatoes give me mega-bloat. It's literally so uncomfortable, I can't stand it. Disappointed.

Something came up so we have to postpone my birthday dinner. Edited my nutrition log accordingly. Basically eating the same grain bowl both times, with oats in Silk yogurt both times. Still under 1400 calories for the day. I will not continue tracking next week, I only did it this week to make sure I am still on target, and I am. I don't intend to go back to the evil tracker long-term. I guess I just needed some confirmation right now when my weight went back up.
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Re: Shmookitty's Journal

Postby Shmookitty » Fri Dec 06, 2019 9:32 am

The bloating has completely gone now. I feel SO much better! Yesterday it was significantly down and today I am back to feeling light in my clothes again, even though I had more than 1400 calories yesterday. (Today is the last day I have my food tracked on Sparkpeople).

I am just going to avoid potatoes. I love them, but they don't love me. It's silly to keep eating something that affects me badly.

I googled my favorite restaurant for when I visit my sister and found some compliant options by mixing and matching things on their menu. They even have a veggie sandwich that I would just leave the portobello out of (mushrooms are a major YUCK). But they have things like asparagus, broccoli, and rice as sides where I could combine into a healthy veggie plate. I would have to leave meat off all the salads. And they have a jumbo pretzel as an appetizer. I would just skip the queso dipping sauce. I wonder if there is oil in pretzels?

I am listening to the newest Dr. McDougall interview - he is talking about your body just naturally stopping losing weight when you get to the right trim weight. So I don't have to worry if I start losing fast again. I had already lost from 319 to 227 before I started, so I didn't think I could still lose larger chunks over only one week, but I did for multiple weeks since starting this lifestyle. I am not going to worry about it anymore, just let the scale do what it will. Obviously I freak out when it gets too slow. :roll:

I just prepped more grain bowls this morning, so I have six of them in the fridge. Enough for four days since I am not eating two a day. And there is another beloved acorn squash in the steamer for breakfast tomorrow. I wonder why my body loves acorn squash but not potatoes? They're both starchy foods in the same general calorie density. Who knows?

Today's nutrition -
B - 2 packets instant oatmeal with 1 tbsp currants and cinnamon
L - Buckwheat/corn/peas/black beans/greens/onions/peppers/greens/1 tbsp pepitas/1 tbsp dried cranberries, frozen cherries
S - 1/4 cup oats in Silk vanilla yogurt
D - Peanut butter sandwich on 9 seed whole grain bread, frozen cherries
Last edited by Shmookitty on Fri Dec 06, 2019 3:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Shmookitty's Journal

Postby Shmookitty » Fri Dec 06, 2019 12:12 pm

I forgot to share something I saw on Sparkpeople yesterday. Someone friended me from my vegan team, and when I went to her page, I saw a blog of hers written all the way back in 2010 (it was on her front page, she hadn't blogged since).

It included this article from one of the coaches -

And this is the part I really liked -

"So, I've set my calorie goal at what it would need to be to maintain my weight after I’ve lost the 30 pounds, and I've figured out how many servings of each food group I can have. Instead of “dieting,” I'm going to start eating now the way I’ll be eating when I get to my goal weight, and let my body decide how fast it wants to lose the weight. For me, that takes a lot of the stress, frustration, and resentment out of dieting."

That sounds like a very sensible way of losing weight. I have been limiting my calories to around 1400 (based on the days when I did use the Sparkpeople nutrition tracker, with the exception of this week, it's been about seven weeks that I didn't log, but I did before too).

I have done some research, and I will need 1550-1750 calories to maintain a weight of 155 (sedentary lifestyle), depending who you ask. That's not much higher than 1400. At a current weight of 211, I can still get away with weight loss on that amount. Then, as Dr. McDougall said in his new interview with Brand New Vegan, my body would just naturally stop losing when it got to the right weight. I already am eating the way I will at goal, choosing McDougall compliant foods, just fewer calories than my maintenance range.

I wouldn't even have to count calories at that maintenance range, I would never be hungry enough to go over that, considering the foods I choose. Like, I was still hungry after my grain bowl at lunch, so I ate a bowl of frozen cherries. Still didn't take me over 1500 calories for the day. It's all good. Choosing McDougall friendly foods and eating until full works. Those foods are naturally lower calories. Where have I heard that before? :lol: It's eating dairy and oils, and vegan junk food, that got me into past trouble...and the potatoes that don't agree with me.

Why do I need someone else to state the obvious all the time?! :!: And why can't I stop counting calories? I really need to stop. I tracked Monday - Friday this week, but now I am not going to track again. I needed that crutch to assure myself I was still doing okay. It'll be there when I need it, but I am working on trusting the process so I won't.

Sorry Dr. McDougall, if you are reading this, you really do make it clear, it's just me who takes a long time to "get it!" It's not you! :nod:
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Re: Shmookitty's Journal

Postby AnnetteW » Fri Dec 06, 2019 6:35 pm

I think this is why we have to hear the message over and over, so it gets through our thick skulls. I can read and reread, listen to podcasts and watch YouTubes and still not get it, then I finally get something that clicks with me.

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Re: Shmookitty's Journal

Postby Shmookitty » Fri Dec 06, 2019 7:06 pm

Ate a second bowl of frozen cherries at dinner. It seems that frozen cherries and acorn squashes have become my addictions! Much better than entire boxes of Cracker Barrel Macaroni and Cheese, and Food Lion strawberry/cream cheese Danish bites! I was eating both multiple times a week before I started getting serious about losing weight again this past March.

I have decided three things with regard to coping better with my McDougalling and doing a better job of trusting the process - and healing from my increased rearing of my food demons that has come back with the change in my way of eating -

1. I am no longer going to write down what I eat in a day here. I find that I am going back and editing when I change my mind about something, or add something, or remember something, and that's not so much different than tracking food on Sparkpeople. I also batch cook meal bowls in advance and forget exactly what I put in them, so I am going out of my way to figure out the ingredients. It's still keeping my mind in an obsessive place where I need to be hyper-cognizant of what I eat. As far as I'm concerned, this is not McDougalling. He teaches us not to count calories or measure portions. I am not ready to give up measuring yet, but I am definitely ready to let go of my food logging! For those who can do it easily, I fully respect you. I can't.

2. I am not going to count calories anymore at all. Not on Sparkpeople, or any other weight loss website, not using the calorie list I made, not at all. When I made the post above with the Sparkpeople quote, and the maintenance calorie range, a lightbulb went off in my head. :!: As long as I follow the calorie density rules, it is virtually impossible for me to overeat that 155-pound maintenance range of 1550-1750 calories, as long as I am fully McDougall compliant. (Yes, I know that has been taught, but I just "got it"). I didn't think I could eat that way now and still lose. I could log my food every day, make fancy meal plans, but I'm only going to make things much more complicated for myself...and fuel an obsession. I have been worrying about staying under a "magic" arbitrary 1400 calorie ceiling. But I will still lose weight at 1500. Probably even 1600. I am still 211 pounds, so my body will still shed weight at the level where I am eating, since it is living at an excess.

If you REALLY want to hear something crazy,I can't even remember why I picked 1400 calories. But I have been observing it like some kind of freakish rite, like McDougalling won't work except for that one number. It must be different for me.
That's simply not true. It's time to let go of 1400, and after reading enough from Dr. McDougall and spending that time researching maintenance calorie ranges and how natural they really are, it's finally occurred to me that I can't NOT succeed on this program as long as I am compliant. I'm ready to let go of 1400. I really feel like it's finally clicked in my brain.

3. I am only going to weigh myself on Saturday mornings. No more jumping on the scale four or five times a week to see if I can get a lower number after only a day or two. I hadn't been doing badly with this before starting McDougall, but in the last several weeks, especially with the sweet potato bloating of the past three, I have regressed. I am calling an end to that immediately. It's not healthy to be THAT caught up in a number that fluctuates so much day by day. (Is that you who taught me that already, Jeff Novick?) :lol: Once a week is enough, and Saturday mornings makes sense to me at the start of a weekend.

I am still going to write here in my journal. I am just not going to keep writing my food down.

I batch cook to make life easier. I think about what food goes in there once, as I'm assembling grain bowls, to make sure they are starch based and have enough nutrients in them. I shouldn't be inventorying exactly what I did a day or two later, in order to write it down for my journal. I have to literally stir up the bowl and make note of each thing to write it here. That just encourages me to obsess over food. I wouldn't worry about it once I made it, but I do in order to keep track here. By now, it's obvious to those who read here that I am compliant, and what kinds of meals I eat. So I would really only be logging for myself...and I don't need to be that caught up in it. I create my grain bowls with many ingredients, based on Dr. McDougall's recommendations, and I know they are compliant when I make them. That's good enough as far as I'm concerned. No more logging and worrying about whether I had more corn one day or ran out of peas. I found myself falling into the same obsession I had when using the Sparkpeople nutrition tracker. I was so relieved to not have to do that anymore, and then I just morphed into a similar thought process. That is just not cool.

Sorry this is so long! But I had to get some of that out of my brain and into a place where I can come back and read it again if I feel like I need some encouragement. I mentioned yesterday about reading about a link between a vegan diet and an eating disorder - some clinicians believe that an ED patient will go vegan to have a reason for eliminating entire food groups, and it becomes it's own way of food obsessing, as opposed to recovering. I had been doing much better with my old demons, but then I got so caught up in wanting to do McDougall *exactly right* that I created all sorts of rules like I would have done years ago, when *no such rules existed*.

I let the fact that I was eliminating meat, dairy, and oil throw me back into olden days when I was systematically obsessed with my food, even though it had been a relatively long time since then. I found a parallel developing - reading every label to make sure there is no oil started to trigger old patterns where I would arbitrarily limit some thing or another, or try figuring out which potato chips brands had the biggest serving sizes. I really didn't know I was doing it until a few days ago, there's no denying it. I simply can't let this negativity creep into what is the healthiest way I've ever eaten, into a program that is so simple! I now have my oil-free versions of things in regular rotation, so it's just a matter of checking occasionally to make sure they are still compliant, not every time I shop.

So! No more making food lists, no more being married to 1400 calories, and no more jumping on the scale every day. There, it's written out for posterity. I think I would probably have been a prime candidate for the 10-Day Intensive if I wasn't trying to live off a disability salary. I could have probably learned a lot of this stuff from the very beginning instead of trying to figure it out of a disordered brain along the way!

To all those who read my journal, thanks for your patience! I really am trying hard to get better.
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Re: Shmookitty's Journal

Postby Shmookitty » Sat Dec 07, 2019 3:43 pm

Cooked up some amaranth for the first time today. The package said 2 cups dry amaranth would make 3 cups cooked. More like 6!

It was very bland. So I stirred 3 tbsp of sugar into the pot. Now it's yummy! Imagine that!

I will eat it for breakfast the next few days. I had a little bowl just now to try it out. I don't think I could eat it without sugar though, so oats are probably a better choice. I only put cinnamon on those (not cinnamon sugar), or mix the oats into soy yogurt.

I won't avoid this stuff, but I won't go out of my way to buy it either. Maybe tack a bag onto a future Amazon pantry order if I need to get a little higher for free shipping. I only paid $4.38 for it, very reasonable, and that's how I came to try it anyway...I needed another $3 to get free shipping.

Had to try! Not as big a success as barley and buckwheat, but still okay.
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Re: Shmookitty's Journal

Postby Shmookitty » Sun Dec 08, 2019 10:50 am

I was reading Coach Dean's blog archive on Sparkpeople this morning, after being very inspired by an article yesterday.

Came across one from 2008. It included this, about lifestyle changes vs. diets (emphases mine) -

"When you realize that what you're trying to do is to simply start eating and exercising now--the way you're going to be doing it from here on out--these things look a lot different. You don't need to do things perfectly every day to "stay on track," and it really doesn't matter if you eat a few calories more today and a few less on some other day--it’s not like you’ve got a deadline to meet or the world is going to end if it takes you an extra day or two to get to your goal.

All you're really doing here is turning over the business of getting to your ideal weight to your body, which knows what to do, and taking the pressure off your mind, which often doesn't. If you can figure out roughly how much a person who weighs what you want to weigh needs to eat and exercise to maintain that weight, and start doing that today, your body will take care of everything else for you. It will use your stored body fat for the extra energy it needs until you get to the point where what you're eating is right for your body size and activity level. Then you'll shift into weight maintenance mode automatically."

YES. That's the last missing concept I needed. I found my lifestyle change in the McDougall program. And a lifestyle change means...I AM NOT ON A DEADLINE ANYMORE! I have been eating the way I will eat forever, but I forgot to tell myself that I am not dieting anymore. I am so used to the diet mentality, I forgot to shut it off.

So I don't have to worry about doing something drastic to meet some made up time rule - there isn't one - this is a long-term change, not something I am doing temporarily. I feed my body the way it's meant to be fed, and it takes care of what it needs to do. Dr. McDougall said that all along, but I needed a "diet" coach to speak my language to get through to me.


The most recent Coach Dean blogs are from 2013. I guess he's not with Spark anymore. That's a shame if so, I totally relate to him.

Here's the link to the blog I quoted above - Finally The Diet To End All Diets

Also - the amaranth REALLY bulked up in the fridge overnight. I went to get a portion for breakfast this morning and it was all congealed into a big ball. I chiseled into it and microwaved some for a minute. My tastes for sugar seem to have changed since I have naturally not been using it while McDougalling, other than the naturally occurring sugar in fruit. The cereal tasted way too sweet with the granulated sugar in it. I am going back to oats.
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Re: Shmookitty's Journal

Postby Shmookitty » Sun Dec 08, 2019 7:12 pm

I keep forgetting to note this here, but there is one more positive change that has happened since I started McDougalling two months ago.

I just turned 49 and have been in peri-menopause for the past several years. Part of that is the dreaded chin hairs that come when your hormones start getting out of whack. I used to have to wax twice a week and pluck daily, when I was still eating meat and dairy. After the first month of McDougall, it became just a matter of plucking a few strays. I can't remember the last time I got my cold wax kit out, I think it's been about a month now.

I'm not exactly sure what it is about the Starch Solution that fixed it, but I am DEFINITELY happy about that! :-D
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Re: Shmookitty's Journal

Postby Shmookitty » Mon Dec 09, 2019 12:34 pm

TMI Alert - Maybe I am not giving amaranth a good enough trial. I have had three portions now, and I just had the biggest bowel movement of my life, full of amaranth seeds! I think they must have been like those little cartoon scrubbing bubbles that clean out your tub, but in my digestive system. :shock: (I normally don't examine my poo, but I was afraid it wouldn't all go down)!

I think I will try amaranth again. :-D Maybe see if I can get away with less sugar. It is definitely too bland for me on its own. Today it tasted less sweet than yesterday. Might work out after all.

Also, I wrote this on Annette's journal but wanted to record here too - I have been moving to eating four smaller meals instead of three larger ones in the past two or three weeks or so, and I'm really doing well on it. Previously I had a small snack around 3:30 p.m. - usually a couple handfuls of greens with oil-free dressing. No starch, and not a lot of calories. But recently (pretty much since I started eating sweet potatoes at snack time), I have started eating more significantly at that time, and then I naturally eat a smaller dinner at 6. It seems 3:30 is really when I'm ready for dinner. Dr. McDougall says to eat when hungry, so that's what I have been doing. And I feel a lot better.

I will keep doing that as long as I find it helpful, even after I start working again. There are people who smoke several times a day, or socialize too much, my quirk will be eating at both noon and 3:30 p.m. Of course I will work while eating for the 3:30 period, but I don't intend to eliminate that mini-meal when I'm doing so well on it.

I am thinking that I do like my oats at breakfast time, so assuming I do take to amaranth, I will have a bowl of that at 3:30 (since I am no longer eating sweet potatoes, I would just "switch" starches). Easy to eat a spoonful at a time while doing something else, and very satisfying. Hmmm...I think it will work out.
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Re: Shmookitty's Journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Mon Dec 09, 2019 2:48 pm

Shmookitty wrote:I keep forgetting to note this here, but there is one more positive change that has happened since I started McDougalling two months ago.

I just turned 49 and have been in peri-menopause for the past several years. Part of that is the dreaded chin hairs that come when your hormones start getting out of whack. I used to have to wax twice a week and pluck daily, when I was still eating meat and dairy. After the first month of McDougall, it became just a matter of plucking a few strays. I can't remember the last time I got my cold wax kit out, I think it's been about a month now.

I'm not exactly sure what it is about the Starch Solution that fixed it, but I am DEFINITELY happy about that! :-D

That's very cool. I haven't had a problem with chin hairs, but now I am wondering about this eating plan and hair, period. I was 48 when I started 10 years ago, and had plenty of "silver strands" in my black hair. I noticed pretty quickly, those hairs started coming in darker at the root! Like, my grays started going away naturally. No lie. I'm sure this is a fountain of youth, people! :cool:

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