Going for it

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Re: Going for it

Postby rhubarbtriangle » Mon Aug 24, 2015 7:45 am

Well, I didn't manage any MWL days this week. In fact, I ate more bread than is good for me and stayed the same weight again. :roll:
Still, I was compliant, and apart from too much bread, felt like I had a good week.
This week is probably (I hope) going to be a quiet one, so I will have time to cook proper food and not eat so much bread.
Let's see what next week's weigh-in brings. :D
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Re: Going for it

Postby lmggallagher » Tue Aug 25, 2015 11:51 am

Best of luck in the new week - for me too :lol: :lol: :lol: - we can do it!!! :nod: :nod: :nod:
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Re: Going for it

Postby rhubarbtriangle » Mon Aug 31, 2015 5:26 am

Another good week - but the weight stayed the same.
Funny thing, my clothes are getting loose and somehow even longer. :?
On Wednesday, I will be going to Scotland for a week so that will be a test of my planning and adaptability skills. :eek:
On the positive side:
I managed to eat less bread
I walked more
I CAN be successful, even where I have less control over the menu.
I AM going to enjoy my week off (mostly off!) :lol:
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Re: Going for it

Postby rhubarbtriangle » Thu Sep 10, 2015 5:47 am

Had a lovely week in Scotland. :D
Weighed today and found I have lost 1kg, even though some meals had a little oil.
Back on track now and will weigh again on Sunday even though it's only half a week.
I'm feeling pretty good about it. Usually I would gain weight while away, but now I have no cravings so it's easier to make good choices. I'm convinced this is because the choices are straightforward - yes or no. For me, moderation did not work as it fed my addiction to certain foods (mainly dairy) so that the cravings were always very strong. Now I just eat plenty of the right kind of food, always feel satisfied and have no cravings.
September is a beautiful month here. Walked the dog around the park and didn't even need a coat! :cool:
Next month I know it will be woolly hat and wellies weather! :lol:
“What I say is that, if a man really likes potatoes, he must be a pretty decent sort of fellow.”
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Re: Going for it

Postby VegSeekingFit » Thu Sep 10, 2015 2:34 pm

Hi Rhubarb,
Awesome on the loss -- especially after travel!! I have to agree with you on moderation -- doesn't work well for me either.
I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

Thankful for amazing people - McDs, JeffN, Mark, Tiffany, Goose!

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Re: Going for it

Postby pinkie314 » Thu Sep 10, 2015 9:29 pm

Hello :)

Scotland would be so awesome to visit!

How long did it take you of eating the right foods, and cutting out dairy, to stop having the cravings? I am on day 3, so it might be a while yet for me.

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Re: Going for it

Postby rhubarbtriangle » Sun Sep 20, 2015 1:35 am

Had a good week food-wise. Even though I had some minor crises that normally would have had me reaching for fatty and/or sugary snacks. :-D
It took about a month for the difficult cravings to completely go away, although they were much improved after only a week or so. That doesn't mean I never look at a cake at a church lunch and think it looks tasty, or a previously favourite cheese in the store and miss it a bit. When people around me are eating foods I used to eat and enjoy then no matter how great my good choice is I am aware that in taste, at least, their food would be good to me. However, knowing that something is tasty is not the same as craving it. I do think that if I ate cheese I would have to endure a period of returned cravings again, and why make life difficult? I do know people who (with varying amounts of success) allow themselves "cheats" or "treats" occasionally, but I am not a person of moderation so I have to think of these foods being addictive to me. :nod:
Luckily, I like cooking and can always make something good. My son says my fridge looks like a salad bar, which was my plan so that fixing a bowl of salad is actually the easiest option for a snack. Also, I always have soup made that only needs heating if I want a hot snack.
I made pease pudding the other day, something I haven't had in years. Completely compliant, a real "blast from the past and cheap too. Definitely going in the rotation. :D
Despite eating well, my weight stayed the same. This happens. This time I'm not worried as I have confidence that as long as I stick with it the weight will come off. Maybe I should weigh only once a month.
I have very busy few weeks coming up so it will be a test of my pre-planning and organisational abilities. Also, I shall have to eat out at least 3 times and that is always interesting! :lol:
“What I say is that, if a man really likes potatoes, he must be a pretty decent sort of fellow.”
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Re: Going for it

Postby judynew » Sun Sep 20, 2015 5:04 pm

I just looked up a recipe for pease pudding and it said to put the peas in a bag and boil them. Is that how you do it?
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Re: Going for it

Postby rhubarbtriangle » Mon Sep 21, 2015 5:35 am

Judy - I never put them in a bag, nor did my mum or gran.

1 cup yellow split peas
2.5 cups water or veggie stock
1 onion whole, peeled, studded with 6-8 cloves OR 1 chopped onion and a quarter teaspoon ground cloves
1 teaspoon cider vinegar or pickle juice, pepper, salt (add after cooking)

Cook slowly (I use a slow cooker) until all the water is absorbed and the peas are soft (some peas may require a little more water).
Discard the whole cloves if used, and mash/beat the onion into the peas. You should have thick paste, like refried beans, add plenty of pepper, the vinegar, and salt if you use it.

Eat it hot as a side dish, put it on a baked potato, or let it cool and use it as spread on crackers, toast or in sandwiches. This makes a nice amount for a small slow cooker, you can easily double it up. It keeps quite a few days in the fridge, given the chance.

I guess it's the English version of refried beans. It is supposed to be mild but you can spice it up to taste. :D
“What I say is that, if a man really likes potatoes, he must be a pretty decent sort of fellow.”
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Re: Going for it

Postby judynew » Mon Sep 21, 2015 11:26 am

Rhubarbtriangle, that sounds really good and very versatile too. I'm away right now but when I get home next week, the slow cooker will be pressed into service for sure.
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Re: Going for it

Postby WyldMoonWoman » Tue Sep 22, 2015 4:47 pm

I am going to try your peas porridge recipe, it looks yummy!
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Re: Going for it

Postby rhubarbtriangle » Fri Sep 25, 2015 8:52 am

Pease pudding is very nice. I was reminded today that it is sometimes used like polenta as a starchy base to pile veggies on top and drizzle with sauce or gravy. Something like a Buddha bowl. :)
I've been busy but I thought I had time to clear out the kitchen cupboards to get rid of excess crockery. Somehow I have pulled a muscle in my back so have had to stop with the job half done. My house looks like an episode of "Hoarders". :eek:
I have a funeral tomorrow, and Sunday is harvest festival, so I know it will have stay this way until next week. At least I won't be at home much to see it! :lol:
Harvest festival of course means a faith lunch. Since I will not have time to cook, I'm taking mixed bean salad. Just opening a couple of tins and chopping a few veggies. I'll stir in some oilfree dressing and it's done. Actually, the congregation are very good, several of them have adapted their recipes to accommodate me, which is very kind. :nod:
If I get time, I will post on Sunday how my weight is going.
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Re: Going for it

Postby rhubarbtriangle » Sun Oct 04, 2015 8:55 am

Finally lost another kilo. :D
What I like about this way of eating is that I can have confidence that it will work. Just stick with it, no weighing, no messing, good food and enough to keep me going.
Yet another very busy week in the offing, but it is giving me practice at planning ahead, eating out and staying compliant.
My friend heard me calling ahead to check what a restaurant could provide for me. She said I employed psychological warfare and she couldn't have done it better herself (she is a psychologist). It went like this...

after introductions...
"Why don't I just tell you what I want, and then you can tell me how much of that you will do?"
"I would like potatoes and vegetables - baked, steamed or boiled without any oil or butter. Salad with no dressing and no animal products at all. So what vegetables will you be offering?"
"Er...potatoes and...er...carrots...broccoli...other seasonal?!
"Lovely. That's exactly right. And the plain salad?"
"We can do that. I think we have fat free dressing made from avocados."
End conversation with the usual niceties...

Apparently, I didn't leave him much choice but to agree that it was do-able. I hadn't realised. I thought I was just being helpful in giving them the opportunity to plan ahead! I wouldn't make avocado dressing at home, but since he was clearly being helpful I would not discourage him. Turned out it was compliant and fine for an occasional treat.

Well...if you don't ask, you don't get!
“What I say is that, if a man really likes potatoes, he must be a pretty decent sort of fellow.”
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Re: Going for it

Postby WyldMoonWoman » Sun Oct 04, 2015 9:42 am

Excellent! I plan to follow your lead when I call a restaurant... :D
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Re: Going for it

Postby judynew » Sun Oct 04, 2015 1:41 pm

Good job, Rhubarbtriangle. Very assertive.

I have just come in from church and I bought split peas on the way so am about to fire up my slow cooker and try your pease pudding recipe. Once it's going, I'll go out and take my walk. I've recently gotten into Nordic pole walking and I quite like it. (My dear hubby calls it "Nordic pole vaulting" . Quite a different thing, particularly since I've been doing it with the local retired teachers' association. Picture that :lol: )

Interested to read about your experiences with church social events. In our congregation, everybody tends to bring vegetarian friendly food, not necessarily program compliant, but it recognizes that everyone can eat those dishes. There are always one or two who bring something with meat but it's certainly a small percentage of the food. The last couple of years we've been much more conscious of gluten also as we have a regular member with celiac so that's something else to think about. Generally though I have found people very willing to make those changes.

I'll post again after I try the recipe.
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