Precipitous Change

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Re: Precipitous Change

Postby keithswife » Wed May 16, 2018 6:50 am

Principality wrote:I may need to back off MWL and switch to plain ole Mcdougalling. I just put two tofu in to bake and realized tofu is not MWL compliant. Well I refuse to waste it and it is one the regular plans option I believe. I maybe need to reassess which one is more livable.

I think this is a great idea. I kinda had to ease into McDougalling too. First, I just went vegan. Then, I cut out all of the meat analogs I was using (except for Boca burgers. I really like those). And finally, I'm trying to give up all oil and just do the regular program. Given my dieting history, I would binge out like a boss on MWL. But for those who can do it, it does work. But it's not for me. :cry:
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Re: Precipitous Change

Postby VegSeekingFit » Fri May 18, 2018 7:17 pm

Hi Principality! Wishing you the best in whatever path you choose. I think lots of people have lost significant amounts of weight on the regular plan!!! If you are feeling deprived or overwhelmed, it may make sense to switch. Nothing wrong (or lesser) with that. Personally (for what it's worth as a less skilled member), I have only followed regular plan, but considered calorie density when making choices.
I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

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Re: Precipitous Change

Postby Principality » Sun Jun 24, 2018 5:31 pm

VegSeekingFit wrote:Hi Principality! Wishing you the best in whatever path you choose. I think lots of people have lost significant amounts of weight on the regular plan!!! If you are feeling deprived or overwhelmed, it may make sense to switch. Nothing wrong (or lesser) with that. Personally (for what it's worth as a less skilled member), I have only followed regular plan, but considered calorie density when making choices.

Thanks for the comments. I have been missing in action these past two weeks while my kids visit. I will be back to posting when they return home the 29th.
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Re: Precipitous Change

Postby Principality » Sat Jun 30, 2018 5:04 pm

I have a unique opportunity. My kids just finished their visit and we all got some immigration stuff done and there is a bubble of stress free calm. It is what everyone trying to eat healthy wishes for but seldom comes. The “when life is less stressful...”. Well it is right this instant and I have no idea how long it will last so let’s seize the day and get out the things that are particularly hard that I tend to do in stressful situations. So it is coffee. I do not enjoy it without copious amouts of cream and sugar. I do enjoy black tea with rice milk. So, I’ve quit coffee and planned all MWL meals. No need to stress eat now so a good time to retrain the tastebuds. Sooooo, so ,sooooooooo glad for a little respite from the crazy to focus on me. Not that real life may not creep in at any time but I just feel it is important to recognize and try to be present for and grateful when we can enjoy a pocket of peace and tranquility and use it for the good of our health.
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Re: Precipitous Change

Postby Principality » Mon Jul 02, 2018 5:37 am

Today is looking to be good. At least it is set up to be. I got my walk in before it gets sickly hot outside. I cooked lots and lots of mwl compliant foods yesterday so I have veggies, beans, rice, lentils, potatos, fruit, veggie soup, etc. If I am hungry then I have healthy food to eat until full. Today is the anniversary of the day I arrived in Canada. So I have survived a year of stress, high immigration expenses, uncertainty, and worry over no health care. I am fond of a sense of stability. So good riddance to last year and hello this year.

Onto food so far
One cup tea with rice milk
2 cups water
Veggie stew 1 cup
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Re: Precipitous Change

Postby moonlight » Fri Jul 06, 2018 9:56 am

Thinking about you, hoping you are doing well. :)
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Re: Precipitous Change

Postby Principality » Sun Aug 19, 2018 2:56 pm

Been very occupied closing on a home, soon to be moving, getting a new job in a new area, etc. I haven’t been focusing on following an plan per sey. However I have been eating a ton of salads willingly and happily and when I do bother to pay attention I think about calorie density. So weight has neither gone up or down while I have been distracted.
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Re: Precipitous Change

Postby Principality » Thu Sep 27, 2018 7:10 am

Well we have been moved in a couple weeks and work is certainly burning calories. Now that I feel like I have a handle on everything it is time to get back to healthy eating. I have weighed in at 210 thanks to the running around I do at work, not thanks to the horrible choices I have been making for quick food grabs and the break room freebies. So, this morning it is tea with rice and veggies. It is good to be back.
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Re: Precipitous Change

Postby Principality » Wed Oct 31, 2018 8:35 am

Well I lost a month somewhere. Work has been keeping me moving around but I haven't been keeping up with the eating changes needed. I am laundry/housekeeping so no sitting and lots of big arm movements and up down. Not super fast mind you like a class but sustained for 7.5 hours. Work is about to go from 45 hours to 75 hours in a paycheck so there is no longer time to play around with doing it tomorrow. I have a huge pot of vegetable pasta soup in the crockpot as well as lots of roasted potatoes and veggies and rice so I will be fine when things get really hectic. I am pretty sedentary at home which I need to change up again. I tend to sit around and wait to get called in which usually happens rather often. I need to stop conserving energy in fear that I will need it for work. However, I'm only finally getting used to the huge change in daily movement from sitting around all day everyday. Here are the stats for safe keeping for November. Nothing changed number-wise but I do look slimmer. Nowhere near where it should be so here's to making some good changes for November. It is almost guaranteed that if I make good food choices, the upped movement again will have a good effect.

43 bust
40 waist
46 hip
210 lbs
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Re: Precipitous Change

Postby Idgie » Wed Oct 31, 2018 6:54 pm

Sounds like you have a game plan; good job!
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Re: Precipitous Change

Postby Principality » Sun May 26, 2019 3:10 pm

Well, I went for bloodwork and I know it is going to prove that I have been non compliant. Thus, it is time to jump back in the bandwagon.

Weight 206
Waist 40
Hips 45
Bust 44
Biceps 14
Thighs 27
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Always come back

Postby Principality » Mon Mar 15, 2021 4:37 pm

Wow, it has been a while. Many changes but in the back of my head I always come back to this. So, here we go again. Just me and my trusty bag of russet potatoes. Starting point 240lbs goal anywhere not 200. There, simple, like my potato. Finding my tater zen. Channeling the spud. Smooth like mash.
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Re: Precipitous Change

Postby Principality » Mon Mar 15, 2021 6:45 pm

I just reread some of my old posts. The funny thing is I was struck by some really good ideas to implement. My own ideas that I had long since forgotten. I was like,”I should do that!” (Snort laugh). Not sure how I have managed to forget so many good habits that I had.

Tomorrows menu

Rice, thawed frozen fruit, rice or oat milk for breakfast

If I need a snack I have lots of baked potatoes

Lunch will be a soup that I will make using MWL ingredients

Dinner will be baked beans over potato

Mmmmm, so looking forward to real food.


Onto fitness

My exercise bike has been glaring at me for some time. I need to make amends with it. A lot of my hobbies are reading and crafting, crochet. I’m just going to hold them hostage till I exercise.

My previous attempt at easing in to the plan really just led to me letting myself off the hook for eating off plan. Thus, I can say with authority I cannot handle the choices that non compliance offers me. Henceforth, the mantra will be, “ grab a spud”.

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Re: Precipitous Change

Postby Principality » Tue Mar 16, 2021 11:28 am

Morning! Or afternoon for those who do not work nights. Chickens, check. Ducks, check. Rabbits, check. Cats, ...need a cup of tea first. The sun is shining so everyone in this little farm, zoo, chaotic homestead is enjoying it. I haven’t gotten to eating yet. I come after the cats, lol. I am happy to have gotten 10 min on the stationary bike in. It has to be short spans as it really hurts the butt. The birds are singing so it is going to be a good day. So glad to turn off the heat, crack open the window and enjoy my tea in relative peace.
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Re: Precipitous Change

Postby Principality » Tue Mar 16, 2021 12:01 pm

Just practicing for the mwl thread weigh in.

Weight change +/- in lbs: (starting 240lbs)

1. Start each meal with a soup and/or salad and/or fruit. (This is a fail at the moment. I am a toss it in a bowl and chow down)

2. Follow the 50/50 plate method for your meals, filling half your plate (by visual volume) with non-starchy vegetables and 50% (by visual volume) with minimally processed starches. Choose fruit for dessert. (Mine is 50/50 bowl)

3. Greatly reduce or eliminate added sugars and added salts. This includes gourmet sugars and salts, too. If either is troublesome for you, you can eliminate them. (My food is usually in its basic form so if I am nit eating processed I will be okay here).

4. Eliminate all animal foods (dairy, meat, eggs, fish, seafood). (Will be okay on this one)

5. Eliminate all higher fat plant foods (i.e., nuts, seeds, avocados, tofu, soy).(Must hide the peanut butter)

6. Eliminate any added oil. (Maybe in my condiments?)

7. Eliminate all higher calorie-dense foods including flour products (i.e., bread, bagels, muffins, crackers, dry cereals, cookies, cakes), puffed cereals, air-popped popcorn and dried fruit. (Goodbye nommy sourdoughtoast binges)

8. Don't drink your calories (especially from juices & sugar-sweetened beverages). (Will be okay here)

9. Follow these principles, eating whenever you are hungry until you are comfortably full. Don't starve yourself and don't stuff yourself.

10. Avoid being sedentary and aim for at least 30 minutes or more of moderate exercise daily (i.e., brisk walking). (Slowly adding these)

Victories, comments, concerns, questions: To be seen come Friday :-D
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