Gestational Diabetes management

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Re: Gestational Diabetes management

Postby littlemarylela » Wed Mar 21, 2018 4:34 pm

Ugh, I cheated on Sunday and had part of a piece of pizza. It was thin and not super cheesy and I was hungry from being out around dinner tim, but I had already eaten enough good food that I shouldn't have caved. We ran out of broccoli and the last of the bananas got to ripe so I made muffins... which I put walnuts on. I made them with wheat flour and way reduced sugar with stevia, I ate 2 of them without any fruit or other food, and didn't test afterward because it was a snack. I didn't feel good, so I didn't have any more, and was active to make sure my sugars would go down. I had toast for breakfast, (Monday) but ate to many slices (with a tiny bit of peanut butter on two slices and jam on all of them and started feeling bad so I tested at 1 hr and was 9.3, so I cleaned actively for the next hour and it came down to 5.5.Next day (yesterday) I woke up at the usual 5:30 ish and my number was 5.6, which is over the target, but not worrysome. and Being out of fruit, I didn't eat anything and went back to bed from 7-8:30, and woke up very tired and went back to sleep for a few minutes on the couch. I didn't test again, and had pancakes with the kids for breakfast thinking my sugars must be pretty low by then. I didn't eat very many, but added a tiny bit of jam. Then I got SUPER tired. I couldn't move. Normally I try to do house work or something after breakfast, but it was like I was drugged. I tested at 2 hours, and I was 11.3! What happened? I couldn't move yet, but started trying to at least stand up and do light stuff here and there. I tested at 3 hours and was 6.8 and started moving more, then by 3 1/2 hours, 5.8 and go really active for the last 1/2 hour and at 4 hours I was 3.7.

I am convinced that moving is a huge key here. Based on several tests so far, any time I am sedentary after a meal, my numbers are higher. I have two choices, eat a lot less at a meal if I am not going to be active or just plan to be active. No exceptions! From what I can tell from reading, it seems like insulin is supposed to make us store fat, but when we are insulin impaired, our bodies are refusing to store fat at the normal rate, and are letting the sugar out in other ways. Our bodies are saying "stop eating so much!" and "move!". For insulin impaired people, losing weight can put us back in the insulin using state, which will make us gain weight if we over eat or don't burn it, but won't make us sick immediately.

My solution to the overly high number was to go for a big walk/grocery shopping for broccoli after a small meal of soup. My numbers are better now. I'm not 100% sure I have this figured out, and I'm still a little concerned that the thing about the placenta hormones causing the insulin resistance is true, but it seems to me that the numbers either (a) don't matter, as long as you aren't eating enough to gain weight or (b) they matter, but there isn't much you can actually do about them, aside from eating portioned meals and exercising. Any thoughts? I was told that the biggest concern is actually an overly big baby, which can be a side affect of not keeping the blood sugar low. Is this because the baby has it's own pancreas with working insulin? I'm more concerned about long term affects to baby (such as higher risk for diabetes). I read that babies born to mothers who did not manage their blood sugar well are at a higher risk, but is it due to the numbers or is it due to the actual food, and the numbers are actually a side affect? It's so hard to know what comes first here.
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Re: Gestational Diabetes management

Postby f1jim » Wed Mar 21, 2018 4:46 pm

When you fall off the wagon immediately jump back on. After you have been compliant for several days post with your progress on all fronts.
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Re: Gestational Diabetes management

Postby Lyndzie » Tue Apr 17, 2018 5:03 pm

How have you been? Your due date is just around the corner! Hope all is well!!
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