Brand new to the site. My Dog has Cancer

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Brand new to the site. My Dog has Cancer

Postby DebL » Tue Jul 03, 2018 4:16 pm

My process to get to the McDougall site has been a long one. After a year and a half of getting rid of Cancer, Diabetes, and Alzheimer's issues by cleaning up everything else other than dairy, I went Vegan in January of this year. I still had obesity and what seemed like thyroid issues, but those started to go away when I gave up cheese and I just started giving up oil, and I was still having hallucinations and couldn't sleep at all with the Alzheimer's symptoms (I had lost my mind about 5 to 7 years ago. Not sure for how long really, but it took years to get over it. Fixed blood sugar, homocysteine, supplemented with B12 and Omega 3 and started supplementing zinc and got rid of supplements with iron and copper, and it was a Dr. McDougall video, which suggested drinking Fiji Water to get rid of Aluminum and it seems to have worked.

While I was in the middle of all of that, and finally started losing weight, my dog was diagnosed with Hemangiosarcoma. The vet said it was a basketball sized tumor - already metastasized to his spleen and liver, possibly everywhere.

That was a month ago. He is still with me, and I switched him to Halo Vegan canned food - one per day and whole vegan foods the rest of the time. Things like chickpeas, barley, sweet potatoes, artichoke, broccoli and whatever low-ish glycemic index vegan foods he will eat. Plus superfoods from the spice jar, like turmeric and ginger and flaxseeds and tempeh.

I listened to a Dr. McDougall interview and he doesn't feed his cat vegan and I understand that cats have certain digestive enzyme issues, but I think dogs can do starches if the internet sources I have looked at are accurate.

I watched enough videos to know Dr. McDougall is low oil and I got him off flaxseed oil after a week on it. Is the diet also low glycemic index or does that matter?

I watched T. Colin Campbell and have to do it this way, because I can't think that his animals had cancer shrink with lowering animal proteins and that cancer grows with vegetable oils. I don't see how I could do Keto with him, when I have bought into WFPB.

So, I guess I am wondering if anyone else has done this with a dog?
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Re: Brand new to the site. My Dog has Cancer

Postby DebL » Wed Jul 04, 2018 4:59 pm

Today, I researched dog food recipes to get rid of the olive oil from the Halo food. Too bad it has olive oil, because they got most of it right.

I also found a recipe for making pill pockets so I can give him Yunnan Baiyao.

I am doing as many foods and as few supplements as possible, but that is one I am giving.

The vet said that it was the worst case of it he has ever seen, and that he didn't expect him to make it through the first weekend, so getting to a month, even with the mistakes I have made is already pretty good.
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Re: Brand new to the site. My Dog has Cancer

Postby DebL » Thu Aug 02, 2018 2:37 pm

It has been 8 weeks now.

I got labs back yesterday and 8 of the labs came back normal.

I found a dog owner on-line who healed his dog's liver cancer with a vegan diet.

I also found a Purdue study, where adding raw vegetables 3 times per week, even to dry kibble, lowered Cancer rate by 90%.

My dog is getting cans of Halo vegan and he is getting raw vegetables and he has started to love it.

The first week, he was too sick for much and I wasn't chopping the vegetables small enough, but now I add riced broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, broccoli sprouts, tri-colored peppers, carrots, blueberries, blackberries and all those are raw, but he is getting cooked sweet potatoes and chick peas and lentils and had some little regular potatoes and is thriving.

I did add nutritional yeast and hemp seed and flax seed to it.

It tells me that Keto has captured the language about Dogs and Cancer so much that even the WFPB community often feeds their dogs keto. Cats might have a need for some of the supplementation, but, in my opinion, animals are getting cancer so often that it is time for a WFPB concept of feeding them.
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Re: Brand new to the site. My Dog has Cancer

Postby Atheria » Thu Aug 09, 2018 11:22 am

I would suggest (Google it) you get your dog on CBD oil. I've heard awesome stories about pets being cured of cancer from it. I have one of my cats on it for her bad pain issue.

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Re: Brand new to the site. My Dog has Cancer

Postby Drew_ab » Thu Aug 09, 2018 11:53 am

I've been following your dogs story over at and it's been wonderful to follow. Please continue to keep us updated on how your dog is doing. I personally feed my dog kibble + steamed veggies several times per week after reading the same Purdue study as you. My dog enjoys generous amounts of broccoli and carrots.
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Re: Brand new to the site. My Dog has Cancer

Postby DebL » Thu Aug 30, 2018 2:03 pm

Thanks Atheria and Drew!

Yes, I am giving CBD oil, but I honestly have more trust in the diet than that.

He likes it though. Good for pain relief.

Drew, yes, the fact that adding raw veggies decreases the rate of Cancer by 90% is amazing!

He had such a big tumor in his spleen that the predicted survival rate if I had spent the $10,000 for the surgery would only have been 15 days to 86 days and right now we are at 91 or 92 days since he collapsed and had to be carried into the vet.

I didn't do surgery with him, so diet already trumped surgery!

And all is well!
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Re: Brand new to the site. My Dog has Cancer

Postby DebL » Thu Aug 30, 2018 2:12 pm

I just started him on the CBD oil over the past few weeks.

He does like it, but supplements, including CBD oil, are so expensive and I don't think he really needs them.

I have been using Turkey Tail Mushrooms because there is a longevity study with his type of cancer with it and I use Yunnan Baiyao, which is not something he takes every day. It is mostly there in case he bleeds out. I did use some liver supportive things until his liver results improved, but if I had to choose between supplements and diet, I would choose the diet. (The supplements cost me so much that I am not going to be using most of them because of cost, but they were moral support to me as a nervous pet owner in the beginning.)

I was inspired by the Bacon the Vegan dog with liver cancer getting healed just by switching his diet story.
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Re: Brand new to the site. My Dog has Cancer

Postby Atheria » Fri Aug 31, 2018 9:26 am


Yeah, supplements add up. With my cat's old broken bones issue now causing a lot of pain in her older years, regular pain killers aren't a good option because they damage kidneys. So, I need to keep her on what I've got her on. I wish you the best regarding your doggy's issue. It's hard to see them not feeling good.

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Re: Brand new to the site. My Dog has Cancer

Postby DebL » Tue Sep 11, 2018 12:58 pm


Sorry to hear about your cat's broken bones causing pain. It really is so hard to watch animals being in pain.

The vet said that steroids and CBD oil help with pain. He seems to be doing okay right now.

This months vet visit was excellent.

I had been trying to get rid of an infection and 9 weeks on antibiotics hadn't accomplished anything at all.

3 weeks on natural antibiotics bested 9 weeks on medical antibiotics.

His White Blood Count came back into a normal range.

I did cut his steroids in half because steroids can make it more difficult for them to fight infections.
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Re: Brand new to the site. My Dog has Cancer

Postby DebL » Mon Sep 17, 2018 6:34 pm

The vet said that my dog has officially lived longer than any dog he had ever seen with the advanced stage of Hemangiosarcoma, which he has.

I am not sure if the tumor is shrinking, but I am sure that he is besting dogs who had surgery and chemo and my dog didn't have either.

Vegan is clearly helpful for extending life in Cancer and I feel so good about doing it with him.

Hoping to have the same healing results, which Bacon the Vegan dog had with his liver cancer, but I know that my dog had Cancer throughout his body.
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Re: Brand new to the site. My Dog has Cancer

Postby exercise_guru » Thu Oct 04, 2018 7:16 pm

I would love to see the Purdue study and I would love some insight into how to help my dog he has a growth on his hip that the vet is worried might be a tumor. I actually cook for my entire family so I'm happy to cook for my dog in fact I have quite a bit of lean meat in the freezer I have no idea what to do with.
if someone could tell me what to Google or give me a couple suggestions on links that I could go look at I would very much like to help my dog.
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Re: Brand new to the site. My Dog has Cancer

Postby DebL » Fri Oct 05, 2018 11:12 pm

Hey there,

I have been trying to look up the study itself. I can Google and find lots of people who quote the study, but I am not sure what the study was called. I know they say that it was a 2005 Purdue University Study.

I know that they gave the dogs a quarter of a cup of raw leafy green and yellow/orange vegetables 3 times per week and the Cancer rate dropped by 90%. If you can get your dog to eat them every day, it can help. Also, cruciferous veggies.

There have also been studies with active cancer where adding in vegetables slowed the rate of cancer growth.

As far as handling it dietarily, it depends on what your dog will eat. I took my dog vegan whole food plant based on Bacon The Vegan Dog on-line whose owner healed him from a big tumor just changing him to vegan. I did the no oil, vegan, based on what people like Dr. McDougall said. Oil speeds up Cancer. Cancer needs growth hormone to spread. Getting the animal products to about 5% of the calories causes it to go dormant. (The China Study and Healing Cancer from the Inside Out.)

For me, the choices were doing it this way or doing it KetoPet Sanctuary way. They have a link to Valiant foods, but it is Keto highest fat possible. About $250 per month and you add in their food with oil. 90% oil and my dog doesn't like oil enough to get him to eat that way anyway. They do have footage that they were able to heal one dog with Hemangiosarcoma. I don't see a whole list of dogs healed that way, but they do have that famous dog.

There are studies for certain supplements for increasing survival. Turkey Tail Mushrooms Maitake Mushrooms Pro4X, Bromelain would be a few. I used those and Modified Citrus Pectin, but I will tell you that the supplements got expensive and now I am doing diet and Nutritional Yeast. He is still doing okay heading into the fifth month after being diagnosed with Hemangiosarcoma. The vet said that he has never seen anything like it. I guess I trust WFPB more than Keto, but if he wouldn't eat the Vegan food, I would have tried the high oil next. It is the opposite philosophy, but they also are bringing the animal products down to 5% which is where T. Colin Campbell said that Cancer goes dormant.

I am going to say straight out that I haven't "healed" my dog. The owner of Bacon the Vegan dog had the tumor go away and my dog had a melon-sized tumor and it isn't gone yet. KetoPet using Keto got rid of 6 golf ball sized tumors in 120 days. Again, my dog had one tumor in his spleen which was the size of a melon and had other tumors. He wasn't supposed to live more than a week or two and he is still alive.

Someone on the McDougall site said that their dog had died of Cancer and they were WFPB and had him eating Keto and they wondered if he would have lasted longer WFPB. That made my mind up for me. Fail or succeed, I was going to do it WFPB.
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Re: Brand new to the site. My Dog has Cancer

Postby DebL » Fri Oct 05, 2018 11:24 pm

You can Google

Purdue 2005 dog and cancer study.

Also, Google Bacon the Vegan Dog and liver cancer.

I am not telling you to not feed your dog meat.

Some sites had their vets say to do 50% vegetables, for instance.

Many people cook their veggies. The Purdue study was 1/4 cup of raw vegetables chopped very fine.

There are ways to get similar benefits from the cooked vegetables. I know that Dr. Greger did a trick where you could chop broccoli up and wait 40 minutes and then cook it and the enzymes would have a chance to work. He also said that adding a little bit of fresh greens or fresh broccoli to the cooked broccoli reactivated it or some wording like that.
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Re: Brand new to the site. My Dog has Cancer

Postby DebL » Tue Nov 06, 2018 8:05 pm

I am posting an update.

My dog started not wanting Vegan and I ended up feeding him animal products and his condition getting worse again, and I didn't know what to do and wondered if I should put him down, but I kept researching and right now he is on Day 9 of a water fast.

I watched a McDougall conference talk by Dr. Goldhamer on using fasting for healing and he talked about a woman getting healed in 21 days and I found a man who healed his dog of Hemangiosarcoma after 21 days of water fasting.

He looks much better than he did 9 days ago.

I am not sure I will do 21 days, but I am shooting for 14 days minimum and we are almost there. The reason I hesitate is that one woman with a bad heart died a week after a 21-day water fast, so I am torn whether to go for the 21 days or stop at 14 days. I might take the risk because if I don't heal him, I will probably be putting him down anyway, so I guess.

Either way, the Vegan has prolonged his life. He wasn't expected to live for 2 weeks without surgery and it is over 5 months. If I started over though, I would have done at least a 7 to 21 day fast first.
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Re: Brand new to the site. My Dog has Cancer

Postby Atheria » Wed Nov 07, 2018 10:50 am

I don't feel good about putting a pet on a fast. What I would suggest is CBD oil! Seriously! I've heard stories that it works for cancer in pets too. I have one of my cats on it for pain issues.

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