My return to the best WOE!

Share your daily McDougall menus and/or keep a journal describing your personal progress.

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Re: My return to the best WOE!

Postby wildflower » Sat Jan 04, 2014 10:24 am

B: cream of buckwheat with raisins
L: leftover black and yellow couscous, red lentil sauce
S: applesauce, pumpkin muffin, echinacea tea
D: Rainbow Skillet Hash
S: 2 pumpkin muffins

(no exercise)

It's tough when I make a dinner that doesn't come out right. I didn't cook the potatoes long enough, so they were hard. Then either I or my mother scraped the last remaining good nonstick frying pan so there are a few flakes of the pan in the food. I didn't realize it until after. I won't be having leftovers today! And I'm buying a stainless steel frying pan! No more nonstick pans for me.

The pumpkin muffins are good, though. I made them with half the sugar, so they're not so good that I overeat them.

I'm going to restart workouts today.
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Re: My return to the best WOE!

Postby wildflower » Mon Jan 06, 2014 8:48 am

B: cream of buckwheat with raisins
S: toast with apple butter, pumpkin muffin
L: mashed potatoes and corn
D: Sloppy Mexican Casserole

Exercise: 25-minute video

Weight today: 120

I felt really good yesterday - so healthy. The Mexican casserole was delicious and it feels good to do workouts again. I had some noticeable veins in one of my legs for the last few years and I've watched them slowly fade over the last few months. Yesterday I realized that they are barely noticeable at all. Yay!
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Re: My return to the best WOE!

Postby wildflower » Tue Jan 07, 2014 9:45 am

B: cream of buckwheat with raisins
S: toast with apple butter
L: busy - skipped lunch
D: Dutch Vegetable Whip and zucchini
S: toast with apple butter

(no exercise)

I think my mother is slowly converting to this way of eating. She hasn't been putting coconut oil on everything I make - just some things. She asked me why Dr. McDougall doesn't recommend oils, and when I explained it in more detail, she seemed to agree and understand. She's been doing a lot of projects around the house, even right after dinner (when she used to feel tired) and she said she thinks she's losing some weight. I'm sure the fact that I haven't pushed it at all has helped.

I'm still trying to figure out a way to distill all of the information in my mind into a kid-friendly explanation for my daughters. When I was their age, I didn't care what I ate and I believed I wouldn't have to care about it for another thirty or forty years. I always planned on eating better when I "needed" to and not a minute before then. I know I would have had a different life if I had started earlier. I was tired all through my 20's and that affected everything: relationships, jobs, free time, etc. I've wanted to approach this with my daughters from a positive viewpoint, rather than scaring them into eating this way. Yesterday one of my daughters wanted a candy bar, tuna, and either nacho chips or skittles from a vending machine..*sigh*. I didn't buy the tuna or the vending machine snacks, but I did get a "healthier" version of a chocolate bar at the health food store. They watched a little bit of one of Dr. McDougall's videos, but they say they don't understand most of what he's talking about (??). They don't like the taste of things that aren't loaded with sugar, salt and oil. I have to keep reminding myself that it's only been a few months. I'll figure this out somehow...
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Re: My return to the best WOE!

Postby wildflower » Wed Jan 08, 2014 8:17 am

B: cream of buckwheat with raisins
L: leftover Mexican casserole, leftover mashed potatoes w/ corn
S: toast with apple butter
D: Vegetable-Bean Enchiladas

(no exercise)

Cream of buckwheat is my new favorite breakfast. It keeps me full for a long time, too. Lunch was delicious, and then last night I made enchiladas for the first time. I've eaten them in restaurants before, but never had a healthy version, and they were SO good! Can you tell I love all this food?
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Re: My return to the best WOE!

Postby wildflower » Thu Jan 09, 2014 9:09 am

B: cream of buckwheat with raisins
L: leftover enchiladas, pad thai noodle soup (Right Foods Asian Entree)
S: toast with apple butter
D: lentil loaf, carrot sticks

(no exercise)

Weight today: 120

It's been three months! I've had a lot of great changes in the last three months. I've lost about fifteen pounds (now a size 2), my skin is almost completely clear, I have TONS of energy from morning til night, and I feel great. Having more energy has really changed my life.

I'm planning to journal in here just once a week now (probably on Saturdays).
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Joined: Sun Oct 20, 2013 12:42 pm

Re: My return to the best WOE!

Postby wildflower » Sat Jan 18, 2014 9:33 am

I've had a good week. I've been McDougalling 100% and haven't had any chocolate or desserts. My weight has been consistently 119 all week, so I'm down another pound! I really got out of the habit of exercising since our vacation, but I've taken some 30-minute walks with my daughters. I feel great!
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Re: My return to the best WOE!

Postby simka » Fri Feb 07, 2014 2:37 am

Wildflower, I miss your posts! ;)

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Re: My return to the best WOE!

Postby wildflower » Sun Feb 09, 2014 11:09 am

I didn't expect to see my journal so near the top. Hi simka! Should I post more often? I started to feel like I was running out of things to write about! Although, writing in this journal every day was very helpful for keeping me on track with workouts (doing them more often), and for some reason eating less bread! I can eat an embarrassing amount of bread, and knowing that I would be listing everything I eat kept me from doing too much of that.

We were planning on staying at my mother's for a few months. I'm actually still at the same job that was supposed to end in December, but they decided to keep the business running until it sells. I'm enjoying the lack of stress right now - working less and spending more time with family, cooking delicious meals, sitting out in the back yard and soaking up the sun.... Well, now my mother has been telling me jokingly, "You can't leave!" She loves having dinner cooked for her every night. It's nice to be able to share this way of eating with someone. She still loves her coconut oil and complains about her weight, talking about needing to do portion control, etc., etc. I think she would eat differently if she hadn't stocked up with a year's worth of organic coconut oil and other expensive oils. She is eating better, though.

My daughters are eating slightly more of what I make. I wonder how it will be a year from now? I think they'll be so used to it that they'll be eating whatever I put in front of them without even thinking about it. That's what I hope, anyway. They hardly eat any dairy now, so that's a big improvement.

I'm excited - I ordered an electric pressure cooker/slow cooker. It should be arriving on Tuesday. I can't wait to make beans in it! I've been able to eat beans a little more frequently with no problems, so I really want to find out how they taste when not from a can! I'm going to try the slow-cooked beans and pressure-cooked beans and see which ones taste better. I'd also like to make chili and many other slow-cooker recipes.

Last night I had "dessert", if you can call it that. I froze some banana pieces and then put them in a mini food processor with a tiny bit of Wonder Cocoa. It was so creamy and good!! I don't think I'll make it again until the summer, though. It was very cold last night and I had to wrap myself in blankets after I ate it, lol.

Well, it's been four months today!! The health improvements continue. My nails look great, so shiny and strong with no ridges like they used to have. A few times my daughters have had colds and I had a mild sore throat for half a day and that's it. All I can say is that I feel amazing!!!!!
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Re: My return to the best WOE!

Postby simka » Mon Feb 10, 2014 10:40 am

Wildflower, you should ;) Your words are really motivating.
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Re: My return to the best WOE!

Postby nayasmom » Mon Feb 10, 2014 12:13 pm

Hi, I read your post about buying the pressure cooker, and I'm so excited for you! I have the EZ Bean Cooker, which has a bunch of presets for different beans, and a low pressure setting for lentils, which I use for cooking rice and other grains as well.
A friend told me she always uses the pressure cooker to cook her beans halfway, then rinses them and puts them into recipes where they cook the rest of the way. She says cooking them halfway in the pressure cooker and rinsing the cooking water helps eliminate the gassy parts.
Some advice: your recipe booklet may call for oil in the beans to cook them; you don't have to add any oil at all as long as you don't add salt. And pay attention to the "max fill" line!! That's very important. I usually plan the cooking so the pressure lets off on its own, that way I don't have the mess of the steam that shoots up out of the vent when you open it. Sometimes it spits and splutters so I just don't open it.
Have fun with the pressure cooker! I ask myself all the time how I ever functioned without mine, since I just bought it last summer.
Great spirits have always met with violent opposition from mediocre minds. Albert Einstein

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Re: My return to the best WOE!

Postby wildflower » Wed Feb 12, 2014 10:04 am

Simka, I'm happy to hear that my words are motivating. I've been thinking of returning to daily posting. My younger daughter asked me when I plan on doing regular workouts again. She likes to jump on the mini trampoline while I do the workout, so I promised her I'd start tonight. Writing in this journal every day will help me to keep going with it.

Robyn, thank you for your advice. I'll definitely try the half-cooking method.

The pressure cooker arrived yesterday. I'm going to try it out tonight for the rice in Thai Green Curry Rice.

B: buckwheat hot cereal with cinnamon/ground cloves and raisins
S: toast with apple butter
L: leftover Baked Eggplant Casserole and a corn muffin
D: Falafel Wraps
S: 1/2 cup banana-strawberry smoothie

(no exercise)
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Re: My return to the best WOE!

Postby wildflower » Thu Feb 13, 2014 10:03 am

B: buckwheat hot cereal with cinnamon, ground cloves, and raisins
S: toast with apple butter
L: leftover falafel wraps
D: Thai Green Curry Rice
S: one slice of bread about 4 hours after dinner

Exercise: 25-minute video

The pressure cooker worked great for the rice last night. I usually have to keep a close eye on the rice because it bubbles over, so it was great to not have to do that. I'm going to make beans from scratch for the first time ever tonight.

I'm kind of shocked at how my legs look these days. They don't look exactly like they did when I was 20, but very close! And that's without much exercise. I'll be able to wear shorts this summer without any self-consciousness. I'm very happy about that!
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Re: My return to the best WOE!

Postby wildflower » Fri Feb 14, 2014 9:50 am

B: buckwheat hot cereal with cinnamon, cloves, and raisins
S: toast with apple butter
L: leftover falafel wraps
D: Rice, beans, and corn

Exercise: 20-minute walk

The beans turned out great. Now I want to try baked beans in the slow cooker. Yum!
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Re: My return to the best WOE!

Postby wildflower » Mon Feb 17, 2014 9:31 am

B: oatmeal with cinnamon, ground cloves, and raisins
S: toast with apple butter
L: leftover bean burgers and rice
D: roasted potatoes and spinach

(no exercise)

I had a busy weekend. For some reason I decided to complicate my life a little by applying for a new job. They called me right away and I have an interview this morning. It's the kind of job I've been wanting for six years...where I can sit at a computer for hours, rather than the "sales" job I've had that is so uncomfortable for me. Anyway, I have to get ready for the interview. Some good news: my older daughter is now having leftovers for her lunches almost every day. She even ate some brown rice (she wouldn't touch it before.)
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Re: My return to the best WOE!

Postby wildflower » Wed Feb 19, 2014 10:32 am

B: buckwheat hot cereal with raisins
S: toast with apple butter
L: leftover roasted potatoes and peas
D: lentil-rice casserole

(no exercise)

I've been a little busier than I like. I was actually offered the job, but I didn't take it. If I leave my current job, they will have to close the business...I don't know, I guess the timing just wasn't right. Anyway, I'm feeling great physically. I'm getting used to having nice skin and being thin. It has become my new "normal". It's awesome being completely pain free, too.
Posts: 112
Joined: Sun Oct 20, 2013 12:42 pm


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