Meet The Members: Forum Member Profiles

For those questions and discussions on the McDougall program that don’t seem to fit in any other forum.

Moderators: JeffN, f1jim, John McDougall, carolve, Heather McDougall

Meet The Members: Forum Member Profiles

Postby JeffN » Mon Feb 01, 2016 5:22 pm

Since this is an open public anonymous forum, by posting a member profile we can get to know more about each of you including who you are and your relationship to the program, which will only make for a greater community experience.

We know who the Mcdougall team is, who the moderators are, who the Star McDougaller's are and who many of the members who share links to their sites or, over time, have told their story here. However, there are many members that we know little about. These member profiles will give us all an opportunity to get to know each of us much better.

We have created a template of a few questions that you can answer. You are welcome to follow the template, or part of it, or just post a paragraph or two describing yourself. If you have are a Star McDougaller of have a website that also tells about you, you are welcome to add the link or just post the link to your Star McDougaller profile. It may also be helpful to provide a link to your member profile in your signature.

This thread is only for member profiles. If you have question about the thread, about a members post or their profile, either PM a moderator, PM the forum member or post a new topic. Posts other than members profiles will be deleted.

Creating a member profile is not a requirement of this forum but hopefully, you will see its benefit. This post will remain a sticky

Feel free to cut and paste the template.

Member Profile Template
Real Name:
Where/How did you find out about the site &/or Dr Mcdougall:
How long have you been following the McD program:
What was your initial reason/goals for starting the program:
What is your success to date:
Describe a Typical Day of McDougalling for you:
Favorite Mcdougall Recipe/Dish:
Describe Your Exercise (How much, what kind, etc):
Other Hobbies/Interests:

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Re: Meet The Members: Forum Member Profiles

Postby Ltldogg » Mon Feb 01, 2016 5:45 pm

Great idea!

Real Name: Scott Beavers

Location: Phoenix, AZ

Where/How did you find out about the site &/or Dr McDougall: I heard of Dr. McDougall through PCRM and looked him up.

How long have you been following the McD program: I've been plant-based for about 8-9 years; seriously been following McD for about 5-6 years. I stopped drinking about a year ago out of necessity due to related health problems.

What was your initial reason/goals for starting the program: Health and Longevity, independence from medications. I am now also an ethical Vegan.

What is your success to date: I started weighing about 145-155 and now weigh around 120. I have maintained a BMI below 21 for years. I do have some lingering problems from past alcohol abuse, which I might have to suffer with the rest of my life. Besides that, I am in great health with my cholesterol around 100-115, my BMI now around 18.7-19, great energy, great sleep, etc.

Describe a Typical Day of McDougalling for you: Eating potatoes, rice, oats, corn, beans with a little veggies and fruit, exercising and getting good sleep.

Favorite McDougall Recipe/Dish: I don't make recipes; I just eat mostly starches with a little bit of veggies and fruit; I keep it simple.

Describe Your Exercise (How much, what kind, etc): Mostly cardio to include biking, elliptical, walking and rarely jogging. I try to do light-medium intensity cardio 60-120 minutes a day. I have a stationery bike in my house and access to a gym, local parks, tons of city side-walks and mountains. I love to exercise and have plenty of energy. I never over do it and never get burned out. I have a past of weight training (great muscle memory) but prefer a lean, lighter frame and only need to do light resistance training once or twice a month to maintain.

Other Hobbies/Interests: My wife and I enjoy watching TV and Movies, playing board games, caring for our two cats and occasionally traveling. I also enjoy video games, researching health and nutrition and am an advocate for animal rights and veganism.
Last edited by Ltldogg on Tue Feb 02, 2016 4:54 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Meet The Members: Forum Member Profiles

Postby Vanilla Orchid » Mon Feb 01, 2016 6:19 pm

Member Profile Template
Real Name: Claire Ervin Lee
Location: Pacifica, CA
Where/How did you find out about the site &/or Dr Mcdougall: I was aware of Dr. McDougall when I lived in HI in the 70s and 80s. I lived next door to one of his patients and one of my colleagues was also one of his patients. They told of miraculous cures. I also listened to Dr. McDougall's radio program in HI, but never met him until I came to live in CA.
How long have you been following the McD program: Seriously, since August 2008, but to a lesser degree on and off for a number of years.
What was your initial reason/goals for starting the program: In August 2008, my doctor told me I had high blood pressure. I refused meds, started walking A LOT, and following Mary's mini immediately. That fixed it. More recently my doctor told me I have osteoporosis. Again, I refused meds and sought Dr. McDougal's advice on a dietary fix. He recommended limiting grains and beans, because they are acid producing, which is pretty limiting on this WOE.
What is your success to date: I dropped from 167 lbs to 127 (not all at once), stopped taking Prilosec for heartburn, and my blood pressure dropped to a normal level--don't ask me the numbers because it varies.
Describe a Typical Day of McDougalling for you: There is no typical day. Every day is different. If I eat breakfast at home, it's often soup, sometimes cereal and fruit with homemade cashew milk. I eat a lot of fruit. I keep a basket of sweet potatoes and white potatoes on my desk at work, and salad stuff in the work fridge. I nibble during the day. Sometimes I eat dinner, and sometimes not. Occasionally I do eat out, but not very often.
Favorite Mcdougall Recipe/Dish: I like variety. I don't have a particular favorite recipe. Some of my favorite cookbooks are Millennium Cookbook, the Artful Vegan, some of the Moosewood cookbooks and Joy of Cooking, and the very new Ravens Cookbook. I can adapt most recipes to fit this WOE. My husband and I host McDougall gatherings at our home--often brunches, and I enjoy making more elaborate foods for company. Otherwise, we might make several dishes on the weekend like soups or stews and graze during the week.
Describe Your Exercise (How much, what kind, etc): Iyengar yoga classes about 4-5 times per week to combat osteoporosis. Brisk walking for perhaps an hour per day.
Other Hobbies/Interests: Politics, travel, reading (mostly fiction for fun), dancing (mostly Argentine tango), growing orchids. My husband and I belong to a vegan supper club. I tutor reading for adults at the library. I work as an attorney for the California Department of Social Services, Community Care Licensing. I like to sew, but have not done as much of that as I used to.
Last edited by Vanilla Orchid on Sun Dec 11, 2016 12:03 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Meet The Members: Forum Member Profiles

Postby Yomom » Mon Feb 01, 2016 6:22 pm

Yomom's Profile
Real Name: Kathy
Location: Toronto, Canada; originally from Pennsylvania
Where/How did you find out about the site &/or Dr Mcdougall: internet search when McD Board was at Vegsource; first joined McD Board in 2006; forgot my login info and then rejoined under name Yomom in 2009; attended 5-day McD Program and FOK "Plantstock" @ Esselstyn's Farm
How long have you been following the McD program: with increasing compliance, year after year since 2009
What was your initial reason/goals for starting the program: my BMI was at top end of "overweight" and I had high BP; was tired of being fat and tired
What is your success to date: weight is Normal; weightloss maintained; am a strong hiker once more; I wear skinny jeans, size M clothes; no longer keep "fat" clothes just-in-case, and even my shoe size has decreased
What have you successfully given up: Diet Coke, Coffee, foods with parent or face, added salt & added sugar; sautéeing in oil
Describe a Typical Day of McDougalling for you: Breakfast: Starch & Fruit; Lunch: Chopped Salad; Dinner: Soup or Stew or Burrito consisting of Starch plus Vegetables
Favorite Recipes: McDougall app, ForksOverKnives app, Jeff Novick "Fast Food" meal template, Cathy Fisher's "Straight Foods" site, Jill Nussinow's cookbooks
Describe Your Exercise (How much, what kind, etc): Daily Dog Walks plus Urban car-free walkable lifestyle; fair-weather jogger 8 months per year, following Walk-Run format 3x weekly training at Maffetone heart rate; cross-training rarely on indoor exercise bike; I am a slow but proud runner
Other Hobbies/Interests: Geology, pets, quilting, cooking
What McDougalling/Healthy Habits do you need to improve: getting consistent aerobic exercise as my BP rises at times of personal stress; resisting treats and other non-compliant foods when I travel
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Re: Meet The Members: Forum Member Profiles

Postby WyldMoonWoman » Mon Feb 01, 2016 6:39 pm

Real Name: Lisa Kuprian
Location: Nomadic because I have a traveling job, currently stationed in Menlo Park, CA...My permanent home is in Little Falls, NY
Where/How did you find out about the site &/or Dr Mcdougall: Found out about McDougall program from a nurse that I worked with, found the forum by cruising the website
How long have you been following the McD program: One Year...I started on 2/4/15
What was your initial reason/goals for starting the program: my health was failing, severe degenerative osteoarthritis, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, type II diabetes
What is your success to date: Lost 65 lbs, stopped all medications, better energy, less pain overall, less swelling
9/23/13 cholesterol 250, LDL 161, HDL 67, triglycerides 108 B/P 142/90 Fasting glucose 132 (on meds...Altace, HCTZ, Metformin, Atorvastatin)
12/4/15 cholesterol 178, LDL 112, HDL 53, triglycerides 64 fasting glucose 74 (off meds)
B/P today 112/70
Describe a Typical Day of McDougalling for you: Eat, snack, eat, snack, eat...breakfast is usually left over dinner, sometimes I have oatmeal and frozen blueberries, snack on fruit, lunch usually beans and rice, dinner is veggies and starch, late night snack usually taco's with beans/lentils and spinach. On my days off I like to cook something that takes time and prep for the next couple days
Favorite Mcdougall Recipe/Dish: Taco's...I eat taco's every day
Describe Your Exercise (How much, what kind, etc): I am allergic to exercise :D Walking...on a work day I average 5 miles/shift, I ride a bike or walk to do errands, planking twice a day
Other Hobbies/Interests: Dancing, live music, music festivals, sightseeing, road trips, travel, Grateful Dead, Jam Bands, camping, fishing, friends, harm reduction, public policy activism, frugal living.
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Re: Meet The Members: Forum Member Profiles

Postby PurplePotato » Mon Feb 01, 2016 7:27 pm

Real Name: Keith Rubinstein
Location: Hillsboro, OR (a suburb of Portland)
Where/How did you find out about the site &/or Dr Mcdougall: On Jeff Novick's old website (can't remember how I stumbled over there) saw a recommendation to read The China Study, and after deciding to follow the book's advice I found this site as a good source to get more of the details down. Jeff's forum, in particular, was invaluable.
How long have you been following the McD program: Was following quite strictly as of June 2011, with about half a year of ramping things up before that.
What was your initial reason/goals for starting the program: The China Study made it clear that the benefits were numerous. I had no major health problems (with the exception of constipation); so mostly as a preventative. I committed to a strict vegan diet in January 2011, which made the transition easier.
What is your success to date: I'm not sure. I have remained faithfully on the McDougall wagon since June 2011, but was still a binge eater at first due to not being able to shake the belief the one has to restrict carbs, and being stuck in a starve - binge cycle. Probably sometime in mid - late 2013 I had learned to accept carbs and had pretty much excised the binge eating, and felt like a full success.
Describe a Typical Day of McDougalling for you: Rice in the instant pot, often with some sort of vegetable (usually frozen) thrown in, and maybe some sort of herb/spice/vinegar/ect. thrown in as well. Sometimes I'll just eat the rice plain. Occasionally I'll use another starch as a base, or add in some beans/lentils. I eat a lot of wholegrain bread as well, mostly corn tortillas. I also drink a lot of tea (caffeinated).
Favorite Mcdougall Recipe/Dish: Not a dish, but I've always loved frozen peas straight from the freezer, even as a young kid.
Describe Your Exercise (How much, what kind, etc): Very little. I choose not have a car, which causes me to naturally get some walking in, and I go dancing about once a week, but I have yet to commit to an exercise plan. As a slight aside, I meditate and practice qigong.
Other Hobbies/Interests: Board Games, Mathematics, Dancing, Buddhism, Sufism, Other vaguely spiritual subjects
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Re: Meet The Members: Forum Member Profiles

Postby vgpedlr » Mon Feb 01, 2016 8:04 pm

Real Name: Lance Mateas
Location: Wherever I park it. Usually NorCal.
Where/How did you find out about the site &/or Dr Mcdougall: I first heard of McDougall in the early 90s while on summer break from college. Rediscovered after reading The China Study, ca 2007.
How long have you been following the McD program: Not sure, as I experimented quite a bit before deciding this was the simplest version of a WFPB lifestyle to follow. Also needed Esselstyn to convince me about oil.
What was your initial reason/goals for starting the program: I had low energy and didn't feel really well, though I had no obvious health problems.
What is your success to date: I always wanted to compete in triathlon and other off road races, but couldn't train consistently enough to properly prepare due to low energy and inability to recover. Now that is no problem.
Describe a Typical Day of McDougalling for you: Oats and berries for breakfast, lunch is leftover dinner, and dinner could be many different things, usually rice or potato based. Asian vegetables and rice, or Mexican black beans, or vegetable bean soups are typical.
Favorite Mcdougall Recipe/Dish: Just about anything Asian or Latin. Or Indian.
Describe Your Exercise (How much, what kind, etc): Depends on time of year. Skiing and weight training in winter, cycling the rest of the year. Some running and swimming. Vinyasa yoga, tai chi, qigong. I switch things up a lot, but cycling and running are the main ones.
Other Hobbies/Interests: Studying various Asian philosophies, reading, writing, camping, caring for my old VW bus,general jackassery and assorted tomfoolery.
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Re: Meet The Members: Forum Member Profiles

Postby f1jim » Tue Feb 02, 2016 8:20 am

This is a superb idea for building a community.

Member Profile Template
Real Name:
James Brown
Pacifica, CA
Where/How did you find out about the site &/or Dr Mcdougall:
Saw the website while searching for heart disease info. My sister has followed the program for many years.
How long have you been following the McD program:
Since May of 2007
What was your initial reason/goals for starting the program:
Treating my advanced heart disease
What is your success to date:
Extremely pleased. No more angina, consistently improving medical tests, many daily issues resolved.
Describe a Typical Day of McDougalling for you:
Morning Oatmeal topped with berries and fruit.
Afternoon brown rice topped with frozen veggies
Evening whole grain pasta with Brussell Sprouts or broccoli.
Favorite Mcdougall Recipe/Dish:
Spicy Thai noodles
Describe Your Exercise (How much, what kind, etc):
4 days in the gym for an hour or vigorous walking approx 1 hour.
Other Hobbies/Interests:
High end audio
Improving my diet/health.
Collecting curio & relic arms.
While adopting this diet and lifestyle program I have reversed my heart disease, high cholesterol, hypertension, and lost 54 lbs. You can follow my story at
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Re: Meet The Members: Forum Member Profiles

Postby kirkj » Tue Feb 02, 2016 8:33 am

Real Name:
Kirk Jones
Ypsilanti Michigan
Where/How did you find out about the site &/or Dr Mcdougall:
Web searches mostly.
How long have you been following the McD program:
Seriously for about 4 years. I became a vegan 6 years ago and my diet gradually became more and more compliant with the McDougall program.
What was your initial reason/goals for starting the program:
Weight loss. I was never really heavy but had struggled with controlling my weight my entire life. I had tried lots of diets.
What is your success to date:
Very successful. My BMI is around 21.5, down from 27. More importantly, I don't struggle with it anymore. My weight has been very, very stable for the past 3 years.
Describe a Typical Day of McDougalling for you:
I tend to eat the same things almost every day. Steel cut oats with spices and a tablespoon of flax in the morning. A huge bowl of microwaved greens with some brown rice for lunch. Coleslaw, baked squash, and rice and veggies for early dinner, and then a final meal of greens, peas and potatoes later. I snack on a bananas, apples, winter squash.
Favorite Mcdougall Recipe/Dish:
Right now it is rice and veggies and always baked winter squash and coleslaw.
Describe Your Exercise (How much, what kind, etc):
I do about an hour of resistance exercise 3 days a week. Almost every day walking, cardio machines at the gym, swimming a bit. I stretch and do crunches every day.
Other Hobbies/Interests:
I am crazy about gardening. I grow lots of my food in the summer and continue eating frozen things I grew through the winter. Also devoted to flower gardens.
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Re: Meet The Members: Forum Member Profiles

Postby lilypad » Tue Feb 02, 2016 9:01 am

Wales, UK

Where/How did you find out about the site &/or Dr Mcdougall:
Am an ethical vegan for 3 years, and watched Forks Over Knives and the China Study mentioned a lot on vegan forums. Watched FOK and liked Dr McDougall's segments, and began to research about him. I got the book The Starch Solution and it made so much sense.

How long have you been following the McD program:
Around 2 yeas, on and off.

What was your initial reason/goals for starting the program:
Weight loss, energy, good health, better relationship with food

What is your success to date:
Weight loss, more energy, better digestion, better skin, good relationship with food- no binge eating, not obsessing over food

Describe a Typical Day of McDougalling for you:
Breakfast- chickpea flour and spinach pancake or waffle iron hash browns, water, green tea, piece of fruit
Lunch- potato salad, rice salad, whatever's around, leftovers etc
Dinner- mash potatoes, gravy and veg, baked potatoes, oven 'home fries', baked beans, rice and veggies. Manly potatoes though.

Favorite Mcdougall Recipe/Dish:
Big bowl of mashed potatoes with mushroom and onion gravy

Describe Your Exercise (How much, what kind, etc):
Daily exercise bike (6km), cardio step, light weights and physiotherapy

Other Hobbies/Interests:
Crafting, films
Last edited by lilypad on Wed Feb 03, 2016 10:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Meet The Members: Forum Member Profiles

Postby hazelrah » Tue Feb 02, 2016 10:59 am

Real Name:Mark Covello
Location: Pacifica, CA
Where/How did you find out about the site &/or Dr Mcdougall:Dr. McDougall spoke at a vegetarian conference we attended at the First Unitarian Church in San Francisco. I was not convinced, but it made sense. When my sister died according to the narrative generally given here ( broken ankle leading to quadruple bypass 3 months before her death), I realized I'd better get more serious. Adopted the program in earnest in May 2009, although I followed Pritikin since Freshman year of college (~1976), sometimes successfully, sometimes quite poorly;
What was your initial reason/goals for starting the program:Avoid Bypass surgery and early death.
What is your success to date: No bypass surgery, yet. Off BP meds; There was a Mark Covello in the Greenwhich, CT obits who died last July, but I feel confident that that was not me.
One major benefit is that I enjoy leisurely jogging about 5 times per week, and this lifestyle makes aspects of that activity much easier to do. Dropped 10 inches on waist size and about 50 pounds so far, which is nice, too.
Describe a Typical Day of McDougalling for you:
MWF - Oatmeal breakfast, McDougall Soup cup lunch; Dinner the best I can do; ususally tacos/huaraches or some pasta type dish
TT - IMF during working hours( up to 300 cals), after work; the best I can do, same as MWF;
weekends as close as we can get. It helps to have both of us shooting for the goal.
Favorite Mcdougall Recipe/Dish:
I really like the FFV zuppa vegana recipe, but heart healthy pizza is my favorite food. We try to keep it as healthy as possible. The ASW spread was really overwhelming to me the last time I attended. I'd like to keep shooting for lighter.
Describe Your Exercise (How much, what kind, etc):
Leisurely jogging; 5 times per week, 3 -5 miles per time. Need to start strength training and intervals, but I've discovered my deadly sin is sloth.
Other Hobbies/Interests:
Being married; i. e., Whatever my wife thinks I should do.
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Re: Meet The Members: Forum Member Profiles

Postby Crider » Tue Feb 02, 2016 11:10 am

Real Name: Allen Crider
Location: Lake County, California
Where/How did you find out about the site &/or Dr Mcdougall: McDougall's TedX Youtube video
How long have you been following the McD program: Since December, 2013
What was your initial reason/goals for starting the program: I thought I had heart disease.
What is your success to date: BMI down from 26 or 27 to just under 22. Off my hypertension meds.
Describe a Typical Day of McDougalling for you: Wake up, eat, work, eat, play, go to sleep.
Favorite Mcdougall Recipe/Dish: Oven fries
Describe Your Exercise (How much, what kind, etc): Daily walk either to the lake shore or up a very steep hillside to watch the sunset. Resistance training with dumbbells every other day. Weekend seven-mile hike to the post office and back. Running 5k every third day in the spring, summer and fall.
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Re: Meet The Members: Forum Member Profiles

Postby figlover » Tue Feb 02, 2016 11:32 am

Real Name:
Where/How did you find out about the site &/or Dr McDougall:
How long have you been following the McD program:
What was your initial reason/goals for starting the program:
What is your success to date:
Favorite Mcdougall Recipe/Dish:
Describe Your xercise (How much, what kind, etc):
Other Hobbies/Interests:
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Re: Meet The Members: Forum Member Profiles

Postby graciezoe » Tue Feb 02, 2016 11:39 am

Real Name[/color][/color]: Sheryl
Location: Ellington, CT
Where/How did you find out about the site &/or Dr Mcdougall: I started following Dr. Barnard at which lead me to Dr's Esselstyn, McDougall, Greger and Rip Esselstyn.
How long have you been following the McD program: I've followed the above people since September 2014.
What was your initial reason/goals for starting the program: To lose weight, reduce my blood pressure and help my diabetes
What is your success to date: Since starting exercising and eating better(I started March 2014 with clean eating and lost some weight then) I've lost in total 187 lbs and at my last physical and blood work I'm no longer diabetic and have normal blood pressure.
Describe a Typical Day of McDougalling for you: Get up at 5:00 have rolled oatmeal, barley and spelt with banana milk and berries. Do 90 minutes of cardio before work. Start work at 8:30. Have a snack of an apple or 2 corn thins. Lunch is usually roasted potatoes on a salad of bok choy, chard, spinach, kale, romaine, onions bell peppers and sriracha hot sauce. I leave work at 4:30 and take my dogs for a walk on the rail to trails for about a half an hour. Then eat dinner usually either HI sweet potatoes or Japanese sweet potatoes or roasted fingerlings with asparagus and usual some type of whole grain:millet, barley, quinoa, brown rice, farro, amaranth etc over greens. with either a burrito, enchilada, quinoa burger, sweet potato spinach burger, etc. Endless possibilities!!
Favorite Mcdougall Recipe/Dish: bean burritos and potato enchiladas. I love the Dr. McDougall app on my phone.
Describe Your Exercise (How much, what kind, etc): I hike on the weekends and 5 times a week do 90 minutes of cardio.
Other Hobbies/Interests: reading, cooking, facebook, instagram, spending time with my furbabies
A HCLF Vegan.
Cardio Goal: 650 minutes a week on treadclimber and Bowflex Max 5 plus, weekend hikes.

Starting weight on 3/2014 was 304 lbs
Weight as of 4/2016 is 114 lbs
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Re: Meet The Members: Forum Member Profiles

Postby pundit999 » Tue Feb 02, 2016 12:45 pm

Screen Name: Pundit999
Location: Raleigh, NC
Where/How did you find out about the site &/or Dr Mcdougall: Internet browsing while investigating prevention of heart disease
How long have you been following the McD program: Since June, 2012
What was your initial reason/goals for starting the program: I failed a stress test and was diagnosed as having heart disease.
What is your success to date: Lost all weight I had to lose to become normal weight. No angina in regular activities. Avoided the need for stents or other interventions. No heart attack or other heart disease related episodes. Cured pre-diabetes. Cured gerd. lots of other benefits. No real cold since I started. Excellent labs. Knock on wood, but probably cured heart disease.
Describe a Typical Day of McDougalling for you: Pack lunch from leftovers; come back and cook dinner in my Instant Pot. Spend 20-30 minutes cooking. Spend time at this forum every day. Be amazed how often studies prove Dr McDougall right, when I browse for medical stories.
Favorite Mcdougall Recipe/Dish: Various Jeff Novick style SnapMeals. Steamed greens with white rice and spices.
Describe Your Exercise (How much, what kind, etc): Mostly walk 30-40 min weekdays. Longer walks at times on weekends. Some Yoga.
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