Not Giving Up

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Not Giving Up

Postby sonyaarellano » Sun Dec 24, 2017 6:43 pm

Hi Everyone!

I am Sonya Arellano and I have been on a vegan diet for over 7 years now, thanks to Dr. McDougall! When I first started, I had to learn about the diet and about how to do it; and so it was a gradual process for me. Also, I had a young child at the time and a husband (who is now my ex-husband) that I made meals for too; so this was new to all of us at the time.

I eventually learned about how to do this. Now my child also likes the foods I make and she likes to eat Dr. McDougall's 'Right Foods'. I can't get enough of the many different types of foods from his company either. Also, I enjoy so many of the recipes on his website.

I am struggling though, for support, because a lot of people do not understand that this is scientific based. They also are afraid that I might look down on them because I eat completely differently from a lot of my friends and family. I do my best to reassure them that I eat this way for health reasons, as Dr. McDougall suggested. I also make meals for them that are Dr. McDougall's recipes. I try to give as much information and food that I make to people, especially during the holidays. They are very accepting of me, but they still are very afraid of being looked down upon, I think. They think I will treat them inferior, I guess. I have tried my best to show them that I would not do that, and that I care about them. I would do whatever it takes to help them to live healthier lives, so as long as I don't make them feel like I am picking on them.

In order to do this, I invite them to learn about Dr. McDougall's program, and let them know how it has helped me. It's easier to keep a healthy weight. I sometimes struggle with 'compromising' with my child by letting her have higher fat foods, but that's only because I realize that she does see that it is better to eat low fat. I am having difficulty helping her to get into a complete vegan diet due to her pals eating animal products. She usually is tempted; but when she is with me, I only make vegan meals. I am slowly helping her get into lower fat foods. It is a struggle at times, but I have showed her Dr. McDougall's videos and other information. She really has a desire to diet completely the low fat vegan way now. She wants to be healthy, and she is motivated now; thanks to Dr. McDougall's videos and recipes, etc.

Thank you, Dr. McDougall, for helping us to get better health. I saw your program about 7+ years ago on a Catholic Christian family satellite station, and since then I have been so much healthier! I know some of his recipes by heart, and make a lot of his recipes often. I have been eating so many different vegetables, and my child loves broccoli and so many other vegetables as well!

I hope to be able to get some support (mainly motivational) from people here; to keep up the lowfat part of the diet, and also to help my child get into the diet completely!
Last edited by sonyaarellano on Sun Dec 24, 2017 7:05 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Joined: Sun Dec 24, 2017 6:14 pm

Re: Not Giving Up

Postby sonyaarellano » Sun Dec 24, 2017 6:46 pm

When my child was young, I was with this husband, who is now my ex-husband due to sad reasons. However, he did acknowledge that I was getting healthier and losing weight on this diet, and he seemed amazed.
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Re: Not Giving Up

Postby sonyaarellano » Sun Dec 24, 2017 8:04 pm

Also, there is so much to say about this 'adventure' I have been experiencing, while eating vegan for so long. I also listened to Dr. McDougall about the benefits of water fasting, if someone is having a difficult time with getting into this diet. I was able to successfully get on a water fast; and I still do this, if I find myself struggling with the low fat part. Afterwards, it seems to get me back on track. I feel that I am having such a easy time getting into fasting on water, thanks to being on a vegan diet. Also, if Dr. McDougall hadn't shared information on water fasting, I don't think I would have tried it out for days in a row.

I am able to fast from about 1 to 7 days in a row, on water, thanks to being healthier. I have also did my best to do this, safely, based on research from good sources on water fasting. I think that going to the water fasting clinic that Dr. McDougall suggested going to, if water fasting is necessary, is a good idea to do it as safely as possible though.
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Re: Not Giving Up

Postby Varius » Sun Dec 31, 2017 2:36 am

Hi Sonya, it's cool to hear that you found out about Dr. McDougall through his television program. I wish his that his show had aired on TV where I grew up as I would have have been exposed to the truth about nutrition a lot sooner. I have some thoughts and information that you might find helpful.

Difficulties with friends and family are something that a lot of people have to deal with when they adopt this way of eating. Doug Lisle, a psychologist who works with Dr. McDougall has some strategies that people can use to diffuse tension with friends and family. Here are some of videos of him discussing this issue:

Also for support you could see if their are any McDougall meet up groups in your area or maybe even start one yourself to see if their are others who follow the diet near you. Here is a site that lists existing McDougall meet ups and allows you to start new ones:

Regarding your child maybe if you taught them a bit about how animals are treated in the current system when they are raised for meat they will be more motivated to follow the diet. In any case you are already providing them with a tremendous advantage by teaching them about healthy nutrition and following the diet at home.
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Re: Not Giving Up

Postby sonyaarellano » Wed Jan 03, 2018 1:06 pm

Thank you for your response, Varius. I did look at the video's and I did look to see if there were any groups in my area. Unfortunately there were not. I am glad that I can use this discussion board though.

Also, the videos, were very good. I really liked what Dr. Lisle talked about concerning children and diet, and topics about how to deal various types of people who react not so ideally to people who eat a starch based low fat vegan diet. It is quite a lot to explain for one on this diet to others. Although, it seems simple to me, it may appear complex to others. I find that Dr. Lisle's responses to these different people's reactions, are very strategic to help others not be so fearful of this new diet information.

I think that it is neat to have a psychologist out there who understands the importance of this diet and is in support of it. I think if more psychologists get to helping out with this, there could be a lot more people that come to fear this good change less. I am glad Dr. Lisle teaches those who have no psychological background or some, how to handle these different responses from others who are afraid.

Psychologists have quite a unique advantage in helping out in this area, and I am glad that this psychology is being used in a good way to help others to be healthier.

Thank you again for sharing!
Posts: 4
Joined: Sun Dec 24, 2017 6:14 pm

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