Buns in 2018

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Re: Buns in 2018

Postby bunsofaluminum » Thu Feb 01, 2018 9:08 am

I cannot believe myself. Right at the end of the day, moments before going to bed, I got in the cupboard, and got out this lame single serving of Velveeta Mac N Cheese. And fixed it. And ATE IT. And it was horrible. So I added mustard, and it was horrible plus mustard. That made the day a red day. ugh.

Well it is a new month, and I'm aiming for a full green month. New guidelines, including not giving myself a yellow if I eat a calorie dense food such as pnut butter or avocado WITHIN A MEAL. If I have two meals in one day with such stuff, THEN I'll make it a yellow. I changed this because I'm not currently aiming for MWL, which eliminates high fat foods. I'm simply aiming for no added processed oils, nor anything off plan. Like mac n cheese with velveeta. EW.

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Re: Buns in 2018

Postby bunsofaluminum » Sat Feb 03, 2018 6:37 pm

I was this close to making popcorn today, but the moment passed and I didn't do it. :) Feeling pretty terrific.

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Re: Buns in 2018

Postby bunsofaluminum » Mon Feb 05, 2018 8:57 am

Part of me...a HUGE part...wants to eat emotionally today, screw the plan, screw healthy eating, phooey on all of it. Because I was assaulted last night by a big man tweaking out on PCP or something. we stopped at a Maverik and the dude was there with nothing on but a pair of shorts. They weren't letting him in, but he dashed in, after running out in traffic and gashing his arm wide open from elbow to wrist. Got himself a vitamin water, and I was getting behind the counter where I would be safe when he grabbed my dang ponytail! The others in the store were trying to talk him down, but he wasn't there.

In fact, I've never seen a human being act so non-human. Even a person in a fit of rage can speak in normal words. This guy was out of it, hollering and shouting gibberish syllables, bleeding, with nothing rational or thinking about him, and he had me by the hair. I tried to fight him, tried stepping back so I could smash down on his bare foot, tried to reach him in teh gut with my elbow. The others in the store were trying to calm him, but when he put his hands on my head, as if to try and snap my neck, Wylie charged at him and he let me go. Wylie tried sweeping his feet out from under him, but that only tripped him a little bit.

He got on the floor right away when the cops arrived and aimed their tazer at him. The paramedics looked me over, and I wrote down a statement for the police. So did Wylie. And we came home. I had to toss my jacket...it was covered with blood. We turned on the TV, talked about it a little bit, had a bite to eat, went to bed. And slept restlessly. Wylie not much at all. Me, awake in the middle of the night, thinking about how the guy was like a predator, like a wild animal, or a monster. Not like a human being. :(

So scary. And it wasn't until getting up this morning and thinking about going to work and life just continuing on, that I started crying. And I'm kind of a wreck. I want to eat cookies and brownies and potato chips.

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Re: Buns in 2018

Postby bunsofaluminum » Tue Feb 06, 2018 8:44 am

Instead of cookies, brownies, and potato chips, I ended up eating luscious creamy rich avocado chocolate pudding. DAYUM that was good! and it met my need for some comfort/emotional eating, quite nicely.

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Re: Buns in 2018

Postby bunsofaluminum » Thu Feb 08, 2018 8:59 am

Today fees like a saner day. Yesterday was stressful in more ways than one, and I had those Lindor balls. They helped, I don't care what you say. ;) BUT...the extra 300 cals did NOT help. So. Won't do that again.

Made congee brown rice last night. MY WORD is that ever good! One cup of rice plus 10 cups of liquid and 2 hours or so makes like six cups of this soft, warm, flavorful gloppy porridge that is just yummy. I can see it working as a savory or a sweet. I had some this morning that was more on the savory side. Deeee-lish!

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Re: Buns in 2018

Postby bunsofaluminum » Thu Feb 08, 2018 5:15 pm

Okay, time to get a handle on it. I had a traumatic thing happen; I had some chocolate today, yesterday, and the day before a cookie. Now it's time to get back 100% on course. Emotional eating...OVER!

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Re: Buns in 2018

Postby bunsofaluminum » Fri Feb 09, 2018 8:52 am

No chocolate today. I broke all my good habits the last few days, eating chocolate from stress 1) it was between meals 2) it was sweets 3) it was non-McDougall. No more. Today will be GREEN!

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Re: Buns in 2018

Postby bunsofaluminum » Mon Feb 12, 2018 9:03 am

my veggie burger for lunch the other day...it wasn't very good. Dry and not great flavors, but I choked it down. Why? it didn't taste good, and I wasn't that hungry. There's something I'm ignoring, and I need to get to the bottom of it. Eating food that isn't that good is one thing if you're hungry, but I wasn't really. Yet I crammed it in, chewed it, and swallowed it. Ate fast, too. blech.

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Re: Buns in 2018

Postby bunsofaluminum » Tue Feb 13, 2018 8:48 am

Made a decision with breakfast this morning...I've got to cut everything that is high in fat. Almond milk...I can use apple juice with granola. It's actually good! Veggie broth or water with soups. If it needs to be creamy, blend a portion of the soup and pour it back in. Etc. Just cut back completely and never let myself go over 10% by calorie, for every bite I take.

Today I brought steamables veggies with me to go with my Spanish rice, but that's going to be expensive. It comes to like $1.69 for one bag, which counts as one serving. That's too much. But I might like the convenience. We'll see.

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Re: Buns in 2018

Postby bunsofaluminum » Thu Feb 15, 2018 9:03 am

we ate at a fancy restaurant last night. VERY nice. Delicious food. They had a vegetarian option on the menu: Linguine with bolognese sauce. Pea protein was the "fake meat". Though the flavor was exquisite, and the pasta was SO good, I want to sit the chef down and say "Pea protein?" and advise him of the delectable marinara sauce one can make with mushrooms, zucchini, onions, and peppers. Because the pea protein ended up being little pellets. I think he tried to make it taste like sausage, and it ended up reminding me of the fake sausage you find on cheap frozen pizza. But the flavor was absolutely perfect. It was a delicious meal, and my favorite thing was the salad of baby greens, with avocado and toasted pine nuts. THAT was good!

And I'd also say "consider the idea of having starch, not protein, as the main part of the dish."

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Re: Buns in 2018

Postby bunsofaluminum » Fri Feb 16, 2018 8:54 am

Made the Sweet Potato Chowder from the MWL book last night. The only thing I didn't put in was the diced peppers because 1) ew, bell peppers in a clear broth soup? and 2) the only peppers I had were liquified in my crisper. (note to self: If you don't like peppers, don't buy them)

The soup? It's okay. It won't be a favorite, but it is soup, therefore it IS magic! ;-)

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Re: Buns in 2018

Postby bunsofaluminum » Tue Feb 20, 2018 2:30 pm

I recorded my emotional eating when it happened, and I want to make sure and mention my NOT eating when I had the munchies but I wasn't hungry. AND there was junk food in the house. But I wasn't hungry, so I didn't eat. I was hungry by dinner time and I ate then :) but it was strange, because I went around the house like a prowling lion, seeking whom I may devour...wait...

I wasn't hungry, but I was WISHING I were hungry, so I could eat! :lol: but because it was between meals and I really wasn't hungry, I didn't. And I'm proud of myself.

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Re: Buns in 2018

Postby bunsofaluminum » Wed Feb 21, 2018 9:02 am

well howdy! I did my math for the month of February and found that, out of 69 "eating events" (which includes snacks, which also includes anything off plan), I have five "eating events" that were off plan, which gives me a total of 92% compliance! Yay! I have been aiming for over 90% and I hit it!

Today I had rice congee with mushrooms, onions, and spinach stirred in...and I had two soft boiled eggs over it. OMG so good. Now, I do love Vegg yolk. It smells good and tastes good, and just is so eggy. But DANG those actual eggs were good. It'll be my only eggs this month. (down from a couple times a week)

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Re: Buns in 2018

Postby bunsofaluminum » Thu Feb 22, 2018 9:02 am

I've had five days in February with off plan foods.

My goal is to make it the rest of the way through the month...one week...with all green days.

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Re: Buns in 2018

Postby bunsofaluminum » Fri Feb 23, 2018 8:52 am

It's the end of the work week and I find myself at the end of all the pre-cooked food, and without a plan for dinner. I don't like being in that place. Wait...maybe the miso veggie noodle soup leftovers from the other day.

But then I am going to get ready for a kitchen blitz. I've got rice, potatoes, yams, a butternut squash, lentils, dahl, cooked black beans and canned refried, garbanzo and great northern beans. It is time to COOK. Depending on what the snow does today, I plan on getting groceries this evening after work...after rush hour, after dinner. Ew...go back out. I don't like it. But. Get the groceries in the house tonight. The greens and other things needed, and set myself up for cooking tomorrow.

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