Maybe a baby in 2017

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Re: Maybe a baby in 2017

Postby Lyndzie » Sun May 20, 2018 9:22 pm

Thanks RAS! I’ll post here for sure. It’s part of the journey!

My official due date is June 13th, and my 5 year old is a townsperson and napkin in the local kids theater production of Beauty and The Beast the weekend before, so this baby can’t come early! The need to see my little dancing napkin on stage!!
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Re: Maybe a baby in 2017

Postby Lyndzie » Thu May 24, 2018 8:10 am

Yesterday marked 37 weeks pregnant! I'm in the clear to have a baby at home.

My first daughter was born at 37 weeks, 2 days, which would be tomorrow for me. I feel totally comfortable that the baby will come at it's perfect time, and feel very at peace with that (unless I'm still pregnant a month from now, then I might totally change my tune!). I got all the new baby clothes washed, and have been working on removing those magic reappearing stains from the clothes in storage. In case anyone else is trying to remove 4-year-old spit up stains from baby clothes, oxy-clean is the magic that makes old onesies look new again. We made a makeshift clothesline on our rooftop terrace and have everything hung up to dry in the sun, which will hopefully clear up the few remaining really stubborn stains.

I have diapers, but still need wipes, and need to wash the receiving blankets, too. Also, a friend is letting me borrow her bassinet, and her husband hasn't dropped it off yet, and we haven't gotten the crib out of storage yet (a.k.a. from my mom's house), so that part would be winging it. My birth kit should be here today, and I have a few other additional supplies to pick up from the store, but all-in-all we're in a good place.

I'm up to my maximum weight that I'm comfortable with. I'm retaining a little extra water, so if I'm mindful the next few days I could probably loose that. We've had one celebration after another around here, and I've been more than happy to indulge in off-plan foods, but I'm keeping it on plan at home. If things don't level off, though, I'll get more strict. I'm already thinking this is going to be a big baby, and there is no reason for me to be a big mom, too!

On a somewhat related topic, my mother-in-law is seriously the nicest person that I've ever met, but this pregnancy she has been saying the meanest stuff. I tried to think of clever come-backs, but none of them really suited me or my personality. Finally, last weekend she saw me and the first thing to come out of her mouth was, " You look particularly large today!" All I could muster was silence and a blank face, and it was the right response. Later on she started to say something else about my size, and I simply said, "Please stop." It worked! The next time I saw her, she gave me a very heartfelt apology, and stated that no one in the family has had a healthy pregnancy with appropriate weight gain before (both her daughter and daughter-in-law gained 80+ lbs) and how facinating it has been to see the changes so clearly take place, because I'm all baby (which is true, it looks like I'm doing a poor job of trying to smuggle a large watermelon under my shirt). I feel much better about it, and it feels good to have handled the situation in a way that didn't make me look like an asshole.

I've been taking the iron supplement for about a week now, and it's been interesting to experience the effects of it. My glossitis has improved dramatically, and the burning mouth along with it. The tinnitus has returned, but it's intermittent and not daily, and usually it's so noisy around here that I don't notice it anyways. Apparently iron supplements can cause all sorts of tummy troubles, from constipation to diarrhea, and unfortunately I've been dealing with the cramping and loose stools end of things. On the plus side, I'm more energized, and am sleeping more soundly, which feels great. My sister has been dealing with anemia, too (she's not pregnant, and it's common in our family), and we both started supplementing at the same time, but she hasn't had the same results as me, but then again she was having different symptoms as well.
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Re: Maybe a baby in 2017

Postby Daydream » Thu May 24, 2018 7:30 pm

Lyndzie, I'm so excited for you! I've been following your pregnancy and have enjoyed reading this thread over the last year. Please let us know when your baby is born and how the birth went for you. I wish you all the best!
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Re: Maybe a baby in 2017

Postby Lyndzie » Fri May 25, 2018 1:40 pm

Hi Daydream! It is kinda mind boggling to think that this little journal has had 7,132 views.

I will keep everyone posted on the arrival of Baby #3. Today my birth kit arrived, and next week I’ll pick up the rest of the supplies. Let the countdown begin!
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Re: Maybe a baby in 2017

Postby Lyndzie » Wed May 30, 2018 7:31 pm

Today marks 38 weeks pregnant! 14 DAYS TO GO!!

This weekend I took the girls to the pool. I have a bikini I bought last pregnancy that is a couple sizes bigger, and it fits fine enough. I was surprised that I didn't feel self-conscience about how I looked, but I realized that I wasn't the only person this big, but I was the only one pregnant.

Tomorrow I have a midwife appointment. I have the baby clothes and receiving blankets all washed, picked up my birth supplies, got diapers and wipes, so we're pretty go to go. I've done so much laundry! I'm excited to get done with it all.

I really don't have anything interesting to add. I've been tired and sitting a lot. My husband has been the best, doing dishes without asking, and he took the girls to the library so I could nap today. This morning the girls and I were walking to the park, but then saw that the mulberry trees are ripe, so grabbed buckets and picked mulberries. We ran into our neighbors, and all went to the park together, where my friend's 3 year old puked up all the mulberries he ate on the playground because he had too many. On Friday we're closing on our new house, which is uninhabitable, but hopefully we can get it fixed up enough to move into within the next 6 months. I'm hungry again (no surprise there), so I'm going to throw together a salad to munch on before bed.
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Re: Maybe a baby in 2017

Postby SilverDollar123 » Wed May 30, 2018 11:05 pm

Oooooh Down to the home stretch! So exciting! Praying for the best for you & family.I've enjoyed your journey.Thanks
for sharing it. Please also keep us posted on the new ones' growth & developement. Are the girls excited about a new
brother/sister? RAS
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Re: Maybe a baby in 2017

Postby Lyndzie » Fri Jun 01, 2018 6:25 am

Thanks RAS! The girls are excited about the baby in theory, we’ll see what happens when the little one actually arrives.

I’ve had two great days of eating. It feels good to have healthy food feel good. My sweet husband, though, went to the grocery last night and was trying to be thoughtful and picked me up a pint of my favorite ice cream. I can’t be mad, though, I’ve definitely been indulging.

And, a guy asked me in a parking lot yesterday if I am expecting twins. I exclaimed, “I hope not!” So next time you see a pregnant lady, ask her when she is due, then exclaim, “Really? You look great!” We need that to cancel out all the negative noise.
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Re: Maybe a baby in 2017

Postby Lyndzie » Fri Jun 08, 2018 8:15 pm

Wednesday marked 39 WEEKS!!!!! Supposedly the fetus is the size of a mini-watermelon, but I'd say it looks like I'm smuggling a full-sized seedless under my shirt. This thing is grown.

One of the miracles of pregnancy is that by the time you get to the end, you will do anything to get the baby out. My husband stil has a few things on his to do list, but this baby can still show up even if he hasn't taken the time to get the crib from storage and assemble it. Seriously, he does not what to co-sleep, so go get the crib! I think deep down he knows that baby is in bed with me, haha.

Suddenly everyone is telling me how great I look. WHERE HAVE THEY BEEN THE PAST THREE MONTHS? I should tell people I'm due next week the entire pregnancy.

So, the baby is leaning towards posterior, which means it is head down and the back is lined up with mine, so the feet are kicking in the front of my belly. To exit, the baby needs to be anterior, so it's back would be lined up with with my belly button. My last birth was asynclitic posterior birth. Asynclitic is when the head is tilted to the side. (Side note: this kid still tries to get shirts on face first. You try it. Doesn't work. You have to pull it over the back of your head. She still hasn't figured it out.) Getting a baby out that is not positioned correctly is not fun at all. I've been trying to get this baby to turn around, and it did mostly yesterday when I went to the pool and did some exercises, but as soon as I got back to regular living the baby went back to it's preferred position.

The plan is to labor and birth in a tub. Now, I realize that this sounds crazy to most people, but bear with me here, since I've done this before - it is amazing. The water gives the body a weightlessness that totally takes the edge off of the contractions so that they are just uncomfortable but not unbearable, and provides buoyancy that enables the baby to move around to get in position. I got to labor in a tub for my first birth (in a hospital, as planned), but the tub did not get set up in time for the last birth and just ended up delivering on the floor of my bathroom (at home, as planned). Hopefully we can get the tub set up this time, so that I am more comfortable and the baby can get positioned correctly when it's go time.

Last week I showed the girls a couple birth videos of mom's laboring and birthing in a tub. The videos are great, because the moms just grunt and push a bit (they are obviously edited for brevity) and poof a baby shows up, no up close detail shots of the exit. They've also seen some computer animated videos of birth, and we've discussed how the baby is in the womb, and is in a giant water balloon, and how the baby comes out through the birth canal. So they have a basic understanding of human reproduction and birth (they also know that men make sperm and that combines with the egg to make the baby, but have not thought to ask how those things come together). The girls then spent the next few hours hauling around baby dolls and pulling down their dresses to nurse the babies.

That afternoon I dropped them off with my husband's mom and had to giver her fair warning that they just watched some birth videos and were nursing their baby dolls, so don't be alarmed if they start acting out anything they had seen or were talking about it. She's very conservative, so she needed a little fair warning in case it came up. My sister-in-law had explained babies to her children that only married people had babies, God put them there, and then God opened up a hole in the woman's stomach and the baby was born. This magical thinking worked for a while until my husband and I got together and had both of the girls before we got married, which confused the heck out of her kids. An age-appropriate amount of factual information is really the best way to go in my opinion.

Hopefully the next post is a baby pic, but I have to keep reminding myself - babies come on their birth days, not when we decide.
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Re: Maybe a baby in 2017

Postby SilverDollar123 » Sat Jun 09, 2018 6:06 am

I'm waiting & very excited for you. Did your little one do her napkin play yet? It seems the girls are well prepared for
the birth,& enough of the necessary life issues at their age level.Way to go're doing great. RAS :nod:
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Re: Maybe a baby in 2017

Postby Lyndzie » Wed Jun 13, 2018 7:13 am

TODAY IS 40 WEEKS!! I made it!! The fetus is the size of a small pumpkin, and I'm ready to get this squash out of the oven whenever it's ready.

RAS, that is so sweet of you for remembering! My 5 year old had her play last weekend, and was adorable. The cast was 90 kids ages 4-14, so the stage was just packed. After seeing parts of the dress rehearsals, I was a little nervous for the quality of the performance, but everyone managed to pull it off when it came to it.

I finally got the crib here and set it up myself. My husband went ahead and inflated the birthing tub so that there is one less thing to do when the baby decides to show up. I had an appt with my midwife yesterday, and everything looks perfect. I gained 5 lbs more than I wanted, so I'm up to 153, but I'll just deal with that in a couple months. Hopefully nursing and chasing after the other kids will take care of most of it.

I quit taking my iron supplement 3 days ago to give my stomach time to get back to normal before delivery. No need to be in the midst of labor and have tummy troubles (or worse, and foul up the water in the birth tub!). Yesterday my hemaglobin level was back up to 11.6.

I've been refocusing on healthy eating and making sure I get my beans, avoiding the dreaded cheese and removing the oil. Oil really isn't an issue for the most part because I don't cook with it, but I've been relying on store bought hummus for convenience, and with the play last week we had way too many dinners out, which were not compliant. Interestingly, when I eat on-plan, I get nauseous in the morning.

I have a new-found understanding for some of the challenges people face when trying to eat this way. With this pregnancy, there were some times I just did not have the energy to put the effort forward to stay on plan. Usually I love to be in the kitchen, and cooking some beans in the instant pot is usually no big deal, but lately by the end of the day I'm just utterly exhausted, so anything I can do during the day to cut down on energy expenditure is happening, which means lots of paper plates and not doing anything that creates dirty pots and pans. I can understand how a person with major health issues would find adding these things overwhelming and difficult, especially when you can simply drive thru a fast food joint and eat without even leaving your car, then just pitch the wrappers. I will wash dishes first thing in the morning, and maybe a couple at lunch, but after doing any other errands or kid-related activities, I'm not getting anything else done.

I hope everyone else is doing well, and I'll keep you updated on any new developments!
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Re: Maybe a baby in 2017

Postby SilverDollar123 » Wed Jun 13, 2018 9:21 am

Thinking of you today! D day! Yeah! When I saw your name on the posts,I just had to look 1st. Praying & waiting!.Again thanks
for taking us on your journey. RAS
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Re: Maybe a baby in 2017

Postby Lyndzie » Wed Jun 20, 2018 4:30 am

Today is 41 WEEKS. Yes, that's right, I am a full seven days past due. This is definitely not something I had considered. My sister flies in tomorrow for a wedding, and we had both expected she would get to meet her niece/nephew for the first time. Also, I've been not making plans because I'd have to cancel them. Plus, there are things going on next month that I was hoping to attend, but might not be able to because the baby will be so new.

In other news, my 4 year old got sick last Friday. She fell asleep at the pool, so obviously something was wrong. Then she puked all over herself on the five minute car ride home, and had a fever. That all passed in 24 hours, so I thought we were in the clear, but then a weird rash started to show up, so off to the dr's office we go yesterday, to find out she has hand-foot-and-mouth disease, which is a pretty common rash kids get in the summertime (it shows up on the hands, feet and mouth, hence the name). We get home from the doctor, and the 5 year old has started a fever! So, in a couple days she'll break out in a rash, and we essentially have to self-quarantine for a week or so until this passes.

Parenthood is just an endless adventure, for sure!
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Re: Maybe a baby in 2017

Postby SilverDollar123 » Wed Jun 20, 2018 5:04 am

Gee I think we missed that one hand/foot/mouth disease. Wonder if it's like 5th disease or Slaps it resembles a red face
like you were slapped. Oh Lyndzie you don't need that kind of stress right now (((hugs))) to you.
Try to keep cool,drink your water,breathe. Does being late effect you home delivery?Sure hope not. RAS
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Re: Maybe a baby in 2017

Postby Lyndzie » Wed Jun 20, 2018 6:36 am

Hi RAS. It’s one of those random rashes. We’ve gone through most of the others, like fifths disease, already. I don’t remember this one from my childhood, either, but many of their friends have gotten it over the years. Fortunately, once the fever passes, it seems pretty mild.

I can still have a home birth being overdue. My midwife just attended two deliveries for patients over 42 weeks, and a friend of mine actually went past 44 weeks with her last pregnancy! If I’m still waiting on a baby at 42 weeks, I’ll have a biophysical profile done, which is an ultrasound that checks on hoe the baby is doing, and monitoring the heartbeat. Ideally I’d like to magically go into labor right now, but as the affirmation goes, “Babies are born on ttheir birthdays, not when doctors decide.”
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Re: Maybe a baby in 2017

Postby Lyndzie » Sun Jun 24, 2018 10:09 pm

THE BABY IS HERE! Born today, June 24, 2018, at 41 weeks and 4 days, only 11 days overdue.

It’s a little girl, weighing in at a solid 8 lbs 5 oz and a staggering 22 inches long. So far she seems to have a very relaxed disposition and nurses like a champ. We haven’t picked out a name yet.

The birth: I started feeling contractions on Saturday afternoon, but nothing went anywhere and I was super disappointed. My midwife wisely suggested I go to bed early, which I of course totally ignored, and my water broke in the middle of the night at 3:36 am. When that happens you can’t go back to sleep, so I got up, showered, and fussed around thr house until contractions started around 7. My birth team showed up, and we got the tub filled, and after a very long and challenging labor, this little nugget emerged with a triple nuchal cord (when the umbilical cord is wrapped around the baby’s neck THREE times), but otherwise fine.

I’ve been up for over 20 hours at this point, and am typing this one-handed in the dark while nursing, so please forgive my typos!
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