My Daily "Weighing in"

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Thu Aug 22, 2019 2:29 pm

Annette: My husband will not eat my way but he tries to eat healthy. I, too, have changed the way i eat many, many times so I know people I know are a bit confused. I have been plant-based for a number of years and my friends know that but then I go and confuse them and eat something with cheese or a little meat......and I then confuse myself as well !

IT is very apparent when reading my last paragraph that the answer is not to confuse myself and STICK TO ONE THING !! I should not confuse myself ! I also should not always look at facebook and other sites that show food and recipes (even plant based ones ) that also work to confuse me. Maybe just quiet my mind and keep my thoughts on one track and keep my thoughts calm and loving to myself as well as others. Hmmmmm.....

breakfast; none I skipped that due to circumstances beyond my control
lunch: large salad with dressing, brown rice and fat free dal
dinner: going out for dinner. probably pasta and steamed veggies and maybe veg soup , fruit when I get home if still hungry

Planning a calm, uncluttered day .

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby deweyswakms » Thu Aug 22, 2019 5:43 pm

squealcat wrote:My husband has been pretty miserable lately. He had about three or four sinus infections this year, has been on antibiotics maybe 5 times for various things and in the hospital once when he almost passed out and could not get up to a standing or seated position (ambulance ride and two nights in the hospital).

Yesterday he (and I) went to see a dermatologist because of all the skin rashes and itching he has been having and today an allergist. Another antibiotic, some lotions, drops, a shampoo.......oh my! I didn't realize until now how stressed this has made me feel but of course, his stress is much higher !

I don't know where I am going with this except that I do wish he would take in more veggies, greens and fruits into his body and drink more water. I cannot help to think that this would at least keep away some of that awful stuff he has been suffering with. He refuses to eat the way I do and even if a recipe says vegetarian, he will not even touch it! He IS very supportive of ME and my way of eating and for that I am thankful! He is a good man and good husband. I just feel sad for him and wish I could do more.

My eating has not been going well. Breakfast is always the high point of my day. Many times I eat so much in the afternoon that I am not even hungry for dinner ! I DO get in a salad almost every day and fruits are not problem. Still working on that.

Tomorrow I go to my brother's house for dinner with him, his wife and my sister and her husband. My brother is having a Polish dinner. I guess it will be potatoes and sauerkraut for me. I am bringing strawberry shortcake for dessert. I will have strawberries. Sounds doable to me. I will not ask what is in the potatoes or the kraut..... I will do the best I can. I cannot stress about it all. Dont know if my husband is going. I know he does not want to go. He may just take a deep breath and go for it or I will go alone. We will see.

That is really all. I am trying to fill this time of day up with journaling as the house is empty and I usually eat. Writing things down seems to be helping me think things through.

I will probably be back here tomorrow.


Awww, sorry to hear all these stressful issues which make it hard. I too wish your husband would try to eat more whole foods and less of the stuff that he is probably allergic to. But it took me decades to learn that I have to stay in my business to stay peaceful and centered. Hope you had an enjoyable meal at your brother's house. Marsha
start weight 210 on 7/25/14; MWL recommit 7/2019 weight 197. 6/11/2022 weight 165.0. Height 5'8".
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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Sat Aug 24, 2019 6:01 pm

My husband and I had a very nice time visiting my brother. The dinner was great but I really enjoyed visiting with him, his wife and my sister and her husband even more than the food. There was no sauerkraut or potatoes. I had salad and indulged a bit on the other Polish food.

My husband's rash is clearing up as is his mood. I think all his health issues have been getting him "down". My son has moved his dog out of the house and this has helped immensely ! I think an allergy to Jack (the dog) is a lot of the problem. My son is hoping to move soon too. He has been a nice border but it is time for him to get back on his own again.

My eating is going so much better today after a downward trend yesterday. No eating out today and just eating whole foods has made this day much better. I got in a 3 mile walk this morning too and it was nice and cool this morning !

I heard there is a CRAM circuit challenge going on in the discussion board. I need to join in. This is probably the biggest hurdle I have right now when wanting to eat this whole foods way.

Breakfast: blueberries, steel cut oats
Lunch: large salad, homemade balsamic dressing, brown rice in bean soup
Dinner: steamed broccoli, brown rice, a mix of sweet potatoes and garbanzo beans, tomato from our garden, apple, some balsamic dressing drizzled on the sweet potato mixture.

OK, now to look into that challenge.
Have a nice evening and great Sunday .

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Sun Aug 25, 2019 12:22 pm

The house is quiet, I am sipping my tea and thinking about what to type here.

Sundays are my days to cook things that sound good. Today I am cooking a large batch of potatoes (yellow ones) and just got done cooking garbanzo beans in my instant pot. I love them seasoned with Cajun seasoning ! ( I may have popped a few in my mouth before putting them in the refrigerator). I love these two things and can eat them with an array of anything else ! I also have some cauliflower that I have to chop up (just remembered ). Will do that next. We have plenty of tomatoes in the garden this year and I have been eating them like crazy ! So much better than the ones we buy in the winter time ! We have cucumbers as well and some peppers too !

I love a quiet house ! Since we retired, I have had to get used to the TV being on almost constantly. If not that, then the radio. I think my husband needs that background noise but I do not. I give in to this because I am sure he has given up things for me. He is taking a nap right now so Yay ! time for quiet !

I am thinking about this coming week. I am following MWL program right now except for when we eat out. There are only three restaraunts we go to usually and I tend to get the same things there that are regular McDougall as far as I can tell. I am working on crawling out of the CRAM circuit right now. Dr Lisle says that if I can be successful for 3 days then my self esteem with improve and after 2 weeks, I should feel more stable. That is what I am looking for....(stability) again ! Day 1 is complete and now trying to keep doing this to complete day 2.

Breakfast: steel cut oats, banana, blueberries
Lunch: large salad with my balsamic dressing (full of tomatoes and cucumbers and greens), potatoes with a little cheeze sauce
Dinner: not sure yet but probably whole wheat pasta with fat free sauce, steamed broccoli and brussel sprouts. Maybe an apple for dessert

Not much going on. My live at home son is away doing army reserve duty and his dog is gone with friends. My husband's allergies are MUCH improved now that the dog has been gone. It is amazing to see the difference ! Hope my son can find a place for Jack that is more permanent for now.

Have a good rest of the week !
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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Mon Aug 26, 2019 2:33 pm

Today is going well. I listened to a Chef AJ talk with J Schumacher while on my walk this morning. They discussed personal care products and toxicity. I have to look over my lotions and shower products to see just what is in them. I already have used an aluminum-free deodorant that I like until again and again I got a itchy rash from it :mad: . Finally gave it up. Trying another one now so will see if it works. The make-up I use is pretty safe (I think) but pricey. I don't use much any more and not every day. A face wash product I use I will have to replace. It has parabins (three types) in it. It was an interesting chat I listened to!

Eating has gone well today. I have found that when I have my first meal later in the morning, I have less problem in the afternoon. Don't know why because I still eat when hungry but is seems to make a difference. The house is empty right now. This is when I have trouble but today seems OK. I DO know better than to get comfortable as the next minute I can hear food calling me. :duh: I have to be on guard and ever present!

Breakfast: steel cut oats, peach, splash of almond milk
Lunch: large salad with my balsamic dressing, potatoes, cheeze sauce, garbanzo beans, apple
Dinner: steamed brussel sprouts and broccoli, tomatoes, bean soup over potatoes

Have a good day ! Love yourself and find peace for yourself !
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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby AnnetteW » Tue Aug 27, 2019 7:43 am

squealcat wrote:Today is going well. I listened to a Chef AJ talk with J Schumacher while on my walk this morning. They discussed personal care products and toxicity. I have to look over my lotions and shower products to see just what is in them. I already have used an aluminum-free deodorant that I like until again and again I got a itchy rash from it :mad: . Finally gave it up. Trying another one now so will see if it works. The make-up I use is pretty safe (I think) but pricey. I don't use much any more and not every day. A face wash product I use I will have to replace. It has parabins (three types) in it. It was an interesting chat I listened to!


I have only seen a few off the Youtubes from Jeanne Schumacher, but I just went and hunted down the one you mentioned. I will definitely watch more as she has a nice lineup of experts. I'm always very interested in skin products due to my sensitive skin issues. Thanks for mentioning it.
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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Tue Aug 27, 2019 2:53 pm

Yes, Annette, I too have just "discovered" her. I listened to a couple of interviews on utube a while back and then forgot about it. This one popped up on my phone and I listened to it and was intrigued. I looked up and there is a lot of information there !

I started my day with my three mile walk. I didn't really feel like doing that walk this morning but trudged on ! Always feel better afterwards and it gives me a boost to continue my day with positive vibes. Tomorrow I may have to listen to music as I go if I feel the same as I did today. This walking routine is one I started two years ago when I retired. I decided that I needed routines during the day because I feared I would end up sitting around and doing nothing. I enjoy my walks usually and always look for new little friends along the way (usually bunnies, turkeys, cats etc). I have met a lot of neighbors too and have had a lot of nice conversations !

Breakfast: oatmeal, strawberries, banana with a splash of almond milk
Lunch: large salad with cucumbers, a whole tomato and my balsamic dressing/barbecue sauce mixture. Also had 3 small potatoes, a little bit of chick peas with cheeze sauce/ff hummas on top followed by an apple
Dinner: Pea and winter squash soup over potatoes, steamed cauliflower

Enjoy the rest of your day ! Find lots of things to be thankful for !
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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Fri Sep 13, 2019 2:49 pm

My husband and I went on a nice, three day vacation in Traverse City Michigan a week ago. Hotels are a lot cheaper after Labor Day ! the city was its busy self but a lot of fun. Our room looked out at Lake Michigan and I went out each night to just sit there looking at the water and watching the gulls and ducks. Beautiful !

We found a few good places to eat while we were there. I was able to eat meat and cheese-free very easily. Oil and salt were not easy to escape. When I got home my legs felt so heavy and I felt so puffy ! I don't like that feeling at all! :mad:

The next day I got myself to the grocery store and loaded up on potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, peppers, beets etc as well as fruit. My eating went well the next few days. I didn't weigh myself as I knew it would make me sway off my plan. Finally on Thursday I went to my WW meeting and found I had gained 2.2 pounds. That means I probably had gained about 5 pounds during that week up north. I need to find a way to avoid that next time. I will figure it out. Traverse City restaraunts really cater to people with all sort of diets and I am sure if I had just spoken up I would have gotten closer to what I wanted.

Today I really feel great! :) I walked at the gym for over an hour while listening to Doug Lisle's talk The Slow/Fast way to weight loss. It was recommended on the MWL September discussion board here. I had listened to it once or twice in the past but this time it really struck home. My weight loss has pretty much been at a stand still for over a year now. I look at what everyone else is doing and just can't seem to do what they do. I am now going to put on my turtle shell, walk forward, do what I should do without looking at what others are doing. I need to be myopic ( I need to look that word up) like a turtle and just see what is directly in front of me and keep walking. No more planning to lose 2 pounds a week (and then being disappointed in myself) and no more comparing myself to others.

The house is empty now and quiet. Usually this is when I look around for food. I am here at the computer with my hot ginger tea. Keeping my mind on the right things.

I started a knitting project too. An easy baby blanket for my grandson-to-be. There are complications with my daughter's pregnancy. She is fine but the baby doesn't seem to be fine at all. At first they thought it was Trisomy 18 because of what they saw on the ultrasound but the blood test did not confirm it. My poor daughter and her husband don't even know if they can buy a crib as there is no guarantee that the baby will survive more than a couple weeks. Many of the tests (including the heart ultrasound) are coming back normal so I look forward to meeting my new grandson in November. He may not be perfect to the doctors but he WILL be to me. So if you are the praying type, pop in a prayer for this little guy and his parents please ! That knitting project will keep my hands busy and my mind calm.

Husband is home. I didn't eat like a maniac :eek: . Hope this isn't too sad-sounding. It helps to let it out :-( .

Have a nice evening everyone !

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Wed Jan 01, 2020 3:32 pm

I started MWL program (again) yesterday 12/31/19. Yesterday was no problem but today I started to realize that my brain was searching though cupboards and the fridge for food around noon today even though I had just had a bowl of oatmeal and blueberries ! :roll: I have learned that this is my message to feed myself so I took my thoughts away from those places and zero'd in on just what I could have.

Because I went to church this morning my breakfast was very late and I figured I was still quite hungry. So I added an apple (still hungry) then added about a cup or two of steamed broccoli, then a potato (still hungry), then added another potato with my hummus.....finally !!.....felt much better and my brain stopped thinking about all the food I should not have. I patted myself on the back and went about my day !

If I can stack up all my successes I think this will be a positive thing. :nod: Eating according to MWL guidelines is getting easier for me it's just that when I fall off it takes a while to get back on. Working on that and hope to avoid most of the falls by feeding myself just what I need !

Happy New Year to anyone who may be reading and I look forward to a happy year for myself too !

-squealcat :)
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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Thu Jan 02, 2020 2:29 pm

Beautiful day today ! Warm (for Michigan) and sunny ! My son was in town visiting and this morning he left to return to Tennessee so I stayed around to say my good-byes :cry: . Went to the gym afterwards to get some activity and then home. Nothing much planned for today. I will probably take down some more Christmas decorations and then see if I need to make something for me to eat this week. I already have salad stuff chopped up, some black eyed peas cooked, a little rice and a couple potatoes. I may cook up more potatoes and then cut up some broccoli and cauliflower for meals this week. Being prepared and prepped is important to me.

Breakfast was oatmeal and blueberries
Lunch was salad, rice and black eyed peas and a potato thrown in because I was still hungry.
Dinner ? I guess steamed veggies and my lentil stew.

I already had blueberries and a banana so hope I can stop right there with the fruit. If not, it is not so bad to add in another. ;-) Better than other things (which I will not mention).

Exercise: 30 minutes on the exercise bike, one mile walking , 60 second plank (1), and some stretches. That is good for me right now. I pulled something in my upper leg a couple weeks ago and it is taking a while to heal. I used to walk 3 miles at a time but can't do it right now. I DO show up as usual at the gym as this is important to me. Too hard to start over again if I stop going.

Enjoy the day and keep showing up !

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby moonlight » Thu Jan 02, 2020 6:47 pm

Welcome back, Squealcat! And, happy New Year! Good luck on your renewed goals. Eat enough starches to keep yourself satisfied! You'll still lose weight. :)
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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby AnnetteW » Thu Jan 02, 2020 7:11 pm

Glad to see you back. Sounds like a good eating day. I always figure a little extra fruit is better than 1/2 a box of cookies :lol:
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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Fri Jan 03, 2020 4:54 pm

Thank you for the comments and encouragement !

I weighed in today for the January MWL group. 194.6#. I have been in the 190's for a while and the 180's for a while and last January the 170's for maybe a month. As I write this I remind myself that my goal is to just eat well this month following the 10 points for the MWL program. Because this is new thinking for me I have to constantly remind myself of my goal. I can get myself to believe it for a while and I feel relaxed and more focused. I hope that eventually I think it automatically and just let my weight take care of itself. That really is what I have always eat and not worry about the weight.

Important for me is to have food ready to eat all the time. I chopped up raw veggies yesterday and have a lentil soup and mashed potatoes and other cooked potatoes ready in the fridge along with some beans. I can mix and match to make whatever I feel like. I eat cold cooked potatoes if I get a sudden urge to eat and it fills me up for a while and usually chases away cravings.

There is no finish line for me I am afraid. Most of my life I thought there was and that is why I am where I am right now. No finish line. That is ok has to be ok.

Did not exercise today. Watched my granddaughter instead. To the gym tomorrow for my usual workout.
I think I did pretty good eating-wise. Not perfect according to MWL but not crazy.

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Sat Jan 04, 2020 3:08 pm

Started my day with oats , a half serving of blueberries and a banana. I did not cook the oats, just ate them as they are with a little added almond milk and the fruit on top. I felt like it lasted in my system a little longer so I wasn't hungry for lunch until about 1:30 or so. I may be imagining it so I will try again another time to see.

I hit the gym as I do most days. My knees are still bothering me and that pulled muscle or tendon in my right leg. Only walked around the track a few times then went to the elliptical machine for 20 minutes and that felt good with no pain. I then thought about my leg/knee pain and realized that I have not used the weight machines in a long time to strengthen those leg muscles so I used those two machines with no problem. Maybe that will help things along. Just three weeks ago I was walking 3 miles on the track with no problem so this makes no sense to me. My right leg is better so I will just work with it.

Lunch was a large salad, mashed potatoes and lentil soup. I then heard the loaf of bread that my husband made last night.....calling me ! I declined to eat it yesterday but sliced off a big slice this afternoon and put some margarine on it and ate it....almost had more but then took a deep breath and did some mindfulness-type thinking in the moment and walked away. I am fine now. I KNEW that breads would be my main problem. Stopping at one slice was good for me so I pat myself on the back for that one. A little fear has entered my brain that worries that it will affect my weight loss but I remind myself that I am not worrying about weight loss....just following the 10 points.

Have to go now.

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Sun Jan 05, 2020 3:47 pm

It is a good day today! So thankful for easy driving without slippery roads, thankful for our quiet house now that the holidays are over , thankful for my new grandson who may have some disabilities in the future, but he brings joy to me, my husband and his parents and sister. I went to see him today at the children's hospital where he has been since birth. He is now over 2 months old and still needs breathing support. Slowly he is getting stronger and needs less and less help. We are learning patience . I held him and snuggled with him before my daughter arrived. Nice times ! I don't know what is in store for him but he has supportive parents who are great and fierce advocates !

Eating-wise has been good too so far although there are more hours yet in this day. Oats for breakfast along with blueberries, lunch was a large salad with cucumber, tomatoes, kale and cauliflower. Very crunchy ! Potatoes with kale along with lentil soup as well. I will have to dig out something from the freezer for dinner unless we go out to eat. There is plenty in the freezer and also I am baking yellow potatoes and sweet potatoes too so I should be good !

The 10 MWL points I follow have continued to help me keep my thoughts in the right place. I start out each meal with fruit (breakfast), salad (lunch) or steamed veggies. I try to do the 50/50 veggies to starch ratio each meal. I rarely add sugar and try for a sprinkle of salt (not always successful) over my food. No animal foods. Have not had soy foods, peanut butter or other higher fat foods except for a little tahini in my hummus that I make (less amount than store brands by far !). No added oil. No smoothies. I try to eat only when hungry and stop when full. Five days a week I get intentional exercise for more than 30 minutes. So far so good ! I will make hummus this week without tahini but honestly, if I can't eat it that way then I will add a little. When I get cravings, potatoes with that hummus really work to turn it around so that is important to me.

That is it for the day. This will be a good year, I am sure !

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