Cure for my Laziness!

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Cure for my Laziness!

Postby Cathy Ann » Thu Jul 02, 2020 7:33 pm

My name is Cathy and I'm very lazy. I have had cronic pain with osteoarthritis in both knees both hips both shoulders, both thumb joins and just the one big toe.
I never used to be lazy, I have previously owned and managed three Fish and Chip Shops, that were very successful. but the osteo pain got the better of me and I sold my business in 2003 and have not worked since. So, the emotional eating started for that "hit" when I have pain flares or just because.... and then the binge eating to make me feel better.

My husband does enable me, thinking he is caring for me. but he does almost everything. as I'm just too busy watching netflix. (be so bad!)
I have babied my knees and hips so much. That it is really difficult and painful for me to walk, it very painful just to stand up out of my lazyboy chair.
Two weeks ago, I searched you tube for weight loss and found Dr McDougall, I asked my hubby if we could do this together, but he out right said No. I told him that I am going to, and that he has not to make any comments on what I eat, and I won't comment on what he eats. And that I would take care of all my meals. So, after many years of him serving me up food, I'm back in the kitchen.

I have never joined any groups and don't know much about the computer. So, this is a first for me. I hope I don't get too frustrated with the not understanding the computer that I just give up. Not looking forward to the 30minutes exercise, but i will do it.

Short term goal: walk to the end of my Street and back.
Final Goal:- Star McDougall.
Cathy Ann
Posts: 36
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Re: Cure for my Laziness!

Postby vegyluvver » Thu Jul 02, 2020 7:37 pm

In my experience the diet works really well without the exercise (Dr. McDougall says this too) and I have chronic pain, so I wanted to encourage you that if exercise hurts or makes you want to quit, try just the diet for a while until your body feels well enough to add exercise.
Val in SoCal
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Re: Cure for my Laziness!

Postby Joanne_elon » Sat Jul 04, 2020 10:24 am

Cathy ......good for you for being determined to take control of your health.
I just joined this group....and am so excited. Been partially doing this diet for several years,
Now ...since I gained weight with this covid shut down...I am ready to be all in. I think having other people to communicate with will help alot. it makes as accountable especially when family
and friends aren't supportive. I use to walk alot which helped keep weight off but I have had
Plantar Fascitis on and off for years. So I can relate to having a physical problem that keeps you from your goals. But.....the beauty of this diet you can lose weight without exercising!

I plan to keep eliminating non-compliant foods. I have already learned that the almond milk is not on this MWL diet. If we follow the list it has to work,

Good luck
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Re: Cure for my Laziness!

Postby Cathy Ann » Sat Jul 04, 2020 9:50 pm

Thank you for your nice comments.
I have declutted my bedroom, and i going in there 3 times a day and just do a stupid dance.and stretching. Woolla. 30minutes exercise total for the day. had vegetable soup for lunch, followed by oats. wasn't hungry last night, so just had nothing. trying not to be too obsessed with what i can't have! Had veg soup, follow by oats again, think i will just make this my staple breakfast. so very filling. plan to go to the pool latter this week, I cannot swim, but i will just walk the kiddies pool. well that's my plan in progress. Our state boarder opens up on the 10th July. and my son is flying from Sydney for a visit on the 16th July. Thank God we don't have any active Covid19 cases in our State. But I still wash my hand about 20times a day. and I have a new habit of walking on the spot while I'm handwash.
Cathy Ann
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Re: Cure for my Laziness!

Postby Cathy Ann » Sun Jul 05, 2020 2:24 am

Dinner: Indian curry veg soup, large salad, 1 dry roasted potato and 1/2 sweet potato, 4 strawberries. feel like this is too much food. Kitchen is now closed.
Cathy Ann
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Re: Cure for my Laziness!

Postby Cathy Ann » Mon Jul 06, 2020 4:39 am

public holiday here today. brunch was fresh fruit, banana, pear,strawberries. a bowl of cooked oats. I hand family over for dinner, they had roast lamb, salad, and ravioli. I had veg soup, salad, sweet potato. and tin fruit and blueberries. feel bad that i had too much fruit today, will work on that! did some stretching today. My plan tomorrow, clean bathroom and bathroom windows, and not to binge eat.
Cathy Ann
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Re: Cure for my Laziness!

Postby AnnetteW » Mon Jul 06, 2020 7:22 am

I think if one is experiencing chronic pain, it's not fair to call it laziness. I hope you can find a more positive word to focus on.

I've had pain that is so much better on this plan. Though some time back I was really having knee pains and finally went to the orthopedic surgeon for xrays/mri. But I wasn't able to follow up for a full month, so I decided to just work out as much as I could, knees would just suffer (since I thought I'd end up with surgery). Of course that didn't happen, and my knees felt so much better after a month. The tests showed the same, my knees are fine, a bit of tracking problems, but nothing else, no arthritis, no nothing (I'm 57). So he prescribed exercise!

You're on track now, you've changed to an anti-inflammatory diet, you're moving. Give yourself a good 4-6 months and I bet you'll feel much better.

Looking forward to reading your Star McDougaler story.
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Re: Cure for my Laziness!

Postby Cathy Ann » Tue Jul 07, 2020 2:28 am

Thank you, for your nice words. Yes I'm doing my own experiment, and I hope my life will be more positive in a few months time.
My home activity for tomorrow is to sort a large suitcase of clothes. I want to go to the public pool tomorrow, need the water to do some knee exercises.
not hungry for breakfast, lunch was veg soup and bowl of cooked oats. not hungry for dinner, just had a banana.
Goal that i have to achieve tomorrow: POOL and Not to binge.
Cathy Ann
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Re: Cure for my Laziness!

Postby Joanne_elon » Tue Jul 07, 2020 5:24 pm

Hi Cathy,

I saw where you mentioned you plan to make oatmeal your daily breakfast.

That is what I have been doing, Its like potatoes
something you never tire of. I use the steel cut oats. I prefer them over the Old Fashion.
They take longer to I make a batch in my instant pot. Use 2 cups raw and once their cooked I have enough for 4 days. Then I just add different fruits.

The steel cut is less refined thus it takes longer for it to be digested. I know there is oat groats
which is the least refined but I have never found those in the store. They might just be the oat groat cut in half to make steel cut.

You may already know this.....but just wanted to mention it. I was surprised
how much I like the steel cut......for some reason the old fashion I didn't enjoy without adding a sweetener. Keep up the good work! Joanne
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Re: Cure for my Laziness!

Postby Cathy Ann » Wed Jul 08, 2020 2:52 am

Thank you for that tip about the steel cut oats, I will buy them after i finish my rolled oats. I cook mine fresh every day, with cloves and mixed spice. But I will try the batch cooking with the steel oats. Well some good new, I have not watched Netflix all week,
Had a nice first day start of exercise, at the pool today although it was a bit cold. Not hungry for breakfast, Lunch was veg soup and bowl of oats, dinner was a veg soup, salad, and sweet potato, an orange and small mandarin. Kitchen Closed. Goal for tomorrow, Clean top of fringe and freezer, Go to the POOL for exercise, and not to Binge eat.
Cathy Ann
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Re: Cure for my Laziness!

Postby JeffN » Wed Jul 08, 2020 6:27 am

Cathy Ann wrote:Thank you for that tip about the steel cut oats, I will buy them after i finish my rolled oats.

In regard to oats...

Most all the food we eat is processed. All oats including the oat groat, are processed to some extent. Processing is not the issue but the 'type & degree” of the processing that is the main problem, not the rolling, steaming or cutting of the whole oat.

The processing in regard to the difference between steel cut oats, Irish oats, oat groats, and rolled oats, is minimal and rolling them and/or steaming them has virtually no impact on the nutritional value, the fiber/Kcal or the calorie density, which are the real issues. Rolled oats are 100% recommended for use by us.

The whole oat groat looks something like a kernel of rice.

Scottish Oats are the whole oat groats that has been coarsely ground into a coarse meal. This makes for a "creamier" and "thick" porridge.

Irish or Steel Cut oats are the whole oat groats that have been cut into 2 to 3 or 4 pieces. This makes for a "thicker" and “chunkier" porridge.

Rolled Oats are oat groats that have just been steamed and then flattened by rollers and can be of various degree of thickness (regular, thick, quick cut, etc). This is what we commonly know as oatmeal in America. Sadly, rolled oats and fruit have been called the equivalent of “cake,” which is not true. We serve them at the 10-day program.

The nutritional value and the calorie density of all these oats are fairly similar. The only exception is instant oats, which are often very finely ground, disrupting the fiber, and often have added sugar and/or salt.

Except for instant oats, just choose the one you enjoy the most.

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Re: Cure for my Laziness!

Postby Cathy Ann » Thu Jul 09, 2020 2:26 am

Thank you for your nutritional information about oats. Our State boarder opens up tomorrow, excluding Victoria. Melbourne had their first day, of a 6 week lock down, due to a second wave of the Virus. It is a sneaky virus. We have 2 cases in Queensland, but they are in self isolation for two weeks. Our state is now opening up, 7000 people allowed at the football tonight., sill social distancing though. Nice day at the Pool today, my lazy side didn't want to go. Not hungry for breakfast, had veg soup and bowl of oats for lunch. tonight i wasn't really hungry, but i made myself curry veg soup, salad, sweet potato and baked beans. I hate to waste food, but i just couldn't eat it all. should of just not eaten. It's hard to get your head around not eating if your not hungry at meal time. Kitchen now closed.
my goal for tomorrow, is to sort out middle shelf of bookcase. Go to the Pool for my exercise, and not to binge eat.
Cathy Ann
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Re: Cure for my Laziness!

Postby Cathy Ann » Fri Jul 10, 2020 3:11 am

The lazy me just didn't was to go to the pool today, But I did manage to overcome her, even though I was a bit late. So happy with myself this week, as I have accomplished my little set goals. and my diet changes are totally opposite now. I do get cravings, but try to think of something else. I have to be extra strong, because everything is still in the house, as my hubby like to treat himself. Not hungry for breakfast, lunch was veg soup and a bowl of oats, not hungry for dinner, just had an orange. Kitchen Closed. Goal for tomorrow, Laundry day, clean guest bedroom. visit a friend, and most important not to binge eat.
Cathy Ann
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Re: Cure for my Laziness!

Postby Cathy Ann » Sat Jul 11, 2020 3:04 am

Miss LAZY, took over today. well i do have to learn to live with her. I compromised with her today, i let her have her way today if she doesn't interfere with my pool exercise next week. I have been watching the Starch Solution Certification videos today. Was not hungry for breakfast, lunch was veg soup and bowl of oats & sweet potato, dinner was salad, boiled potato and baked beans, an orange and madarine. Sunday tomorrow, my goal is to complete the laundry and clean guest bedroom, to stick with the 10 MWL plan, and not to binge eat.
Cathy Ann
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Re: Cure for my Laziness!

Postby Cathy Ann » Sun Jul 12, 2020 3:54 am

Quite day at home today, did some house cleaning and finished watching Dr McDougall videos. Breakfast was not hungry, Lunch was veg soup and bowl of oats and sweet potato, dinnertime I did not have control of my mindfulness eating, hubby bought home fish and chips, and I found my hand was just in automatic mode. Chips to mouth. Grrr. I don't know what has bought on a mini binge, but I also had bread and peanut butter. grrr. Tomorrow is a new day, goal is to go to the pool. do something nice self care, forgive myself, and no binge eating.
Cathy Ann
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