Blood Pressure Spikes Random or hormones?

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Blood Pressure Spikes Random or hormones?

Postby VegMama83 » Tue Aug 24, 2021 5:40 am

Hello All,

I am new to the forum and have been eating whole foods plant based for almost two months now. I developed high blood pressure during labour with my third child. Before that, I have never had high BP that I am aware of. Anyway, it took 3 months for my BP to come down and get off the pills. I was off the pills for over a year when suddenly I had funny vision (doctor thought it was a migraine from my description) and my bp shot up to 198/150, which scared the hell out of me and I went straight to hospital and popped a leftover BP pill, which helped to slowly bring it down to safer levels. I met with a doctor and after a week I reduced my BP pill by half with doctors guidance and then a further week got off it, after the first week I started to do whole foods plant based diet. My levels were pretty good at 115/75 average and then I got a spike in my BP and it went up to 170/100. This happened at the start of my period, which also happened my period before that and coincidentally when I had my huge spike of 198/150 I was also on my period....I am wondering if hormones could cause these random spikes? My BP then comes down after a day to the range of 130/85 and then a couple more days later down to 120/80 and I am assuming it will go back down to the 115/75 in the next day or two....I think I will know for sure during my next period if some sort of hormone shift causes this big spike. I will also ask the Doctor when I see him next week, as I will be fitted for the 24 hour BP monitoring device.

I am just curious if anyone has had this or read about this before (the correlation between spikes and monthly cycle)? OR is it just a coincidence for me and I get random huge spikes. I am 38, healthy weight with a BMI of 18.7, which I know is a little on the low side, but its because of the change of diet and me exercising now I have lost a little weight. Before I just ate whatever and as much dairy, meat etc that I wanted and remained slim (I always could do this, but then I had high cholesteral and developed high BP as a result!). So anyways, I have cleaned up my act and doing this diet and going to pilates, jump, spin class 5-7 days a week now. I started the exercising about 3 weeks ago. Does it take time for my BP to stop these spikes? I am also a very anxious person. I have huge health anxiety, which I am sure effects my BP. An example of what I eat:

1 cup of oats cooked with water, one mashed banana, strawberries, blue berries, flax meal and some walnuts. (Should I cut the walnuts out? I felt like I needed a little bit of fat to help me not to lose more weight....and I added flax because I read how not to die and it was suggest flax could help lower BP.

brown rice with lentils, tomatoes, spinach, sweet potato, carrots

a few hours later I will have a second serving of the above (this helps stop me losing weight)

apple, berries or sometimes a smoothie w oats

dinner is usually something like pasta with a veggie sauce or a huge salad with bread and humus (i did read humus is high fat, so maybe this is something i need to cut as well?)

I would like to have a BP of 110/70, with my diet and exercise efforts (dont we all :) )
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Re: Blood Pressure Spikes Random or hormones?

Postby Lyndzie » Fri Aug 27, 2021 3:33 pm

Hey there.

I’m not sure if your blood pressure spikes are related to your cycle, but have you looked at your sodium intake?

You are fine to eat bread, crackers and dried fruits to keep the calories up. If your cholesterol is fine, then nuts are probably fine, too, but I’d keep them to a minimum if you cholesterol is still high. Also, lead with starch. Veggies are great, but very low calorie. Center your meal around starch.

Jeff recently posted about compliant bread, so be sure to check the label and make sure it is no oil AND low sodium.
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Re: Blood Pressure Spikes Random or hormones?

Postby VegMama83 » Tue Aug 31, 2021 6:09 am

Many thanks for your response. I do not eat foods with added sodium. Everything is mainly whole foods plant based. I add a tiny bit of iodine salt once in a while, as I read in one of Dr Mcdougal's articles he recommends that as we need the iodine. And its only bad if you get too much sodium through processed foods. The only processed food I am having is humus sometimes. I guess I should just start making my own humus!

I am currently doing the 24 hour BP will see what the doctor says.
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