Excessive saliva

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Excessive saliva

Postby RoseLilly » Wed Sep 29, 2021 12:33 pm

Suddenly in March 2014 my saliva started to become excessive. I could constantly feel my saliva glands producing saliva and feel it pooling in my mouth. To start with it was very watery and made it hard for me to talk and I felt I was constantly needing to swallow.
Over time the consistency thickened to become a little thicker but still constant. Sometimes it makes my mouth feel extremely slimy.
Doctors have treated me for gastric reflux, which I don’t have and sinus issues as I also have constant post nasal drip.
I myself have tried various types of anti histamine medication. All to no avail.
As I say, the onset was sudden. I get the occasional day when it appears a little less but it never completely stops.
Oddly enough though I don’t seem to drool at night.
Along with the excess saliva I get frequent tender glands under the chin area. My left side of my face and ear frequently ache.
I have been to see a maxillary specialist and whilst he could see that I had tenderness in the glands under my tongue there was no obvious reason for this to be happening as x rays showed nothing suspect.
It is making me miserable as it is at the least uncomfortable and unpleasant and at the worst painful.
Also the constant swallowing has led to some very heavy lines around my lips which are very aging.
I might add that at the same time I noticed that the right side of my mouth seemed to droop.
Also my inner lip and cheeks seem to be a little swollen and I constantly seem to be biting down on them, almost as if they are getting in the way.
Any suggestions would be helpful.
Posts: 13
Joined: Wed Sep 08, 2021 12:57 am

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